Marine Corp Fitness Training
Sports Nutrition
Within each category, foods and juices are listed according to the diseases and generative conditions
they help cure and prevent. All therapeutic foods should be consumed as fresh as possible, without incompatible combinations
of other foods, and all juices should be consumed raw immediately after extraction.
Digestive system Abdominal pain caused by excess gas and acid owing to fermentation and putrefaction of improperly
combined foods. Cleansing is the very first step towards resolving this issue followed by the below nutritional
guidelines. Carrot (10 oz), beet (3 oz) and cucumber (3 oz) juice: this blend of juices is very rich in the
organic alkalizing elements sodium, potassium and phosphorus; neutralizes acid, helps expel gas, promotes peristalsis; 2 pints
daily. Yogurt: benefits all forms of indigestion: restores friendly intestinal bacteria: soothes inflamed
intestinal lining; 6-8 oz daily. Spinach (bulk or juice): detoxifies digestive tract; restores pH balance; soothes intestinal inflammation;
promotes peristalsis; must be taken raw, either in salad, or as 6 oz juice mixed with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily. Other beneficial foods: zucchini, raw tomatoes, raw
apples (on empty stomach), dark grapes. Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk, cooked eggs, overcooked
meats, refined sugars and starches. Diabetes and pancreatitis Inability of pancreas to produce sufficient insulin to metabolize sugars, owing to long-term
excess consumption of refined sugars and starches; inflammation of pancreas due to excess demand for pancreatic enzymes in
the stomach. Cleansing is the very first step towards resolving this issue followed by the below nutritional
guidelines. String beans (bulk or juice): rich in potassium, helps restore deficient pancreas exhausted by excess
demand for insulin and other enzymes; alkalizes the pancreas; as bulk, steamed lightly; as juice, extract raw, 1 pint daily;
may be mixed with carrot juice for flavor. Brussels sprouts (bulk or juice): rich in alkalizing elements with specific affinity for the pancreas;
steam lightly for bulk consumption; extract raw juice, and mix with carrot juice, if desired; 1 pint daily. Molasses: use unsulphured molasses only; all cases of diabetes and pancreatitis are associated with
iron deficiency; molasses is one of natures riches sources of organic iron and copper, which work together; take 2 tbsp. molasses
in large cup of warm water, 1-2 times daily; absolute abstention from refined starch and sugar required; this regimen has
corrected diabetes, pancreatitis and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in 1-2 months; flavor molasses with 1/2 tsp. vanilla or
almond extract, if desired. Other beneficial foods: active yeast dissolved in
warm water (one small packet of powder per cup); raw tomatoes; cucumbers, raw spinach; asparagus. Foods to avoid: all refined sugars and starches;
overcooked meat; cooked potatoes; bananas, figs, dates, raisins; salt, pepper, mustard. Gastric distress in stomach owing to excess gas and acid formed by incompatible combinations
of foods, stimulating spices, alcohol, coffee and other irritants. Like in most ailments colon cleansing and fasting are the very first steps in correcting this
condition, followed by nutritional therapy. Yogurt: soothes inflammation; neutralizes toxic gas and acids; promotes efficient digestion. Plain
yogurt only, may be flavored with a little molasses, if desired. Carrot, beet and cucumber juice: powerful alkalizing blend; neutralizes stomach acidity; promotes
digestion in stagnant stomach; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 1-2 pints daily. Spinach (raw or juice): detoxifies intestinal tract; restores pH balance; soothes inflammation;
consume raw in salad, or as juice, 6 oz with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily. Grapes: dark grapes, raw 1-2 pounds daily, with no other food, for 1-3 days; or raw juice equivalent;
powerful organic alkalizing and detoxifying elements. Apple cider vinegar: contains malic acid (all other vinegar's contain acetic acid), which is highly
beneficial to digestion; balances stomach pH; 2 tsp. in glass of water, 2-3 times daily as needed. Other beneficial foods: almonds, molasses, raw apples,
raw tomatoes, papaya. Foods to avoid: deep fat fried foods; pickled and
smoked foods; salt preserved foods; vinegar (except apple cider vinegar); hot peppers, mustard, alcohol, coffee, sweet carbonated
soft drinks. Liver (cirrhosis and hepatitis) Hardening, congestion and impairment of liver owing to excess consumption of refined starches
(especially white flour), refined sugars, hydrogenated fats and overcooked meats, and insufficient raw food in diet; also
due to excess use of alcohol and drugs, including nicotine. As in most ailments colon cleansing and fasting are the very first steps in correcting this condition,
followed by nutritional therapy. Yeast: active yeast is a potent source of B vitamins and pangamic acid, all of which are vital for
liver function and help reduce liver inflammation; alkalizes the liver and stimulates liver functions; 1 packet of granular
active yeast in a glass of warm water, twice per day, on empty stomach only; do not mix with other foods. Tomato: raw tomato is especially effective in reducing inflammation of liver due to hepatitis and
cirrhosis; best taken for 1-3 days exclusive of other food, either bulk or raw juice; may be mixed with carrot juice for flavor
and extra therapeutic benefit. Carrot juice: fresh raw carrot juice is one of the best liver detoxifiers when consumed in quantities
of 2-3 pints daily. Such dosage sometimes results in an orange tinge in the skin; contrary to popular belief, this is not
caused by carotene, any more than beets turn you red or spinach green; the orange tinge is due to toxic bile being purged
from the liver by the mega-dosage of carrot juice; the bloodstream cannot excrete the bile fast enough through the kidneys,
so it is purged through the skin; when liver is clean, you won't turn orange, regardless of how much carrot juice you drink. Summer squash: especially rich in sodium, summer squash is an excellent alkalizing remedy for acidosis
of liver and blood due to depressed liver function. Lightly steamed, no salt or spices. Other beneficial foods: beets (raw juice or bulk);
cabbage; zucchini; string beans (bulk or juice); calves liver; raw spinach; sunflower seeds; soy beans. Foods to avoid: deep fat fried foods; overcooked
meats; refined sugars and starches; alcohol; drugs; foods with chemical additives and preservatives. Excess adipose tissue deposited throughout the body, especially abdomen, buttocks and thighs,
owing to excessive consumption of refined starch and sugar and habitual consumption of incompatible food combinations. Obesity is sometimes due to glandular disorders, but such disorders are often also the direct
result of poor dietary habits and may therefore be corrected with the same nutritional therapy; fasting and colon cleansing
are absolutely essential first steps in correcting both obesity and glandular disorders, followed by nutritional therapy,
herbal therapy, and body work. Carrot juice: raw carrot juice cleanses the entire digestive tract of morbid wastes, detoxifies
the liver, and balances the endocrine system, all of which help cure and prevent obesity; 2 pints daily. Carrot, beet and cucumber juice: a major symptom of obesity is severe acidosis of blood and tissues;
this blend has potent alkalizing properties in the bloodstream and kidneys, thus promoting efficient metabolism and excretion
of wastes, 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 2 pints daily. Spinach: raw spinach is one of nature's best antidotes for lower bowel stagnation, which is a common
cause of obesity; consume raw in salads, or 6 oz juice mixed with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily. Cabbage juice: raw cabbage juice detoxifies the stomach and upper bowels of putrefactive wastes,
thereby improving digestive efficiency and facilitating rapid elimination; mix half/half with carrot juice; 1 pint daily. Other beneficial foods: all raw vegetables and raw
fruits which provide the active enzymes, organic alkaline minerals and moist raw fiber required for digestive and metabolic
efficiency. Foods to avoid: all refined starch and sugar, especially
white bread and sweet pastries; overcooked meats; fatty meats; chocolate; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; alcohol. Severe inflammation and irritation of the lining of the stomach and duodenum owing to fermentation
and putrefaction of incompatible combinations of foods, excess consumption of chemical additives and preservatives, excess
alcohol, and excessively stimulating spices. Colon cleansing and fasting are the very first steps in correcting this condition, followed by
nutritional therapy. Cabbage juice: has potent cleansing and reducing properties; best taken half/half with carrot juice,
1-2 pints daily. Yogurt: soothes inflamed ulcers; restores pH balance. Grapes: raw dark grapes, pulp or juice, 1-2 pounds daily, exclusive of other food, 1-3 days. Other beneficial foods: raw goat's milk; raw egg
yolk; raw black cherries or juice; papaya. Foods to avoid: vinegar (except apple cider vinegar);
pickled and smoked foods; overcooked meats; hot peppers, mustard, curry; coffee, alcohol.
Excretory system These skin conditions are caused mainly by excessive putrefactive waste matter in the body's excretory
channels, and extreme acidosis of blood due to accumulation of toxic wastes. When wastes are retained and the colon is clogged, the body purges toxins through the skin and lungs,
where these toxins cause abscesses, tumors, inflammation and eruptions. Also due specifically to poor metabolism of fats. Colon cleansing, therapeutic juice fasting, liver cleansing and parasite cleansing are the very first
step towards firmly resolving this issue followed by the below nutritional guidelines. Wheat germ oil: rich in inositol, which enhances metabolism of fats, thereby reducing excretory burden on
skin; contains pyridoxine, which enhances peristalsis and thus improves digestion and assimilation of nutrients and elimination
of wastes; 1-2 tsp. daily, after meals; may also be rubbed directly onto skin eruptions. Wheat germ: same benefits as wheat germ oil, but less concentrated; also rich in silicon, which builds strong
fingernails and healthy hair. Cucumbers (bulk or juice): raw cucumbers are rich in potassium, sodium and phosphorus, which neutralize
blood acidosis; potent diuretic properties, which facilitate excretion of wastes through kidneys, so that they need not be
purged through skin; also good for nails and hair; in raw bulk, or as juice, mixed 1/3 cucumber to 2/3 carrot, 2-3 pints daily. Garlic: purifies the bloodstream and purges body of toxic wastes; garlic ethers reach the skin soon after
consumption, killing bacteria attracted to festering eruptions; must be taken raw. Green (sweet) pepper juice: in combination with equal parts carrot juice; 1-2 pints daily. Other beneficial foods: active yeast (in warm water); soy
beans; fresh lemon juice (no sugar); alfalfa tea; raw potato slices rubbed directly on skin eruptions and raw potato juice
(1/2 pint daily) Foods to avoid: deep fat fried foods; refined starch and
sugar; hydrogenated fats; cooked fatty meats, especially hamburgers on white buns; hot peppers; chocolate. Hives, rashes, runny nose and other irritations after consuming certain foods, usually fresh raw foods. Raw foods are such excellent and efficient detoxifiers that they cause a cathartic excretion of accumulated
toxins, usually through the skin (for example, orange liver bile excreting through the skin owing to large intake of raw carrot
juice). Such 'allergies' disappear entirely when the body is thoroughly detoxified; fasting and colon cleansing
with irrigations is absolutely the quickest, least expensive and most effective therapy followed by the below nutritional
guidelines and energy work. Carrot juice: detoxifies the liver, blood and intestinal tract; balances pH throughout the system; 2-3 pints
daily. Cucumber juice: purges blood and kidneys of acids and other toxins, thereby enhancing excretion of wastes;
balances pH; may be mixed with carrot juice, 2 pints daily. Wheat germ oil: rich in inositol, which improves metabolism, preventing accumulation of toxic wastes; improves
oxygen absorption in blood, which facilitates efficient, toxin-free metabolism. Other beneficial foods: fresh lemon or grapefruit juice (no
sugar) in distilled water; raw egg yolk; raw potato juice; barely tea. Foods to avoid: refined starch and sugar; pasteurized milk;
cooked eggs; overcooked meats; hydrogenated fats; chemical additives and preservatives. Caused by deposits of inorganic calcium in the cartilage of joints, where they eventually form 'spurs'
that cause intense pain and inhibit movement of joints. These deposits are caused by incomplete digestion of incompatible foods and accumulation of toxic wastes
throughout the system; the body dumps these inorganic minerals in the joints, where they won't pollute the bloodstream. Excess consumption of concentrated starch and sugar, and too much cooked meat in the diet, are major
factors. Cleansing the HPS-ONLINE way is the very first step towards resolving this issue followed by the below
nutritional guidelines. We have HPS online cleansers who have completely healed their arthritis, some saving in the process
US$25,000 a year in medications. You can too! Celery juice: rich in organic sodium, which dislodges inorganic calcium deposits from joints and holds them
in solution until eliminated through kidneys; 1 pint daily; 2 pints if mixed with carrot juice. Grapefruit juice: fresh raw grapefruit juice (no sugar) is highly effective in dissolving deposits of inorganic
calcium in joints; mix half/half with distilled water, 1-2 pints daily. Bone meal: bone meal is a rich source of readily assimilable organic calcium and other vital minerals that
are indispensable for proper bone and joint formation; mix 1-2 tsp. into any raw juice in the morning. Cherries: raw black cherries contain active enzymes that help dissolve calcium spurs in joints; eat about
1 pound on empty stomach and take no other food for at least 12 hours, continue for 1-3 days in severe cases. Grapes: when eaten exclusively for 1-5 days, depending on severity, raw black grapes provide amazing therapeutic
relief for acute arthritis; 2-3 pounds per day; chew skin, seeds and pulp very well before swallowing. Other beneficial foods: molasses, alfalfa (tea or sprouts);
asparagus, whole barely; whole lemon, lime or orange pureed in blender with 1 cup distilled water (including peel, fibers
and seeds). Foods to avoid: incompatible combinations, especially of
protein and starch; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; ice cream; salt; excessive consumption of cooked foods, especially animal
proteins. Inflammation of the colon owing to prolonged chronic constipation and a critical deficiency of live active
enzymes and moist raw fiber in the diet. The first and foremost measure against this dangerous condition which often results in surgical colostomies
is to thoroughly clean out the colon of putrefactive wastes and solid obstructions with a 7-day fast and twice daily colonic
irrigations followed by dietary adjustments to prevent occurrence. Carrots (juice or bulk): grated raw carrots are an excellent preventative against colitis; providing both
live enzymes and moist raw fiber for proper bowel function; best when supplemented with 1-2 pints daily of raw carrot juice. Carrot and spinach juice: raw spinach juice is nature's best remedy for chronic constipation and inflammation
of the colon; 6 oz spinach/10 oz carrot, 2 pints daily. Molasses: a mild but dependable laxative, molasses also provides vital mineral salts required to restore
and maintain colon health; 2 tbsp. in warm water, twice daily. Figs: fresh or sun dried figs are also an excellent natural laxative for sluggish bowels; the tiny seeds
gather toxic wastes and mucus in the colon and drag them out with feces. Cabbage juice: raw cabbage juice effectively breaks up accumulation of putrefactive wastes in the intestines;
its high sulfur and chlorine content makes it an excellent bowel cleanser; works so fast that foul gas often expelled soon
after ingestion; 1 pint daily, or 2 pints mixed half/half with carrot juice. Other beneficial foods: papaya; almonds; sunflower seeds;
apple cider vinegar (2 tsp. in distilled water); squash. Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; cooked meat;
refined starch and sugar, especially white flour and sweet pastries. Excessive consumption of devitalized and cooked foods, especially in incompatible combination, results
in sluggish bowels and chronic constipation. The colon and GI Tract fills with mucus, feces and toxic by-products of fermentation and putrefaction,
which impair peristalsis, irritates the colon, and eventually poisons the bloodstream by osmosis. Colon cleansing using the home colonic irrigations system combined and therapeutic juice fasting
for 7 days are the very first steps in eliminating constipation forever, followed by additional cleansing a few months later
supplemented with nutritional therapy, herbal therapy, massage and energy work. Constipation can become history. Figs: fresh or sun dried figs cleanse the bowels of toxic waste and mucus and serve as a natural laxative;
for an excellent therapeutic drink for constipation, put 3 figs in blender with one ripe banana, 2 tbsp. molasses and 1 cup
of water and blend till smooth. Molasses: 2 tbsp. in warm water, twice daily. Spinach: raw spinach is nature's best remedy for irritated and sluggish bowels; as juice mix 6 oz spinach
with 10 oz carrot, 2 pints daily. Carrot: grated raw carrots supplemented with 2 pints raw carrot juice should be consumed daily by those
with chronic constipation. Other beneficial foods: papaya; squash; raw apples; ripe
bananas; raw almonds. Foods to avoid: never use mineral oil as a laxative: it robs
the digestive tract of all oil-soluble vitamins, such as A, E & D, and is not as effective as figs or molasses; also avoid
pasteurized milk, cooked eggs, overcooked meats, and refined starch. Are you ready to learn more about constipation right now? Lets do it, five pages in all. Fevers are the result of the body trying to 'incinerate' waste matter stirred up in the system as the
result of other conditions, such as colds, flu and infectious diseases. Hippocrates wrote, "If you feed a fever, you'll have to starve a cold", which has been misquoted as 'Feed
a fever, starve a cold'. Thus, the best remedy for any fever is complete fasting be it water fasting or juice fasting (i.e. curtailing
all intake of solid and semi solid food) plus home colonic irrigation' to accelerate elimination of waste matter from the
body. If you 'feed a fever' with light food, you'll only make things worse. Take note. Citrus juice: the only thing a fever patient should be given is freshly extracted lemon, lime, orange or
grapefruit juice, diluted half/half with distilled water, with no sugar or ice; citrus fruit acids help loosen, dissolve and
eliminate mucus and other toxic wastes throughout the system. Foods to avoid: all foods and beverages, except for distilled
water and the juices mentioned above. Are you ready to learn more about therapeutic fasting? 5 minutes to get some basics. Closely related to rheumatism, gout is the inflammation of bones and ligaments in joints, owing to formation
of acid crystals; this is caused mainly by diets that contain too much fatty meat, salt and alcohol, and insufficient quantities
of raw, enzyme-active foods. Cleansing is the very first step towards resolving this issue followed by the below nutritional guidelines. Carrot, beet, cucumber juice: the potent alkalizing properties of this blend help rebalance pH in blood
and tissues and dissolve acid crystals in joints; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 1-2 pints daily. Parsley juice: raw parsley facilitates oxygen metabolism and stimulates adrenal secretions; both actions
relieve the discomfort to gout and help correct the excess acidity of blood and tissues which causes it; mix 4 oz parsley
juice with 12 oz carrot juice, 1 pint daily. Celery juice: rich in organic sodium, iron, calcium and magnesium, it corrects blood acidosis, dissolves
deposits of inorganic calcium in joints, and provides the organic calcium required for repair of damaged ligaments and bones;
mix half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily. Other beneficial foods: cabbage; fresh citrus juice (no sugar);
raw black cherries (exclusively for 24 hours); raw black grapes (exclusively for 1-3 days); alfalfa tea or sprouts. Foods to avoid: fatty meats, especially pork; organ meats,
especially liver; cooked spinach; cooked tomatoes; dry beans; alcohol; salt. This increasingly common affliction is caused by stagnation and coagulation of blood fibron in the tiny
capillaries that feed the anus and lower rectum. This is mainly the result of sticky toxic waste in the blood stream, owing to excess consumption of refined
starch, especially white bread and other flour products. In addition to dietary adjustments, daily practice of the anal sphincter exercise and defecation in the
squatting position help correct and cure this condition. Colon cleansing with home colonic irrigations and therapeutic juice fasting to cleanse the bloodstream
is of course imperative to help correct, heal and eliminate hemorrhoids. It's the first step in any preventative hemorrhoid
program too. Jos-hua had hemorrhoids for years. After cleansing no more. You can too! Carrot and spinach juice: this blend benefits all colon condition; restores proper blood pH; eliminates
the sticky wastes that clog anal capillaries; 1-2 pints daily, 6 oz spinach to 10 oz carrot. Celery juice: hemorrhoids are sometimes the result of insufficient supplies of organic sulfur, iron and
calcium in the diet; celery juice provides abundant supplies of these elements; may be mixed half/half with carrot juice,
2 pints daily, or 1 pint straight. Apple cider vinegar: 2 tsp. in a glass of water, 2-3 times daily, prevents excessive bleeding in hemorrhoids
by balancing the bloodstream and lowering blood pressure. Other beneficial foods: turnips; watercress; parsley. Foods to avoid: refined starch and sugar; especially white
bread and sweet pastries; all pasta; chili peppers; persimmons. Kidney inflammation This and related kidney conditions, such as kidney stones, are the result of excessive retention of uric
acid in the kidneys, owing to an overload of acid wastes in the blood from incomplete digestion of improperly combined foods. Left unattended, uric acids forms painful crystals or 'stones' in the kidneys. Colon cleansing and therapeutic juice fasting are the first steps in correcting this condition, followed
by nutritional therapy and body work. Asparagus: contains asparamid, nature's most effective kidney diuretic; asparagus gives urine a strong odor
of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is being rapidly expelled; asparamid breaks up oxalic acid crystals in kidneys
and muscles (cooked spinach and cooked tomatoes leave oxalic acid in the system); steam a bunch of fresh asparagus for 3 minutes
or less and consume immediately, once daily. Raw beet juice: raw red beet juice has strong natural affinity for kidneys; it is one of natures best kidney
cleansers, dissolving acid crystals and quickly eliminating the 'gravel' from the kidneys; its affinity for kidneys is reflected
in red coloration of urine; take 8 oz raw beet juice, 2-3 tsp. at a time, over a 24 hour period, with no other foods. Watermelon: for nephritis, the watermelon cure is an excellent adjunct to asparagus therapy; eat nothing
for lightly steamed asparagus and bits of raw watermelon for 24-48 hours. Cucumbers: raw cucumber, in bulk or juice, are excellent kidney diuretics and alkalizing agents; may be
mixed with carrot and beet juice, 2 pints daily. Other beneficial foods: apple cider vinegar; barley water;
parsley; carrot juice; lecithin; cabbage; black grapes. Foods to avoid: salt and salt-preserved foods; soy sauce;
shellfish; strong coffee and tea; cooked spinach and tomatoes; alcohol; hot peppers. Closely related to gout, rheumatism is caused by heavy retention of uric acid, which eventually is absorbed
into muscles, where it crystallizes. The condition is further aggravated by heavy consumption of cooked animal proteins, which cannot be properly
digested and metabolized when the system is saturated with excess uric acid. Colon cleansing and therapeutic juice fasting are the very first steps in correcting this condition,
followed by nutritional therapy and lifestyle changes, primarily food consumption changes. Start with these juices. Carrot, beet, cucumber juice: this potent alkalizing blend dissolves uric acid crystals in muscle tissue
and kidneys; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 2 pints daily, taken in 6 equal doses throughout the day. Lemon juice: dissolves and neutralizes uric acid crystals, thereby facilitating their rapid elimination
through the kidneys; take the juice of one whole lemon in a tumble or warm distilled water (with no sugar), 4-5 times throughout
the day; efficacy is doubled if taken mid-way between doses of carrot, beet, cucumber juice. Spinach: raw spinach helps dissolve uric acid crystals in blood and tissue and cleanses the lower bowels
of putrefactive wastes that contribute to accumulations of excess acidity; 6 oz with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily. Other beneficial foods: parsley; asparagus; grapefruit juice
(mixed with distilled water); cabbage; dark grapes, raw tomatoes. Foods to avoid: cooked meats; refined starch and sugar; salt
and salt preserved foods; hot peppers; mustard. This is a condition of general toxicity throughout the system, caused by auto-intoxication of the bloodstream,
owing to huge accumulations of toxic waste matter in the intestinal tract. Probably your are suffering from it right now,
without even knowing it. Even worst, maybe you think the answer is in herbal supplements. That is what most people think. Toxemia at its worst is characterized by severe acidosis of the blood, chronic fatigue, irritability
and depression, skin eruptions, body odor, bad breath and poor digestion. A host of illnesses and chronic health problems
disappear once toxemia is cleared. The foremost measure against toxemia is therapeutic fasting with daily home colonic irrigations (twice
daily), followed by nutritional therapy and permanent adjustments in dietary habits. Watch your energy soar after removing
toxemia from your body and mind. Carrot, beet, cucumber juice: restores pH balance in blood; dissolves acid crystals; cleanses bowels; builds
strong blood plasma; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 2 pints daily. Carrot and spinach juice: cleanses and tonifies lower bowels; detoxifies bloodstream; balances pH; restores
peristalsis and general colon health; builds strong blood plasma, 100 oz/6 oz, 2 pints daily. Cabbage juice: a powerful cleanser and detoxifier for the stomach and upper bowels, raw cabbage juice is
especially effective against protein putrefaction; 5 oz with 11 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily. Other beneficial foods: parsley; celery juice; asparagus; grapefruit juice (in distilled water); black grapes
(exclusively 1-3 days); black cherries (exclusively 1-3 days). Foods to avoid: incompatible food combinations especially
of animal protein and concentrated starch; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; overcooked meats; refined sugars, especially sweetened
soft drinks. Learn more about Toxemia right now. Tissue management through bowel cleansing is the place to start. Respiratory system Coughs are caused mainly by the body's attempt to rid itself of excess toxic mucus through the lungs
and bronchial tubes; the toxins irritate tender lining of throat, causing the throat to 'cough it up'. Pineapple: fresh ripe pineapple is rich in bromelin, a proteolytic (protein digesting enzyme); bromelin
literally 'digests' dead and diseased cells and foreign microbes in the throat; cut pineapple into cubes, chew well, and let
juice dribble down the throat, but spit out the pulp; or gargle with the freshly extracted juice of ripe pineapple, and spit
it out. Persimmons: raw, very ripe persimmons soothe sore throats and contain enzymes that break down damaged cells
and foreign microbes. Horseradish and lemon juice: for coughs and accompanied by heavy mucus congestion in lungs and sinuses;
same usage as asthma Whole lemon puree: puree a whole lemon (with skin, fiber and seeds) in blender with a cup of distilled water,
and drink slowly; flavor with 1 tbsp. molasses, if desired, but no sugar; dissolves mucus, restores mucus membranes; biflavonoids
in skin and fiber assist in restoring tissue integrity in respiratory system. Other beneficial foods: carrot juice; raw radishes; cranberries
(as for asthma): raw spinach, raw garlic; molasses. Foods to avoid: pasteurized milks and all dairy products;
all cooked food; all refined starch and sugar; eat nothing but raw fruit and raw vegetable juice. Circulatory system A condition also known as 'tired blood', anemia is caused by critical deficiency of red blood corpuscles,
especially the oxygen-carrying element hemoglobin. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, lethargy, depression and loss of sexual
drive. This condition is due entirely to poor dietary habits, especially the exclusive consumption of cooked,
denatured, processed foods, pasteurized milk and refined starch; heavy smoking may also be a contributing factor. Herbal therapy is the first step in dealing with this followed by colon cleansing and fasting. nutritional
therapy is to follow. Molasses: molasses is nature's richest source of organic iron and copper, which work together to build 'strong
blood', especially the iron dependent protein hemoglobin; 2 tbsp in a glass of warm water, twice daily. Wheat germ oil: enhances the blood's capacity to carry oxygen, thereby correcting blood deficiency' 1 tsp
of pure wheat germ oil after breakfast and again after dinner. Lecithin: builds strong blood plasma and dissolves sticky deposits in arteries, thereby enhancing blood's
capacity to assimilate and transport oxygen and nutrients; liquid lecithin from soy beans is best; raw egg yolks is another
rich source. Fennel juice: use 'Florence Flennel', also known as 'Finocchio'; specific affinity for blood stream, builds
strong blood plasma; may be taken straight, 1 pint daily, or mixed half/half with carrot juice, 2 pints daily. Red beet juice: builds red blood corpuscles and tones overall blood quality; 8 oz., taken 2-3 tsp at a time
throughout the day; or as carrot, beet, cucumber blend. Spinach: rich in organic iron and other vital minerals; builds strong blood plasma, especially iron dependent
hemoglobin; raw bulk in salads, or 6 oz juice with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily. Other beneficial foods: pomegranate; lettuce juice; dandelion
juice; asparagus; cabbage; chrysanthemum tea; black grapes; raisins; raw egg yolks, wheat germ. Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk; strong coffee and tea;
refined starch, especially white flour; canned, smoked, preserved and otherwise processed foods. Angina pectoris Painful contractions and cramps in the valves and muscles of the heart and/or pericardium, due primarily
to polluted blood, and sometimes to excess pressure from gas in the colon. Cleansing the HPS-ONLINE way is the very first step towards resolving this issue followed by the below
nutritional guidelines. Carrot, celery, parsley, spinach juice: this potent potassium-rich blend quickly detoxifies and alkalizes
the blood stream, thereby correcting a major cause of angina pectoris; builds strong blood to nourish the heart muscles; 8
oz/4 oz/2 oz/4 oz, 1 pint daily. Garlic: raw garlic consumed daily in sufficient quantities has been shown to eliminate the acute pain of
angina pectoris within 5 days; it cleanses the blood, removes sticky deposits in blood vessels, and thus enhances the quality
and quantity of blood supplied to the heart; 6-8 cloves daily (minced into salad dressing, or crushed and put into gelatin
capsules for swallowing). Black fungus: also called "Tree Ears" because it grows from the bark of trees, this Chinese delicacy contains
active elements that remove deposits from the walls of blood vessels, thus enhancing the supply of blood to the heart and
other tissues. Wheat germ oil: according to research of nutritional therapist Dr. Marsh Morrison, 1 tsp of wheat germ oil
per day provides about as much oxygen to the heart as an oxygen tent, thus relieving spasms and cramps in heart muscles and
valves. Other beneficial foods: raw spinach; wheat germ; lecithin,
pecans, active yeast (in warm water, on empty stomach); sunflower seeds, raw egg yolk. Foods to avoid: refined starch and sugar, especially white
flour; pasteurized milk and dairy products; cooked eggs and meat. The hardening of blood vessels owing to deficiency of organic calcium and other vital organic minerals,
and an excess of calcium and inorganic cholesterol, derived primarily from denatured foods, especially pasteurized milk, cooked
eggs and overcooked fatty meats; these deposits of inorganic calcium and cholesterol continue to accumulate, hardening and
narrowing the blood vessels and permitting clots to develop. Carrot, celery, parsley, spinach juice: alkalizes bloodstream; removes deposits from blood vessels; 8oz/4
oz/2 oz/4 oz, 1 pint daily. Garlic: purifies blood and removes accumulations of sticky inorganic deposits from walls of blood vessels,
thereby restoring elasticity and free flow of blood. Black fungus: a fungus that grows on the bark of trees, it contains elements that purify blood and remove
sticky deposits from blood vessels. Beet and carrot juice: raw beets purify the blood and build strong blood plasma, enhancing capacity to carry
oxygen: best mixed half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily. Other beneficial foods: raw spinach; celery; black grapes;
pumpkin seeds; raw tomatoes; seaweed (kelp). Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk and all dairy products;
cooked eggs; animal fat, expecially lard; cooked meat, especially pork; all preserved and canned foods; salt. Blood pressure (high) Excessive pressure of blood against the walls of blood vessels, owing primarily to diets of denaturated
and overcooked foods, which deposit inorganic minerals and cholesterol against walls of blood vessels, narrowing and hardening
them and raising blood pressure; also caused by excess retention of toxic by-products of protein putrefaction in the digestive
tract and liver. Carrot, celery, parsley, spinach juice: same benefits and usage for arteriosclerosis, which is accompanied
by high blood pressure. alkalizes bloodstream; removes deposits from blood vessels; 8oz/4 oz/2 oz/4 oz, 1 pint daily. Spinach: raw spinach corrects pH imbalance in the digestive tract and bloodstream, thus eliminating a major
source of the toxic wastes that leave deposits in blood vessels and raise blood pressure. Beet and carrot juice: same effects and usage for arteriosclerosis. Molasses: builds and balances the bloodstream, eliminating toxic conditions that lead to high blood pressure;
2 tbsp in cup of warm water, twice daily. Other beneficial foods: raw garlic, wheat germ oil; wheat
germ; pecans; sunflower seeds; raw tomatoes; seaweed (kelp); licithin. Foods to avoid: refinded starch and sugar; pasteurized milk;
fatty meats; salt and salt preserved foods; alcohol; stimulating spieces such as hot peppers, curry, mustard. There are dozens of different types of headaches, but most are caused primarily by excess pressure in
the tiny capillaries that feed the brain. This pressure is caused by impurities in the bloodstream, which not only block the tiny capillaries but
also deprive the brain of oxygen and glucose. Colon cleansing and fasting are the first steps in correcting this condition, followed by nutritional
therapy. We have many cleansers who report that years of headaches have finally disappeared. Yours can too! Spinach: raw spinach, as bulk or juice, purifies the bloodstream and builds up the oxygen-carrying element
of hemoglobin, thus enhancing supply or oxygen and blood to the brain. Carrot, beet, and cucumber juice: this blend breaks down acid crystals in the kidneys, thus improving the
ability to cleanse the blood of the impurities that often cause headaches when they have reach the brain; also purifies blood
and builds hemoglobin, thus enhancing oxygen supplies to brain; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 1-2 pints when headache approaches. Lecithin: 20 percent of brain tissue consists of lecithin, which when taken in combination with vitamin
C has remarkable rejuvenating effects on the brain; organic lecithin also rinses away inorganic cholesterol deposits in coronary
arteries, thereby enhancing supply of oxygenated blood to the brain; liquid lecithin extracted from soy beans is most convenient
form of supplement. Garlic: raw garlic is one of nature's best blood vessel cleansers; taken in conjunction with lecithin, in
not only eliminates toxic conditions that often cause headaches, but also enhances memory, learning and other mental functions. Other beneficial foods: lettuce juice; molasses; pecans;
wheat germ; sunflower seeds; raw egg yolk (for lecithin and organic cholesterol). Foods to avoid: refined starch, especially white flour; refined
sugar, especially sweet soft drinks; cooked eggs; pasteurized milk; cooked fatty meats. Heart disease The various forms of heart disease are primarily the result of toxic impurities clogging blood vessels. This deprives the heart muscles and valves of oxygen and puts excessive chronic strain on the heart,
which has to pump much harder than normal to push blood through a clogged circulatory system- a healthy heart pumps about
3,000 gallons of blood every 24 hours, but a heart under the stress of a clogged circulatory system must pump up to 25,000
gallons in 24 hours just to maintain sufficient circulation; obviously, such an 8-fold increase in heart strain soon leads
to heart exhaustion and disease. The prime source of the blood impurities and deposits that cause heart disease is a diet composed entirely
of denatured and cooked foods. Jos-hua always jokes that if he had heart disease the first thing he would do would be to start cleansing.
You should too. Colon cleansing and fasting are the first steps in correcting this condition, followed by nutritional
therapy and new lifestyle habits. Carrot, celery, parsley, spinach juice: the most potent blend of juices for potassium, which quickly restores
proper blood pH, helps remove deposits from blood vessels, and builds strong blood plasma, especially hemoglobin; 8 oz/4 oz/2
oz/4 oz, 1-2 pints daily. Molasses: rich in organic iron and copper, as well as potassium, all of which alkalize the bloodstream and
build strong blood plasma, which in turn benefits the heart tissues; 2 tbsp in warm water, twice daily. Grapes: the 'grape cure' (nothing but 1-3 pounds of raw black grapes for 5-7 days) has been shown by experiments
in Russia to have a direct tonifying effect on the muscles and valves of the heart; also purifies and balances the bloodstream. Wheat germ oil: greatly enhances delivery of oxygen to the heart; best when used in conjunction with raw
garlic; 1 tsp wheat germ oil and 2-3 cloves raw garlic, once or twice a day, after meals. Pecans: raw pecans are nature's richest source of readily assimilable organic pyridoxine (vitamin B6), an
element that plays an essential role in converting the amino acids from consumed proteins into usable form for the body; thus,
raw pecans assist in regeneration of damaged cells in diseased hearts; 10-15 raw pecans (or 20-30 pecan halves) per day. Other beneficial foods: raw spinach, cabbage, ripe bananas;
wheat germ; lecithin; sunflower seeds; raw garlic. Foods to avoid: refined starch, especially white bread and
pastries; refined sugar, especially sweet carbonated soft drinks (regular as well as 'diet' types); cooked eggs, pasteurized
milk, cooked fatty meats; salt. Varicose veins This condition is caused by deposits of inorganic calcium, cholesterol and other inorganic elements in
the walls of veins, causing them to clog up and bulge outward through the skin; refined starch and sugar are primary dietary
culprits. Most HPS cleansers rave about their skin after their online cleansing. How young, soft, shiny it becomes.
No one has yet talked about varicose veins. Send us your testimonial with an active email address. We would like to hear from you. Thanks. Spinach: raw spinach detoxifies and stimulates the lower bowel, so that wastes are eliminated there rather
than accumulating and polluting the blood stream; builds and balances blood; as juice mix 6 oz with 10 oz carrot juice, 2
pints daily. Red beet juice: another potent purifier and builder of blood, raw beet juice eliminates the blood toxemia
that causes varicose veins; best taken half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints; or sip 8 oz of the straight beet juice slowly
throughout the day. Garlic: raw garlic dissolves the deposits of inorganic calcium and cholesterol that lead to varicose veins. Parsley juice: raw parsley juice is one of the most potent of all vegetable juices for enhancing oxygen
metabolism, cleansing the blood, dissolving sticky deposits in veins and maintaining elasticity of blood vessels, especially
delicate capillaries; it's too strong to take straight and should be mixed with 4 oz to 12 oz carrot juice, or with other
blends, 1 pint daily. Other beneficial foods: lettuce juice; turnips; watercress;
black grapes (exclusively for 1-5 days, depending on severity), Black Fungus; molasses; lecithin. Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk, refined starch, especially
white flour; refined sugar; cooked eggs and overcooked meats; hydrogenated fats; alcohol. Nervous system Eye trouble Most eye trouble is due to insufficient circulation and nutritional deficiency in the eyes muscles and
the optic nerves. The optic nerve is one of the most powerful nerves in the body and uses up to 30% of available glucose
(blood sugar). When blood sugar runs dry, all nerves must rely on glycogen from the liver; any interruption in glycogen
supple due to liver dysfunction is often reflected in eye trouble. Chinese physicians always first look to the liver when treating eye problems; a polluted bloodstream
can also cause serious eye problems. HPS online cleansers do serious liver cleansing in Level 3 of the 7 Day Wonder online guided cleanse.
Until then they do a lot of the below. Sunflower seeds: are rich in organic vitamin A and other vital eye nutrients; Dr. Marsh Morrison has show
that 2 oz of raw sunflower seeds per day, in conjunction with abstention form all animal proteins, clears up most eye problems
within 2 weeks. Carrot, celery, endive, parsley juice: this blend provides potent nourishment to the entire optic system,
including nerves and muscles; carrots provide organic vitamin A as carotene, endives are rich in other nutrients with specific
affinity for the eyes; 8 oz/4 oz/3 oz/2 oz, 1-2 pints daily. Dandelion juice: rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron, raw dandelion juice alkalizes the
bloodstream and provides a blend of organic nutrients of specific benefit to the nervous system, of which the optic nerve
is the busiest component; mix half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily. Spinach: raw spinach is another good source of organic vitamin A for the optic system; also builds strong
blood due to rich supplies of organic iron, and this enhances circulation of oxygenated blood to the eyes. Other beneficial foods: carrots; watercress; apricots; turnip
greens; calves liver. Foods to avoid: deep fat fried foods; refined sugar and starch,
hot peppers; alcohol; mineral oil (laxative). Reproductive system Genitals (to be posted Winter 2003) Immune Quiz
If your score is any where between 75-100% you are on your way towards strengthening
and maintaining good health. Congratulations. Keep practicing and your immune system will continue to strengthen. Learn and practice fasting and internal cleansing to give your immune system
If your score is anything less than 75%, we suggest you do a few things immediately:
(1) Reread the material in this section and commit to memory. Share this
with family, friends and your co-workers. ( Use your browser to print this page and give it to
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