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Food Profiles Information

REAL  FOOD  has to be LIVE FOOD, by definition.
Food and juices that help healing

Therapeutic foods and juices are listed according the their natural affinities and therapeutic effects within the body's six major functional systems: digestive, excretory, respiratory, circulatory, nervous and reproductive systems.

Within each category, foods and juices are listed according to the diseases and generative conditions they help cure and prevent. 

All therapeutic foods should be consumed as fresh as possible, without incompatible combinations of other foods, and all juices should be consumed raw immediately after extraction.

REAL  FOOD  has to be LIVE FOOD, by definition.

Digestive system


Abdominal pain caused by excess gas and acid owing to fermentation and putrefaction of improperly combined foods. 

Cleansing is the very first step towards resolving this issue followed by the below nutritional guidelines.

Carrot (10 oz), beet (3 oz) and cucumber (3 oz) juice: this blend of juices is very rich in the organic alkalizing elements sodium, potassium and phosphorus; neutralizes acid, helps expel gas, promotes peristalsis; 2 pints daily.

Yogurt: benefits all forms of indigestion: restores friendly intestinal bacteria: soothes inflamed intestinal lining; 6-8 oz daily.

Spinach (bulk or juice): detoxifies digestive tract; restores pH balance; soothes intestinal inflammation; promotes peristalsis; must be taken raw, either in salad, or as 6 oz juice mixed with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily.

Other beneficial foods: zucchini, raw tomatoes, raw apples (on empty stomach), dark grapes.

Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk, cooked eggs, overcooked meats, refined sugars and starches.


Diabetes and pancreatitis

Inability of pancreas to produce sufficient insulin to metabolize sugars, owing to long-term excess consumption of refined sugars and starches; inflammation of pancreas due to excess demand for pancreatic enzymes in the stomach.

Cleansing is the very first step towards resolving this issue followed by the below nutritional guidelines.

String beans (bulk or juice): rich in potassium, helps restore deficient pancreas exhausted by excess demand for insulin and other enzymes; alkalizes the pancreas; as bulk, steamed lightly; as juice, extract raw, 1 pint daily; may be mixed with carrot juice for flavor.

Brussels sprouts (bulk or juice): rich in alkalizing elements with specific affinity for the pancreas; steam lightly for bulk consumption; extract raw juice, and mix with carrot juice, if desired; 1 pint daily.

Molasses: use unsulphured molasses only; all cases of diabetes and pancreatitis are associated with iron deficiency; molasses is one of natures riches sources of organic iron and copper, which work together; take 2 tbsp. molasses in large cup of warm water, 1-2 times daily; absolute abstention from refined starch and sugar required; this regimen has corrected diabetes, pancreatitis and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in 1-2 months; flavor molasses with 1/2 tsp. vanilla or almond extract, if desired.

Other beneficial foods: active yeast dissolved in warm water (one small packet of powder per cup); raw tomatoes; cucumbers, raw spinach; asparagus.

Foods to avoid: all refined sugars and starches; overcooked meat; cooked potatoes; bananas, figs, dates, raisins; salt, pepper, mustard.



Gastric distress in stomach owing to excess gas and acid formed by incompatible combinations of foods, stimulating spices, alcohol, coffee and other irritants.

Like in most ailments colon cleansing and fasting are the very first steps in correcting this condition, followed by nutritional therapy.

Yogurt: soothes inflammation; neutralizes toxic gas and acids; promotes efficient digestion. Plain yogurt only, may be flavored with a little molasses, if desired.

Carrot, beet and cucumber juice: powerful alkalizing blend; neutralizes stomach acidity; promotes digestion in stagnant stomach; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 1-2 pints daily.

Spinach (raw or juice): detoxifies intestinal tract; restores pH balance; soothes inflammation; consume raw in salad, or as juice, 6 oz with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily.

Grapes: dark grapes, raw 1-2 pounds daily, with no other food, for 1-3 days; or raw juice equivalent; powerful organic alkalizing and detoxifying elements.

Apple cider vinegar: contains malic acid (all other vinegar's contain acetic acid), which is highly beneficial to digestion; balances stomach pH; 2 tsp. in glass of water, 2-3 times daily as needed.

Other beneficial foods: almonds, molasses, raw apples, raw tomatoes, papaya.

Foods to avoid: deep fat fried foods; pickled and smoked foods; salt preserved foods; vinegar (except apple cider vinegar); hot peppers, mustard, alcohol, coffee, sweet carbonated soft drinks.


Liver (cirrhosis and hepatitis)

Hardening, congestion and impairment of liver owing to excess consumption of refined starches (especially white flour), refined sugars, hydrogenated fats and overcooked meats, and insufficient raw food in diet; also due to excess use of alcohol and drugs, including nicotine.

As in most ailments colon cleansing and fasting are the very first steps in correcting this condition, followed by nutritional therapy.

Yeast: active yeast is a potent source of B vitamins and pangamic acid, all of which are vital for liver function and help reduce liver inflammation; alkalizes the liver and stimulates liver functions; 1 packet of granular active yeast in a glass of warm water, twice per day, on empty stomach only; do not mix with other foods.

Tomato: raw tomato is especially effective in reducing inflammation of liver due to hepatitis and cirrhosis; best taken for 1-3 days exclusive of other food, either bulk or raw juice; may be mixed with carrot juice for flavor and extra therapeutic benefit.

Carrot juice: fresh raw carrot juice is one of the best liver detoxifiers when consumed in quantities of 2-3 pints daily. Such dosage sometimes results in an orange tinge in the skin; contrary to popular belief, this is not caused by carotene, any more than beets turn you red or spinach green; the orange tinge is due to toxic bile being purged from the liver by the mega-dosage of carrot juice; the bloodstream cannot excrete the bile fast enough through the kidneys, so it is purged through the skin; when liver is clean, you won't turn orange, regardless of how much carrot juice you drink.

Summer squash: especially rich in sodium, summer squash is an excellent alkalizing remedy for acidosis of liver and blood due to depressed liver function. Lightly steamed, no salt or spices.

Other beneficial foods: beets (raw juice or bulk); cabbage; zucchini; string beans (bulk or juice); calves liver; raw spinach; sunflower seeds; soy beans.

Foods to avoid: deep fat fried foods; overcooked meats; refined sugars and starches; alcohol; drugs; foods with chemical additives and preservatives.


Excess adipose tissue deposited throughout the body, especially abdomen, buttocks and thighs, owing to excessive consumption of refined starch and sugar and habitual consumption of incompatible food combinations.

Obesity is sometimes due to glandular disorders, but such disorders are often also the direct result of poor dietary habits and may therefore be corrected with the same nutritional therapy; fasting and colon cleansing are absolutely essential first steps in correcting both obesity and glandular disorders, followed by nutritional therapy, herbal therapy, and body work.

Carrot juice: raw carrot juice cleanses the entire digestive tract of morbid wastes, detoxifies the liver, and balances the endocrine system, all of which help cure and prevent obesity; 2 pints daily.

Carrot, beet and cucumber juice: a major symptom of obesity is severe acidosis of blood and tissues; this blend has potent alkalizing properties in the bloodstream and kidneys, thus promoting efficient metabolism and excretion of wastes, 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 2 pints daily.

Spinach: raw spinach is one of nature's best antidotes for lower bowel stagnation, which is a common cause of obesity; consume raw in salads, or 6 oz juice mixed with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily.

Cabbage juice: raw cabbage juice detoxifies the stomach and upper bowels of putrefactive wastes, thereby improving digestive efficiency and facilitating rapid elimination; mix half/half with carrot juice; 1 pint daily.

Other beneficial foods: all raw vegetables and raw fruits which provide the active enzymes, organic alkaline minerals and moist raw fiber required for digestive and metabolic efficiency.

Foods to avoid: all refined starch and sugar, especially white bread and sweet pastries; overcooked meats; fatty meats; chocolate; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; alcohol.


Ulcers (gastric)

Severe inflammation and irritation of the lining of the stomach and duodenum owing to fermentation and putrefaction of incompatible combinations of foods, excess consumption of chemical additives and preservatives, excess alcohol, and excessively stimulating spices.

Colon cleansing and fasting are the very first steps in correcting this condition, followed by nutritional therapy.

Cabbage juice: has potent cleansing and reducing properties; best taken half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily.

Yogurt: soothes inflamed ulcers; restores pH balance.

Grapes: raw dark grapes, pulp or juice, 1-2 pounds daily, exclusive of other food, 1-3 days.

Other beneficial foods: raw goat's milk; raw egg yolk; raw black cherries or juice; papaya.

Foods to avoid: vinegar (except apple cider vinegar); pickled and smoked foods; overcooked meats; hot peppers, mustard, curry; coffee, alcohol.

Excretory system

Acne, boils, pimples

These skin conditions are caused mainly by excessive putrefactive waste matter in the body's excretory channels, and extreme acidosis of blood due to accumulation of toxic wastes.

When wastes are retained and the colon is clogged, the body purges toxins through the skin and lungs, where these toxins cause abscesses, tumors, inflammation and eruptions.

Also due specifically to poor metabolism of fats.

Colon cleansing, therapeutic juice fasting, liver cleansing and parasite cleansing are the very first step towards firmly resolving this issue followed by the below nutritional guidelines.

Wheat germ oil: rich in inositol, which enhances metabolism of fats, thereby reducing excretory burden on skin; contains pyridoxine, which enhances peristalsis and thus improves digestion and assimilation of nutrients and elimination of wastes; 1-2 tsp. daily, after meals; may also be rubbed directly onto skin eruptions.

Wheat germ: same benefits as wheat germ oil, but less concentrated; also rich in silicon, which builds strong fingernails and healthy hair.

Cucumbers (bulk or juice): raw cucumbers are rich in potassium, sodium and phosphorus, which neutralize blood acidosis; potent diuretic properties, which facilitate excretion of wastes through kidneys, so that they need not be purged through skin; also good for nails and hair; in raw bulk, or as juice, mixed 1/3 cucumber to 2/3 carrot, 2-3 pints daily.

Garlic: purifies the bloodstream and purges body of toxic wastes; garlic ethers reach the skin soon after consumption, killing bacteria attracted to festering eruptions; must be taken raw.

Green (sweet) pepper juice: in combination with equal parts carrot juice; 1-2 pints daily.

Other beneficial foods: active yeast (in warm water); soy beans; fresh lemon juice (no sugar); alfalfa tea; raw potato slices rubbed directly on skin eruptions and raw potato juice (1/2 pint daily)

Foods to avoid: deep fat fried foods; refined starch and sugar; hydrogenated fats; cooked fatty meats, especially hamburgers on white buns; hot peppers; chocolate.



Hives, rashes, runny nose and other irritations after consuming certain foods, usually fresh raw foods.

Raw foods are such excellent and efficient detoxifiers that they cause a cathartic excretion of accumulated toxins, usually through the skin (for example, orange liver bile excreting through the skin owing to large intake of raw carrot juice).

Such 'allergies' disappear entirely when the body is thoroughly detoxified; fasting and colon cleansing with irrigations is absolutely the quickest, least expensive and most effective therapy followed by the below nutritional guidelines and energy work.

Carrot juice: detoxifies the liver, blood and intestinal tract; balances pH throughout the system; 2-3 pints daily.

Cucumber juice: purges blood and kidneys of acids and other toxins, thereby enhancing excretion of wastes; balances pH; may be mixed with carrot juice, 2 pints daily.

Wheat germ oil: rich in inositol, which improves metabolism, preventing accumulation of toxic wastes; improves oxygen absorption in blood, which facilitates efficient, toxin-free metabolism.

Other beneficial foods: fresh lemon or grapefruit juice (no sugar) in distilled water; raw egg yolk; raw potato juice; barely tea.

Foods to avoid: refined starch and sugar; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; overcooked meats; hydrogenated fats; chemical additives and preservatives.



Caused by deposits of inorganic calcium in the cartilage of joints, where they eventually form 'spurs' that cause intense pain and inhibit movement of joints.

These deposits are caused by incomplete digestion of incompatible foods and accumulation of toxic wastes throughout the system; the body dumps these inorganic minerals in the joints, where they won't pollute the bloodstream.

Excess consumption of concentrated starch and sugar, and too much cooked meat in the diet, are major factors.

Cleansing the HPS-ONLINE way is the very first step towards resolving this issue followed by the below nutritional guidelines. We have HPS online cleansers who have completely healed their arthritis, some saving in the process US$25,000 a year in medications. You can too!

Celery juice: rich in organic sodium, which dislodges inorganic calcium deposits from joints and holds them in solution until eliminated through kidneys; 1 pint daily; 2 pints if mixed with carrot juice.

Grapefruit juice: fresh raw grapefruit juice (no sugar) is highly effective in dissolving deposits of inorganic calcium in joints; mix half/half with distilled water, 1-2 pints daily.

Bone meal: bone meal is a rich source of readily assimilable organic calcium and other vital minerals that are indispensable for proper bone and joint formation; mix 1-2 tsp. into any raw juice in the morning.

Cherries: raw black cherries contain active enzymes that help dissolve calcium spurs in joints; eat about 1 pound on empty stomach and take no other food for at least 12 hours, continue for 1-3 days in severe cases.

Grapes: when eaten exclusively for 1-5 days, depending on severity, raw black grapes provide amazing therapeutic relief for acute arthritis; 2-3 pounds per day; chew skin, seeds and pulp very well before swallowing.

Other beneficial foods: molasses, alfalfa (tea or sprouts); asparagus, whole barely; whole lemon, lime or orange pureed in blender with 1 cup distilled water (including peel, fibers and seeds).

Foods to avoid: incompatible combinations, especially of protein and starch; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; ice cream; salt; excessive consumption of cooked foods, especially animal proteins.



Inflammation of the colon owing to prolonged chronic constipation and a critical deficiency of live active enzymes and moist raw fiber in the diet.

The first and foremost measure against this dangerous condition which often results in surgical colostomies is to thoroughly clean out the colon of putrefactive wastes and solid obstructions with a 7-day fast and twice daily colonic irrigations followed by dietary adjustments to prevent occurrence.

Carrots (juice or bulk): grated raw carrots are an excellent preventative against colitis; providing both live enzymes and moist raw fiber for proper bowel function; best when supplemented with 1-2 pints daily of raw carrot juice.

Carrot and spinach juice: raw spinach juice is nature's best remedy for chronic constipation and inflammation of the colon; 6 oz spinach/10 oz carrot, 2 pints daily.

Molasses: a mild but dependable laxative, molasses also provides vital mineral salts required to restore and maintain colon health; 2 tbsp. in warm water, twice daily.

Figs: fresh or sun dried figs are also an excellent natural laxative for sluggish bowels; the tiny seeds gather toxic wastes and mucus in the colon and drag them out with feces.

Cabbage juice: raw cabbage juice effectively breaks up accumulation of putrefactive wastes in the intestines; its high sulfur and chlorine content makes it an excellent bowel cleanser; works so fast that foul gas often expelled soon after ingestion; 1 pint daily, or 2 pints mixed half/half with carrot juice.

Other beneficial foods: papaya; almonds; sunflower seeds; apple cider vinegar (2 tsp. in distilled water); squash.

Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; cooked meat; refined starch and sugar, especially white flour and sweet pastries.

Are you ready to learn more about Colitis, right now?



Excessive consumption of devitalized and cooked foods, especially in incompatible combination, results in sluggish bowels and chronic constipation.

The colon and GI Tract fills with  mucus, feces and toxic by-products of fermentation and putrefaction, which impair peristalsis, irritates the colon, and eventually poisons the bloodstream by osmosis.

Colon cleansing using the home colonic irrigations system combined and therapeutic juice  fasting for 7 days are the very first steps in eliminating constipation forever, followed by additional cleansing a few months later supplemented with nutritional therapy, herbal therapy, massage and energy work. Constipation can become history. We've seen it again and again at HPS-ONLINE cleansing community.

Figs: fresh or sun dried figs cleanse the bowels of toxic waste and mucus and serve as a natural laxative; for an excellent therapeutic drink for constipation, put 3 figs in blender with one ripe banana, 2 tbsp. molasses and 1 cup of water and blend till smooth.

Molasses: 2 tbsp. in warm water, twice daily.

Spinach: raw spinach is nature's best remedy for irritated and sluggish bowels; as juice mix 6 oz spinach with 10 oz carrot, 2 pints daily.

Carrot: grated raw carrots supplemented with 2 pints raw carrot juice should be consumed daily by those with chronic constipation.

Other beneficial foods: papaya; squash; raw apples; ripe bananas; raw almonds.

Foods to avoid: never use mineral oil as a laxative: it robs the digestive tract of all oil-soluble vitamins, such as A, E & D, and is not as effective as figs or molasses; also avoid pasteurized milk, cooked eggs, overcooked meats, and refined starch.

Are you ready to learn more about constipation right now? Lets do it, five pages in all.



Fevers are the result of the body trying to 'incinerate' waste matter stirred up in the system as the result of other conditions, such as colds, flu and infectious diseases.

Hippocrates wrote, "If you feed a fever, you'll have to starve a cold", which has been misquoted as 'Feed a fever, starve a cold'.

Thus, the best remedy for any fever is complete fasting be it water fasting or juice fasting (i.e. curtailing all intake of solid and semi solid food) plus home colonic irrigation' to accelerate elimination of waste matter from the body. If you 'feed a fever' with light food, you'll only make things worse. Take note.

Citrus juice: the only thing a fever patient should be given is freshly extracted lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit juice, diluted half/half with distilled water, with no sugar or ice; citrus fruit acids help loosen, dissolve and eliminate mucus and other toxic wastes throughout the system.

Foods to avoid: all foods and beverages, except for distilled water and the juices mentioned above.

Are you ready to learn more about therapeutic fasting? 5 minutes to get some basics.



Closely related to rheumatism, gout is the inflammation of bones and ligaments in joints, owing to formation of acid crystals; this is caused mainly by diets that contain too much fatty meat, salt and alcohol, and insufficient quantities of raw, enzyme-active foods.

Cleansing is the very first step towards resolving this issue followed by the below nutritional guidelines.

Carrot, beet, cucumber juice: the potent alkalizing properties of this blend help rebalance pH in blood and tissues and dissolve acid crystals in joints; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 1-2 pints daily.

Parsley juice: raw parsley facilitates oxygen metabolism and stimulates adrenal secretions; both actions relieve the discomfort to gout and help correct the excess acidity of blood and tissues which causes it; mix 4 oz parsley juice with 12 oz carrot juice, 1 pint daily.

Celery juice: rich in organic sodium, iron, calcium and magnesium, it corrects blood acidosis, dissolves deposits of inorganic calcium in joints, and provides the organic calcium required for repair of damaged ligaments and bones; mix half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily.

Other beneficial foods: cabbage; fresh citrus juice (no sugar); raw black cherries (exclusively for 24 hours); raw black grapes (exclusively for 1-3 days); alfalfa tea or sprouts.

Foods to avoid: fatty meats, especially pork; organ meats, especially liver; cooked spinach; cooked tomatoes; dry beans; alcohol; salt.


This increasingly common affliction is caused by stagnation and coagulation of blood fibron in the tiny capillaries that feed the anus and lower rectum.

This is mainly the result of sticky toxic waste in the blood stream, owing to excess consumption of refined starch, especially white bread and other flour products.

In addition to dietary adjustments, daily practice of the anal sphincter exercise and defecation in the squatting position help correct and cure this condition.

Colon cleansing with home colonic irrigations and therapeutic juice fasting to cleanse the bloodstream is of course imperative to help correct, heal and eliminate hemorrhoids. It's the first step in any preventative hemorrhoid  program too. Jos-hua had hemorrhoids for years. After cleansing no more. You can too!

Carrot and spinach juice: this blend benefits all colon condition; restores proper blood pH; eliminates the sticky wastes that clog anal capillaries; 1-2 pints daily, 6 oz spinach to 10 oz carrot.

Celery juice: hemorrhoids are sometimes the result of insufficient supplies of organic sulfur, iron and calcium in the diet; celery juice provides abundant supplies of these elements; may be mixed half/half with carrot juice, 2 pints daily, or 1 pint straight.

Apple cider vinegar: 2 tsp. in a glass of water, 2-3 times daily, prevents excessive bleeding in hemorrhoids by balancing the bloodstream and lowering blood pressure.

Other beneficial foods: turnips; watercress; parsley.

Foods to avoid: refined starch and sugar; especially white bread and sweet pastries; all pasta; chili peppers; persimmons.

* Learn more about Hemorrhoids right now.


Kidney inflammation

This and related kidney conditions, such as kidney stones, are the result of excessive retention of uric acid in the kidneys, owing to an overload of acid wastes in the blood from incomplete digestion of improperly combined foods.

Left unattended, uric acids forms painful crystals or 'stones' in the kidneys.

Colon cleansing and therapeutic juice fasting are the first steps in correcting this condition, followed by nutritional therapy and body work.

Asparagus: contains asparamid, nature's most effective kidney diuretic; asparagus gives urine a strong odor of ammonia, which indicates that excess uric acid is being rapidly expelled; asparamid breaks up oxalic acid crystals in kidneys and muscles (cooked spinach and cooked tomatoes leave oxalic acid in the system); steam a bunch of fresh asparagus for 3 minutes or less and consume immediately, once daily.

Raw beet juice: raw red beet juice has strong natural affinity for kidneys; it is one of natures best kidney cleansers, dissolving acid crystals and quickly eliminating the 'gravel' from the kidneys; its affinity for kidneys is reflected in red coloration of urine; take 8 oz raw beet juice, 2-3 tsp. at a time, over a 24 hour period, with no other foods.

Watermelon: for nephritis, the watermelon cure is an excellent adjunct to asparagus therapy; eat nothing for lightly steamed asparagus and bits of raw watermelon for 24-48 hours.

Cucumbers: raw cucumber, in bulk or juice, are excellent kidney diuretics and alkalizing agents; may be mixed with carrot and beet juice, 2 pints daily.

Other beneficial foods: apple cider vinegar; barley water; parsley; carrot juice; lecithin; cabbage; black grapes.

Foods to avoid: salt and salt-preserved foods; soy sauce; shellfish; strong coffee and tea; cooked spinach and tomatoes; alcohol; hot peppers.


Closely related to gout, rheumatism is caused by heavy retention of uric acid, which eventually is absorbed into muscles, where it crystallizes.

The condition is further aggravated by heavy consumption of cooked animal proteins, which cannot be properly digested and metabolized when the system is saturated with excess uric acid.

Colon cleansing and therapeutic juice fasting are the very first steps in correcting this condition, followed by nutritional therapy and lifestyle changes, primarily food consumption changes. Start with these juices.

Carrot, beet, cucumber juice: this potent alkalizing blend dissolves uric acid crystals in muscle tissue and kidneys; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 2 pints daily, taken in 6 equal doses throughout the day.

Lemon juice: dissolves and neutralizes uric acid crystals, thereby facilitating their rapid elimination through the kidneys; take the juice of one whole lemon in a tumble or warm distilled water (with no sugar), 4-5 times throughout the day; efficacy is doubled if taken mid-way between doses of carrot, beet, cucumber juice.

Spinach: raw spinach helps dissolve uric acid crystals in blood and tissue and cleanses the lower bowels of putrefactive wastes that contribute to accumulations of excess acidity; 6 oz with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily.

Other beneficial foods: parsley; asparagus; grapefruit juice (mixed with distilled water); cabbage; dark grapes, raw tomatoes.

Foods to avoid: cooked meats; refined starch and sugar; salt and salt preserved foods; hot peppers; mustard.



This is a condition of general toxicity throughout the system, caused by auto-intoxication of the bloodstream, owing to huge accumulations of toxic waste matter in the intestinal tract. Probably your are suffering from it right now, without even knowing it. Even worst, maybe you think the answer is in herbal supplements. That is what most people think.

Toxemia at its worst is characterized by severe acidosis of the blood, chronic fatigue, irritability and depression, skin eruptions, body odor, bad breath and poor digestion. A host of illnesses and chronic health problems disappear once toxemia is cleared.

The foremost measure against toxemia is therapeutic fasting with daily home colonic irrigations (twice daily), followed by nutritional therapy and permanent adjustments in dietary habits. Watch your energy soar after removing toxemia from your body and mind.

Carrot, beet, cucumber juice: restores pH balance in blood; dissolves acid crystals; cleanses bowels; builds strong blood plasma; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 2 pints daily.

Carrot and spinach juice: cleanses and tonifies lower bowels; detoxifies bloodstream; balances pH; restores peristalsis and general colon health; builds strong blood plasma, 100 oz/6 oz, 2 pints daily.

Cabbage juice: a powerful cleanser and detoxifier for the stomach and upper bowels, raw cabbage juice is especially effective against protein putrefaction; 5 oz with 11 oz carrot juice, 1-2  pints daily.

Other beneficial foods: parsley; celery juice; asparagus; grapefruit juice (in distilled water); black grapes (exclusively 1-3 days); black cherries (exclusively 1-3 days).

Foods to avoid: incompatible food combinations especially of animal protein and concentrated starch; pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; overcooked meats; refined sugars, especially sweetened soft drinks.

Learn more about Toxemia right now. Tissue management through bowel cleansing is the place to start.

REAL  FOOD  has to be LIVE FOOD, by definition.

Respiratory system


Coughs are caused mainly by the body's attempt to rid itself of excess toxic mucus through the lungs and bronchial tubes; the toxins irritate tender lining of throat, causing the throat to 'cough it up'.

Pineapple: fresh ripe pineapple is rich in bromelin, a proteolytic (protein digesting enzyme); bromelin literally 'digests' dead and diseased cells and foreign microbes in the throat; cut pineapple into cubes, chew well, and let juice dribble down the throat, but spit out the pulp; or gargle with the freshly extracted juice of ripe pineapple, and spit it out.

Persimmons: raw, very ripe persimmons soothe sore throats and contain enzymes that break down damaged cells and foreign microbes.

Horseradish and lemon juice: for coughs and accompanied by heavy mucus congestion in lungs and sinuses; same usage as asthma

Whole lemon puree: puree a whole lemon (with skin, fiber and seeds) in blender with a cup of distilled water, and drink slowly; flavor with 1 tbsp. molasses, if desired, but no sugar; dissolves mucus, restores mucus membranes; biflavonoids in skin and fiber assist in restoring tissue integrity in respiratory system.

Other beneficial foods: carrot juice; raw radishes; cranberries (as for asthma): raw spinach, raw garlic; molasses.

Foods to avoid: pasteurized milks and all dairy products; all cooked food; all refined starch and sugar; eat nothing but raw fruit and raw vegetable juice.

Circulatory system


A condition also known as 'tired blood', anemia is caused by critical deficiency of red blood corpuscles, especially the oxygen-carrying element hemoglobin. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, lethargy, depression and loss of sexual drive.

This condition is due entirely to poor dietary habits, especially the exclusive consumption of cooked, denatured, processed foods, pasteurized milk and refined starch; heavy smoking may also be a contributing factor.

Herbal therapy is the first step in dealing with this followed by colon cleansing and fasting. nutritional therapy is to follow.

Molasses: molasses is nature's richest source of organic iron and copper, which work together to build 'strong blood', especially the iron dependent protein hemoglobin; 2 tbsp in a glass of warm water, twice daily.

Wheat germ oil: enhances the blood's capacity to carry oxygen, thereby correcting blood deficiency' 1 tsp of pure wheat germ oil after breakfast and again after dinner.

Lecithin: builds strong blood plasma and dissolves sticky deposits in arteries, thereby enhancing blood's capacity to assimilate and transport oxygen and nutrients; liquid lecithin from soy beans is best; raw egg yolks is another rich source.

Fennel juice: use 'Florence Flennel', also known as 'Finocchio'; specific affinity for blood stream, builds strong blood plasma; may be taken straight, 1 pint daily, or mixed half/half with carrot juice, 2 pints daily.

Red beet juice: builds red blood corpuscles and tones overall blood quality; 8 oz., taken 2-3 tsp at a time throughout the day; or as carrot, beet, cucumber blend.

Spinach: rich in organic iron and other vital minerals; builds strong blood plasma, especially iron dependent hemoglobin; raw bulk in salads, or 6 oz juice with 10 oz carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily.

Other beneficial foods: pomegranate; lettuce juice; dandelion juice; asparagus; cabbage; chrysanthemum tea; black grapes; raisins; raw egg yolks, wheat germ.

Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk; strong coffee and tea; refined starch, especially white flour; canned, smoked, preserved and otherwise processed foods.


Angina pectoris

Painful contractions and cramps in the valves and muscles of the heart and/or pericardium, due primarily to polluted blood, and sometimes to excess pressure from gas in the colon.

Cleansing the HPS-ONLINE way is the very first step towards resolving this issue followed by the below nutritional guidelines. 

Carrot, celery, parsley, spinach juice: this potent potassium-rich blend quickly detoxifies and alkalizes the blood stream, thereby correcting a major cause of angina pectoris; builds strong blood to nourish the heart muscles; 8 oz/4 oz/2 oz/4 oz, 1 pint daily.

Garlic: raw garlic consumed daily in sufficient quantities has been shown to eliminate the acute pain of angina pectoris within 5 days; it cleanses the blood, removes sticky deposits in blood vessels, and thus enhances the quality and quantity of blood supplied to the heart; 6-8 cloves daily (minced into salad dressing, or crushed and put into gelatin capsules for swallowing).

Black fungus: also called "Tree Ears" because it grows from the bark of trees, this Chinese delicacy contains active elements that remove deposits from the walls of blood vessels, thus enhancing the supply of blood to the heart and other tissues.

Wheat germ oil: according to research of nutritional therapist Dr. Marsh Morrison, 1 tsp of wheat germ oil per day provides about as much oxygen to the heart as an oxygen tent, thus relieving spasms and cramps in heart muscles and valves.

Other beneficial foods: raw spinach; wheat germ; lecithin, pecans, active yeast (in warm water, on empty stomach); sunflower seeds, raw egg yolk.

Foods to avoid: refined starch and sugar, especially white flour; pasteurized milk and dairy products; cooked eggs and meat.



The hardening of blood vessels owing to deficiency of organic calcium and other vital organic minerals, and an excess of calcium and inorganic cholesterol, derived primarily from denatured foods, especially pasteurized milk, cooked eggs and overcooked fatty meats; these deposits of inorganic calcium and cholesterol continue to accumulate, hardening and narrowing the blood vessels and permitting clots to develop.

Carrot, celery, parsley, spinach juice: alkalizes bloodstream; removes deposits from blood vessels; 8oz/4 oz/2 oz/4 oz, 1 pint daily.

Garlic: purifies blood and removes accumulations of sticky inorganic deposits from walls of blood vessels, thereby restoring elasticity and free flow of blood.

Black fungus: a fungus that grows on the bark of trees, it contains elements that purify blood and remove sticky deposits from blood vessels.

Beet and carrot juice: raw beets purify the blood and build strong blood plasma, enhancing capacity to carry oxygen: best mixed half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily.

Other beneficial foods: raw spinach; celery; black grapes; pumpkin seeds; raw tomatoes; seaweed (kelp).

Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk and all dairy products; cooked eggs; animal fat, expecially lard; cooked meat, especially pork; all preserved and canned foods; salt.


Blood pressure (high)

Excessive pressure of blood against the walls of blood vessels, owing primarily to diets of denaturated and overcooked foods, which deposit inorganic minerals and cholesterol against walls of blood vessels, narrowing and hardening them and raising blood pressure; also caused by excess retention of toxic by-products of protein putrefaction in the digestive tract and liver.

Carrot, celery, parsley, spinach juice: same benefits and usage for arteriosclerosis, which is accompanied by high blood pressure. alkalizes bloodstream; removes deposits from blood vessels; 8oz/4 oz/2 oz/4 oz, 1 pint daily.

Spinach: raw spinach corrects pH imbalance in the digestive tract and bloodstream, thus eliminating a major source of the toxic wastes that leave deposits in blood vessels and raise blood pressure.

Beet and carrot juice: same effects and usage for arteriosclerosis.

Molasses: builds and balances the bloodstream, eliminating toxic conditions that lead to high blood pressure; 2 tbsp in cup of warm water, twice daily.

Other beneficial foods: raw garlic, wheat germ oil; wheat germ; pecans; sunflower seeds; raw tomatoes; seaweed (kelp); licithin.

Foods to avoid: refinded starch and sugar; pasteurized milk; fatty meats; salt and salt preserved foods; alcohol; stimulating spieces such as hot peppers, curry, mustard.



There are dozens of different types of headaches, but most are caused primarily by excess pressure in the tiny capillaries that feed the brain.

This pressure is caused by impurities in the bloodstream, which not only block the tiny capillaries but also deprive the brain of oxygen and glucose.

Colon cleansing and fasting are the first steps in correcting this condition, followed by nutritional therapy. We have many cleansers who report that years of headaches have finally disappeared. Yours can too!

Spinach: raw spinach, as bulk or juice, purifies the bloodstream and builds up the oxygen-carrying element of hemoglobin, thus enhancing supply or oxygen and blood to the brain.

Carrot, beet, and cucumber juice: this blend breaks down acid crystals in the kidneys, thus improving the ability to cleanse the blood of the impurities that often cause headaches when they have reach the brain; also purifies blood and builds hemoglobin, thus enhancing oxygen supplies to brain; 10 oz/3 oz/3 oz, 1-2 pints when headache approaches.

Lecithin: 20 percent of brain tissue consists of lecithin, which when taken in combination with vitamin C has remarkable rejuvenating effects on the brain; organic lecithin also rinses away inorganic cholesterol deposits in coronary arteries, thereby enhancing supply of oxygenated blood to the brain; liquid lecithin extracted from soy beans is most convenient form of supplement.

Garlic: raw garlic is one of nature's best blood vessel cleansers; taken in conjunction with lecithin, in not only eliminates toxic conditions that often cause headaches, but also enhances memory, learning and other mental functions.

Other beneficial foods: lettuce juice; molasses; pecans; wheat germ; sunflower seeds; raw egg yolk (for lecithin and organic cholesterol).

Foods to avoid: refined starch, especially white flour; refined sugar, especially sweet soft drinks; cooked eggs; pasteurized milk; cooked fatty meats.


Heart disease

The various forms of heart disease are primarily the result of toxic impurities clogging blood vessels.

This deprives the heart muscles and valves of oxygen and puts excessive chronic strain on the heart, which has to pump much harder than normal to push blood through a clogged circulatory system- a healthy heart pumps about 3,000 gallons of blood every 24 hours, but a heart under the stress of a clogged circulatory system must pump up to 25,000 gallons in 24 hours just to maintain sufficient circulation; obviously, such an 8-fold increase in heart strain soon leads to heart exhaustion and disease.

The prime source of the blood impurities and deposits that cause heart disease is a diet composed entirely of denatured and cooked foods.

Jos-hua always jokes that if he had heart disease the first thing he would do would be to start cleansing. You should too.

Colon cleansing and fasting are the first steps in correcting this condition, followed by nutritional therapy and new lifestyle habits.

Carrot, celery, parsley, spinach juice: the most potent blend of juices for potassium, which quickly restores proper blood pH, helps remove deposits from blood vessels, and builds strong blood plasma, especially hemoglobin; 8 oz/4 oz/2 oz/4 oz, 1-2 pints daily.

Molasses: rich in organic iron and copper, as well as potassium, all of which alkalize the bloodstream and build strong blood plasma, which in turn benefits the heart tissues; 2 tbsp in warm water, twice daily.

Grapes: the 'grape cure' (nothing but 1-3 pounds of raw black grapes for 5-7 days) has been shown by experiments in Russia to have a direct tonifying effect on the muscles and valves of the heart; also purifies and balances the bloodstream.

Wheat germ oil: greatly enhances delivery of oxygen to the heart; best when used in conjunction with raw garlic; 1 tsp wheat germ oil and 2-3 cloves raw garlic, once or twice a day, after meals.

Pecans: raw pecans are nature's richest source of readily assimilable organic pyridoxine (vitamin B6), an element that plays an essential role in converting the amino acids from consumed proteins into usable form for the body; thus, raw pecans assist in regeneration of damaged cells in diseased hearts; 10-15 raw pecans (or 20-30 pecan halves) per day.

Other beneficial foods: raw spinach, cabbage, ripe bananas; wheat germ; lecithin; sunflower seeds; raw garlic.

Foods to avoid: refined starch, especially white bread and pastries; refined sugar, especially sweet carbonated soft drinks (regular as well as 'diet' types); cooked eggs, pasteurized milk, cooked fatty meats; salt.

Varicose veins

This condition is caused by deposits of inorganic calcium, cholesterol and other inorganic elements in the walls of veins, causing them to clog up and bulge outward through the skin; refined starch and sugar are primary dietary culprits.

Most HPS cleansers rave about their skin after their online cleansing. How young, soft, shiny it becomes. No one has yet talked about varicose veins. Send us your testimonial with an active email address. We would like to hear from you. Thanks.

Spinach: raw spinach detoxifies and stimulates the lower bowel, so that wastes are eliminated there rather than accumulating and polluting the blood stream; builds and balances blood; as juice mix 6 oz with 10 oz carrot juice, 2 pints daily.

Red beet juice: another potent purifier and builder of blood, raw beet juice eliminates the blood toxemia that causes varicose veins; best taken half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints; or sip 8 oz of the straight beet juice slowly throughout the day.

Garlic: raw garlic dissolves the deposits of inorganic calcium and cholesterol that lead to varicose veins.

Parsley juice: raw parsley juice is one of the most potent of all vegetable juices for enhancing oxygen metabolism, cleansing the blood, dissolving sticky deposits in veins and maintaining elasticity of blood vessels, especially delicate capillaries; it's too strong to take straight and should be mixed with 4 oz to 12 oz carrot juice, or with other blends, 1 pint daily.

Other beneficial foods: lettuce juice; turnips; watercress; black grapes (exclusively for 1-5 days, depending on severity), Black Fungus; molasses; lecithin.

Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk, refined starch, especially white flour; refined sugar; cooked eggs and overcooked meats; hydrogenated fats; alcohol.

Nervous system

Eye trouble

Most eye trouble is due to insufficient circulation and nutritional deficiency in the eyes muscles and the optic nerves.

The optic nerve is one of the most powerful nerves in the body and uses up to 30% of available glucose (blood sugar).

When blood sugar runs dry, all nerves must rely on glycogen from the liver; any interruption in glycogen supple due to liver dysfunction is often reflected in eye trouble.

Chinese physicians always first look to the liver when treating eye problems; a polluted bloodstream can also cause serious eye problems.

HPS online cleansers do serious liver cleansing in Level 3 of the 7 Day Wonder online guided cleanse. Until then they do a lot of the below.

Sunflower seeds: are rich in organic vitamin A and other vital eye nutrients; Dr. Marsh Morrison has show that 2 oz of raw sunflower seeds per day, in conjunction with abstention form all animal proteins, clears up most eye problems within 2 weeks.

Carrot, celery, endive, parsley juice: this blend provides potent nourishment to the entire optic system, including nerves and muscles; carrots provide organic vitamin A as carotene, endives are rich in other nutrients with specific affinity for the eyes; 8 oz/4 oz/3 oz/2 oz, 1-2 pints daily.

Dandelion juice: rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron, raw dandelion juice alkalizes the bloodstream and provides a blend of organic nutrients of specific benefit to the nervous system, of which the optic nerve is the busiest component; mix half/half with carrot juice, 1-2 pints daily.

Spinach: raw spinach is another good source of organic vitamin A for the optic system; also builds strong blood due to rich supplies of organic iron, and this enhances circulation of oxygenated blood to the eyes.

Other beneficial foods: carrots; watercress; apricots; turnip greens; calves liver.

Foods to avoid: deep fat fried foods; refined sugar and starch, hot peppers; alcohol; mineral oil (laxative).

Reproductive system

Genitals (to be posted Winter 2003)

Immune Quiz
   Only 7 questions.


1. Most modern maladies are caused by prolonged exposure to a combination of negative lifestyles and toxic environmental factors, including junk food and malnutrition, pesticides, antibiotics, microwaves, chemical pollution of food, water and air, lack of exercise and chronic stress?
Not true
Don't know

2.These factors are further aggravated by the failure of modern medicine to recognize them as agents of disease and death, and the consequent failure to take preventative measures against them.
Not true
Don't know

3. Immunity is a manifold defense system which protects the body from external threats such as harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxins, as well as from internal hazards such as cancerous cells, arteriosclerotic plaque, cholesterol deposits and free radicals. This defense complex works on all three levels of essence, energy, sprit.
Not true
Don't know

4. Blood plays a front line defensive role by delivering nutrients and immune factors to diseased and toxic tissues and carrying away metabolic wastes, toxins and pathogens. Lymph in turn keeps the blood clean and also purifies cellular fluids. The efficiency of their defense functions depends entirely upon their degree of purity, including proper pH balance. Clean blood also depends upon proper maintenance of the liver and kidneys, which filter the blood .
Not true
Don't know

5. In order to produce the hormones required for immunity, the entire endocrine system must be maintained in proper balance, for glandular secretions influence once another by biofeedback. Endocrine balance is achieved and maintained by the parasympathetic branch of the autonomous nervous system and excessive stimulation of the sympathetic branch throws the endocrine system off balance.
Not true
Don't know

6. In order to keep the body clean, the immune system needs a place to dump all the garbage it dredges from the system. Therefore, all the excretory organs, including colon, lungs, kidneys and skin MUST be maintained in proper working order. Whenever excretory functions are impaired, the body dumps its garbage into joints, body fat, lymph nodes, colonic sacculations and other nooks and crannies seemingly isolated from the bloodstream.
Not true
Don't know

7. Proper nutrition is absolutely essential for maintaining immunity, for nutrients are the building blocks of human defense installations. Nutrients are also required for antioxidant protection against free radical damage, rebuilding injured tissues and metabolic conversion of essence into energy. Physiologically, the traditional Chinese view of the human immune system is remarkably similar to the modern Western model. In the Chinese system, the first line of defense is provided by the thymus, adrenals and spine, followed in order of priority by the bone marrow, blood, brain (pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus), liver and kidneys, spleen and pancreas.
Not true
Don't know

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If your score is any where between 75-100% you are on your way towards strengthening and maintaining good health. Congratulations.

Keep practicing and your immune system will continue to strengthen.

Learn and practice fasting and internal cleansing to give your immune system If your score is anything less than 75%, we suggest you do a few things immediately:

(1) Reread the material in this section.

(Visit with us every other month to keep studying....the fact that you are reading this indicates that you are ready to start seriously taking responsibility for your own health. You shall succeed. We will help you succeed in your self-help programs. Good luck and God Bless. Write us when you have any questions.

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The facts they forgot to teach us in school.

Food has become a cause of disease rather than a guardian of health in the modern world. Once regarded as the central pillar of life and the most effective of all medicines, food is now a major contributing factor in cancer, heart disease, arthritis, mental illness, and many other pathological conditions. Virtually monopolized by agricultural and industrial cartels, public food supplies are processed and packaged to produce profits and prolong shelf life, not to promote health and prolong human life.


Sugar is without question one of the most dangerous substances on the food market today. What we are talking about here is sucrose, the white crystalline sugar refined from cane or beet juice by stripping away all its vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, water, and other synergists.

White sugar is an industrially processed chemical not found in nature, and it is not fit for human consumption.


Medical myths about fats have steered millions of Western people into self-destructive dietary folly in recent years.

Natural unadulterated fats are not only highly nutritious, gram for gram they contain far more energy than any other type of food on earth, which makes them the most efficient fuel for essence-to-energy food alchemy.


Cow's milk is meant for calves, and babies are meant to drink mother's milk until weaned from it.

Cow's milk has four times the protein and only half the carbohydrate content of human milk. Pasteurization destroys the natural enzyme in cow's milk required to digest its' heavy protein content.

This excess milk protein therefore putrefies in the human digestive tract, clogging the intestines with sticky sludge, some of which seeps back into the bloodstream.

As this putrid sludge accumulates from daily consumption of dairy products, the body forces some of it out through the skin (acne, blemishes) and lungs (catarrh), while the rest of it festers inside, forms mucus that breeds infections, causes allergic reactions, and stiffens joints with calcium deposits.


Today, most commercially sold eggs come from chickens cooped up in small cages under bright lights and fed on dry feed laced with synthetic hormones and antibiotics. Such eggs do more damage than good to the human system and should be avoided.


Westerners consume a far greater percentage of their calories from meat then Orientals do, and it shows in the complexion, body, fat and body odor.

Meat is highly acidifying and warming (yang qualities), as well as putrefactive.

According to the tenets of traditional Chinese medicine, elderly people require more meat than the young or middle-aged because of its warming yang properties and concentrated nutrients, but only if their digestive systems are in proper order.

The biggest problem with meat in the Standard American Diet (SAD) is the pervasive contamination of US beef with antibiotics and steroid hormones.


Sea food
Deep-water ocean fish such as tuna and salmon are excellent sources of protein as well as fish oils that are rich in essential fatty acids called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosaheyaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA rank among nature's most effective blood thinners;

Owing to the pollution of lakes, rivers and streams throughout the world, freshwater fish is no longer such a good choice.

Shellfish and reef fish should also be avoided because the shallow sea beds they inhabit are polluted.


As a result of modern milling methods, which scrape away the nutrient-laden bran and germ and leave only the starchy white pith, most commercial grain foods are nutritionally naked. Only whole-grains provide whole-nutrition.

Grains can caused indigestion and flatulence if they are not thoroughly chewed and salivated in the mouth before swallowing.

That's because all carbohydrates must begin their digestive journey in the mouth, where an alkaline enzyme called ptyalin is secreted from salivary glands to initiate the breakdown of starches.


Beans compliment whole grains as plant sources of essential amino acids, which is why they are often served together in meatless meals.

Chick peas and millet, lentils and barley, rice and dal, corn bread and black-eyed peas, rice and kidney beans are common example of the grain-and-bean protein team.

Together they provide the full spectrum of essential amino acids required for human nutrition, usually in a proportion of one part beans to two parts grain.

Except for Soya beans, beans are warming, acidifying yang foods, like grains.

Though much touted as a 'whole protein' food, Soya beans and tofu are not very easy to digest, and they can also interfere with the absorption of zinc.


Vegetables are the earth's most effective alkalizers, especially when consumed raw in salads or as freshly extracted juices.

Cooling and cleansing, they are also high in fiber, which helps sweep post-digestive putrefactive debris from the intestinal tract.

Their chlorophyll content protects the body against cancer, neutralizes toxins, and helps keep vital fluids pure. Easy to digest and non-putrefactive, fresh vegetables go well with meats as well as grains and help counteract the acidifying effects of both.



Fruits are very easy to digest and metabolize, but only when eaten on an empty stomach.

In fact, most fruits go straight through the stomach into the duodenum for digestion, which means if you put fresh fruit on top of a big meal, it has to sit and wait in the top of the stomach until the other food is digested, during which delay bacteria attack the fruit and ferment it, gobbling up all the nutrients and leaving you with gas and metabolic wastes.

Trophology introduction

"Compared to Taoist concepts of balance, the Western notion of a 'balanced diet' is simplistic and superficial.

Western physicians advise everyone to take 'a little of everything at every meal', jumbling together such disparate ingredients as meat, milk, starch, fat and sugar.

Such indiscriminate consumption of food is no different than pouring a combination of gas, oil, alcohol and sugar into the gas tank of your car. These blends will not burn efficiently, will provide little power and will quickly clog up the engine so badly that the entire system grinds to a halt.

The following advice given to the founding Emperor of the Ming Dynasty on the occasion of the authors 100th birthday, clearly reflects the fact that the ancient Chinese were well aware of the importance of the science of food combining.

'Food and drink are relied upon to nurture life. But if one does not know that the nature of substances may be opposed to each other, and one consumes them altogether indiscriminately, the vital organs will be thrown out of harmony and disastrous consequences will soon arise. Therefore, those who wish to nurture their lives must carefully avoid doing such damage to themselves.'

[Chia Ming, Essential Knowledge for Eating and Drinking, 1368 AD].

In plain English, the Yin and Yang of diet boils down to 'Trophology',
a term which you and no doubt your doctor, have probably never heard before.

Modern medical training in the West, especially in America, is notoriously deficient in nutritional science, although there are a few enlightened nutritional scientists in America and Europe today who, despite sneers from their peers in the medical establishment, are making great medical strides through the science of Trophology.

The Western scientific equivalent of Yin/Yang balance in food combinations is something we all learned in elementary high school chemistry: acid/alkaline balance, or 'pH'. We all know that if we did add a measure of alkaline to an equal measure of acid, the resulting chemical solution is as neutral as plain water. That's the principle behind reaching for bicarbonate (a strong alkaline) to relieve 'acid indigestion'.

It is an established scientific fact in Western medicine that, in order to initiate efficient digestion of any concentrated animal protein, the stomach must secrete pepsin. But it is also a well-known fact that pepsin can function only in a highly acidic medium, which must be maintained for several hours for complete digestion of proteins.

It is equally a well established fact of science that when we chew a piece of bread or potato or any other carbohydrate/starch, ptyalin and other alkaline juices are immediately secreted into the food by saliva in the mouth. When swallowed, the alkalized starches require an alkaline medium in the stomach in order to complete their digestion.

Anyone should be able to figure out what therefore happens when you ingest protein and starch together. Acid and alkaline juices are secreted simultaneously in response to the incoming protein and starch, promptly neutralizing one another and leaving a weak, watery solution in the stomach that digests neither protein nor starch properly. Instead, the proteins putrefy and the starches ferment owning to the constant presence of bacteria in the digestive tract.

This putrefaction and fermentation are the primary cause of all sorts of digestive distress, including gas, heartburn, cramps, bloating, constipation, foul stools, bleeding, piles, colitis, and so forth.

Many so-called 'allergies' are also the direct result of improper food combinations: the bloodstream picks up the toxins from the putrefied, fermented mess as it passes slowly through the intestines, and these toxins in turn cause rashes, hives, headaches, nausea, and other symptoms commonly branded as 'allergies'.

The same foods that cause allergic reactions when improperly combined often have no ill-side effects whatsoever when consumed according to the rules of Trophology.

The final fact of the matter is this: when you immobilize your stomach and impair digestive functions by consuming foods in indiscriminate combinations, the bacteria in your alimentary canal have a field day. They get all the nutrients and thrive, while you get all the wastes and suffer.

According to a recent survey in America, the average American male today carries about 5 pounds of undigested, putrefied red meat in his gut. Leave 5 pounds of meat in a dark, warm moist place for a few days and see for yourself the results of putrefaction. The severely septic condition of the human intestinal tract is unique in nature, yet Western physicians take it for granted and even insist that it is harmless to the rest of the system.

In fact, however, in order to protect itself from the chronic toxic irritations of improperly combined meals, the colon secretes large quantities of mucus to entrap toxic particles before they damage the colon's sensitive lining. When this occurs at every meal, every day, every week, throughout the year- as is quite typical in modern Western diets- the colon ends up secreting a constant stream of mucus, which accumulates and gets impacted in the folds of the colon. This results in a narrowing of the passage through the colon and a constant seeping of toxins into the bloodstream by osmosis.

When the impacting of toxic mucus in the colon reaches a critical pressure, it causes a pocket to balloon outward through the colon lining, causing a condition call diverticulosis. Colitis and cancer are the next stages of colon deterioration caused by these conditions."

Protein and Starch

"This is the worst possible combination of foods to mix together at a single meal, and yet it is the mainstay of modern Western diets: meat and potatoes, hamburgers and fries, eggs and toast, etc.

When one consumes protein and starch together, the alkaline enzyme ptyalin pours into the food as it's chewed in the mouth. 

When the masticated food reaches the stomach, digestion of starch by alkaline enzymes continues unabated, thereby preventing the digestion of protein by pepsin and other acid secretions.

The ever-present bacteria in the stomach are thus permitted to attach the protein and putrefaction commences, rendering nutrients in the protein food largely useless to you and producing toxic wastes and foul gases, including such poisons as indol, skatol, phenol, hydrogen sulphide, phenylpropionic acid, and others.

If that is the case, you may well wonder, then why does the stomach have no trouble handling foods that naturally contain both protein and starch, such as whole grains?

As Dr. Shelton points out, "There is a great difference between the digestion of a food, however complex its composition, and the digestion of a mixture of different foods."

To a single article of food that is a starch-protein combination, the body can easily adjust its juices, both as to strength and timing, to the digestive requirements of the food. But when two foods are eaten with different, even opposite, digestive needs, this precise adjustment of juices to requirements becomes impossible."

THE RULE: Eat concentrated proteins such as meat, fish, eggs and cheese separately from concentrated starches such as bread, potatoes and rice.

For example, eat toast or eggs for breakfast, the hamburger patty or the bun for lunch, meat or potatoes for dinner.

Milk and dairy

"Now we come to one of the most controversial and misunderstood items in the Western diet.

Orientals and Africans have traditionally avoided milk- except as a purgative. But in the Western world, people are told to drink milk everyday throughout their lives.

If we look at nature, we see that the young feed exclusively on milk until weaned away from it with other foods. The natural disappearance of the milk-digesting enzyme lactase from the human system upon reaching maturity proves that adult humans have no more nutritional need for milk than adult tigers or chimpanzees.

Though milk is a complete protein food when consumed raw, it also contains fat, which means that it combines poorly with any other food except itself. Yet adults today routinely 'wash down' other foods with cold milk. Milk curdles immediately upon entering the stomach, so if there is other food present the curds coagulate around other food particles and insulate them from exposure to gastric juices, delaying digestion long enough to permit the onset of putrefaction. Therefore, the first and foremost rule of milk consumption is, 'Drink it alone, or leave it alone.'

Today, milk is made even more indigestible by the universal practice of pasteurization, which destroys its natural enzymes and alters its delicate proteins.

Raw milk contains the active enzymes lactase and lipase, which permit raw milk to digest itself. Pasteurized milk, which is devitalized of lactase and other active enzymes, simply can not be properly digested by adult stomachs, and even infants have trouble with it, as evidenced by colic, rashes, respiratory ailments, gas and other common ailments of bottle-fed babies. The lack of enzymes and alteration of vital proteins also renders the calcium and other mineral elements in milk largely unassailable.

During the 1930's, Dr. Francis M. Pottenger conducted a 10-year study on the relative effects of pasteurized and raw milk diets on 900 cats. One group received nothing but raw whole milk, while the other was fed nothing but pasteurized whole milk from the same source.

The raw milk group thrived, remaining healthy, active and alert throughout their lives, but the group fed on pasteurized milk soon became listless, confused and highly vulnerable to a host of chronic degenerative ailments normally associated with humans, including heart disease, kidney failure, thyroid dysfunction, respiratory ailments, loss of teeth, brittle bones, liver inflammation, etc. 

But what caught Dr. Pottenger's attention most was what happened to the second and third generations. 

The first offspring of the pasteurized milk group were all born with poor teeth and small, weak bones- a clear cut sign of calcium deficiency, which indicated lack of calcium absorption from pasteurized milk.

The offspring of the raw milk group remained as healthy as their parents. 

Many of the kittens in third generation of the pasteurized group were stillborn, while those that survived were all sterile and unable to reproduce.

The experiment had to end there because there was no fourth generation of cats fed on pasteurized milk, although the raw milk group continued to breed and thrive indefinitely.

If that is insufficient proof of the ill effects of pasteurized milk, take note of the fact even that newborn calves fed on pasteurized milk taken from their own mother cows usually die within six months, a fact which the commercial dairy industry is loathe to admit.

Despite such scientific evidence in favor of raw milk and against pasteurized milk, and despite the fact that until the early twentieth century the human species thrived on raw milk, it is actually illegal to sell raw milk to consumers in all but a few states in America today.

It is far more profitable to the dairy industry to pasteurize milk to extend its shelf-life, though such denatured milk does nothing whatsoever to extend human life.

Furthermore, pasteurization renders milk from sick cows in unsanitary dairies relatively 'harmless' by killing some, but not all, dangerous germs, and this too cuts costs for the dairy industry.

It required only three generations for Dr. Pottenger's pasteurized milk fed cats to become sterile and enfeebled. That's about how many generations of Americans and Europeans have fed on pasteurized milk. Today, infertility has become a major problem for your American couples, while calcium deficiency has become so rampant that over 90 percent of all American children suffer chronic tooth decay.

To make things worse, milk is now routinely 'homogenized' to prevent the cream from separating from the milk. This involves the fragmentation and pulverization of the fat molecules to the point that they will not separate from the rest of the milk. But it also permits there tiny fragments of milk fat to easily pass through the villa of the small intestine, greatly increasing the amount of denatured fat and cholesterol absorbed by the body. In fact, you absorb more milk-fat from homogenized milk than you do from pure cream!

Women worried about osteoporosis should take note of these facts about pasteurized milk products. That such denatured milk does not deliver sufficient calcium to prevent this condition is abundantly evident from the fact that American women, who consume great quantities of pasteurized milk products, suffer the world's highest incidence of osteoporosis. 

Raw cabbage, for example, supplies far more available calcium than any quantity of pasteurized milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, or any other denatured dairy product.

Recent studies at the Human Research Centre in Grand Folks, North Dakota, indicates that the element boron is also an essential factor in absorbing calcium from food and utilizing it to build bones.

Even more noteworthy, the level of estrogen in the blood of women given sufficient quantities of boron more than doubled, eliminating the need for estrogen replacement therapy, which is a common stopgap measure against osteoporosis in the West. And where do we find boron? In fresh fruits and vegetables, especially apples, pears, grapes, nuts, cabbage, and other leafy vegetables, where we also find calcium. Nature has already provided abundant sources of all the vital nutrients we need in synergetic form, but man insists on cooking and processing them to death, and then wonders why his diet doesn't 'work'.

Adults should seriously reconsider milk as a constitute of their daily diets, unless they are able to obtain raw certified milk, which is an excellent food.

To stuff children with pasteurized milk in order to make them grow 'strong and healthy' is sheer folly, because they simply cannot assimilate the nutrients.

Indeed men, women, and children alike should eliminate all pasteurized dairy products from their diets, for these denatured dairy products only gum up the intestines with layer upon layer of slimy sludge that interferes with the absorption of organic nutrients."

Learn more about milk and dairy at the food profiles section.

THE RULE: Eliminate pasteurized and homogenized milk entirely from your diet.

If raw certified milk is available consume it as a whole food in itself, not in combination with other foods.

Protein and Protein

"Different proteins have different digestive requirements. For example the strongest enzymatic action on milk occurs during the last hour of digestion, whereas on meat it occurs during the first hour and on eggs somewhere in between.

It is instructive to recall the ancient dietary law which Moses imposed on his people [the Jewish people], forbidding the simultaneous consumption of milk and flesh.

Two similar meats such as beef and lamb, or two types of fish such as salmon and shrimp, are not sufficiently different in nature to cause digestive conflict in the stomach and may be consumed together."

THE RULE: Eat only one major type of protein at a single meal.

Avoid combinations such as meat and eggs, meat and milk, fish and cheese.

Insure the assimilation of the full range of vital amino acids by varying the types of concentrated proteins taken at different meals.

Acid and starch

"Any acid taken together with starch suspends secretion of ptyalin, a biochemical fact of life upon which all physicians agree.

Therefore, if you consume oranges, lemons and other acid fruits, or acids such as vinegar's, along with starch, no ptyalin is secreted in the mouth to initiate the first stage of digestion. Consequently, the starch hits the stomach without the vital alkaline juices it needs to digest properly, permitting bacteria to ferment it instead.

A single teaspoon of vinegar, or its equivalent in other acids, is all it takes entirely to suspend salivary digestion of starch in the mouth."

THE RULE: Eat acids and  starches at separate meals.

For example, if you eat toast or cereal for breakfast (starches), skip the orange juice (acid) as well as the eggs (concentrated protein).

If you're eating a starch-based meal of noodles or rice, avoid vinegar as well as concentrated protein (meat, chicken).

Acid and protein

"Since protein requires an acid medium for proper digestion, you'd think that acid foods would facilitate protein digestion, but that's not the case.

When acid foods enter the stomach they inhibit the secretion of hydrochloric acid, and the protein-digesting enzyme pepsin can work only in the presence of hydrochloric acid, not just any acid.

Therefore orange juice inhibits the proper digestion of eggs, and a strong vinegar dressing on salads inhibits the digestion of steak."

THE RULE: Avoid combining concentrated proteins and acids at the same meal.

Starch and sugar

"It has been established that, when sugar enters the mouth along with starch, the saliva secreted during mastication contains no ptyalin, thereby sabotaging starch digestion before it reaches the stomach.

Furthermore, such a combination blocks passage of sugar through the stomach until the starch is digested, causing it to ferment.

The by-products of sugar fermentation are acidic, which in turn further inhibits digestion of starches, which require alkaline mediums for digestion.

Bread (starch) and butter (fat) is a perfectly compatible combination, but when you spread a spoonful of honey or jam over it, you introduce sugars to the blend, which interferes with the digestion of the starch in bread.

The same principle applies to breakfast cereal sprinkled with sugar, heavily frosted cakes, sweet pies, and so forth."

THE RULE: Eat starches and sugars separately.


"One should avoid any sort of sweet dessert after a big meal, for this type of food combines poorly with everything.

Even fresh fruit should be avoided right after a big meal because it will back up in the stomach and ferment instead of digest.

If you really have a 'sweet tooth' and crave cakes, pies and pastries, indulge your habit occasionally by making a whole meal of them.

They are still not good for you but at least taken alone they will not cause as much gastric distress and toxic by-products as when taken after meals."

THE RULE: Avoid sweet starchy desserts, as well as fruits, after large meals of protein or carbohydrates.


"Melons are such a perfect food for humans that they require no digestion whatsoever in the stomach. Instead, they pass quickly through the stomach and move into the small intestine for digestion and assimilation.

But this can happen only when the stomach is empty and melons are eaten alone, or in combination only with other fresh raw fruits.

When consumed with or after other foods that require complex digestion in the stomach, melons cannot pass into the small intestine until the digestion of other foods in the stomach is complete.

So they sit and stagnate instead, quickly fermenting and causing all sorts of gastric distress."

THE RULE: Eat melons alone or leave them alone.

Trophology summary

"Correctly combining foods makes all the difference in the world to proper digestion and metabolism.

Without complete digestion, the nutrients in even the most wholesome food cannot be fully extracted and assimilated by the body.

Moreover, incomplete digestion and inefficient metabolism are the prime causes of fat and cholesterol accumulation in the body. A low calorie diet of overcooked, processed and improperly combined foods will still make you fat and leave sticky deposits in your arteries, just as the wrong mix of fuels will leave carbon deposits on the spark plugs of an engine, clog the pistons, and create foul gaseous exhaust.

On the other hand, if foods are properly combined for consumption, then regardless of how many calories or how much cholesterol they contain they will not make you fat or clog up your veins and organs, especially if at least half your daily food intake is taken raw.

If one follows the rules of Trophology, there is no need to be a fanatic about controlling one's diet, no need to count calories, and no need to worry about cholesterol.

Note also that there is no such thing as a food that is 100 percent protein or 100 percent carbohydrate. What counts is whether protein or carbohydrate is the major nutritional element in any particular food.

Generally speaking, if a food item contains 15 percent of more protein, than its categorized as 'protein food', while 20 percent or more carbohydrate makes it a 'carbohydrate food'. When combining different types of food in a single meal, it doesn't matter much if a little bit of protein is added to a basically carbohydrate meal or vice versa, especially if plenty of raw vegetables are included to provide active enzymes and fibrous bulk.

Ideally, one should consume only over variety of food at a single sitting.

A glance at nature proves this point.

Carnivorous animals never consume starchy items with their meat, but they do supplement digestion and occasionally purge their bowels by chewing on wild weeds that have medicinal properties. It has also been observed by bird watchers for centuries that birds eat bugs and worms at one time of day, seeds and berries, at another, but never both together. What makes modern man think that his digestive tract is so different from all other species in nature?

Even though traditional Chinese diet relies heavily on rice, a closer look at Chinese eating habits shows that, up until the mid-twentieth century, the rice was consumed according to the rules of Trophology.

For example, when Chinese families eat at home, their meals are usually heavy in fresh vegetables and bean curd products and very light in meats. When Chinese go out for a big banquet in a restaurant, rice is generally not served at all, specifically so that it does not interfere with the enjoyment and digestion of the meat, fish and fowl that always appear on banquet menus. Today, however, modern lifestyles have eroded these healthy eating habits among urban Chinese, much to the detriment of their health and longevity.

Back in the 1920's, before modern world had much impact on Chinese lifestyles, an extensive study was conducted in China by Western nutritional experts to compare the typical eating habits of Chinese and Americans. The regions surveyed were located in central and coastal China, and rural areas where traditional lifestyles and eating habits had not changed much for many centuries, but where relative peace and prosperity gave local households the full range of choice of foods.

The study revealed that the average Chinese derived over 90 percent of their food energy from grains and grain products, with only 1 percent coming from animal products and all the rest from fresh vegetable sources. A blend of 90 percent carbohydrate and 1 percent protein, supplemented with the enzymes and roughage of fresh fruits and vegetables is about as close to a perfectly combined diet as is practically possible.

The same study then turned towards the eating habits of typical Americans, with most revealing results: 39 percent of the average Americans food energy came from grains, 38 percent from animal products and most of the remaining 23 percent came from refined sugars. Vegetables and fruits accounted for a minuscule portion of the American diet. One could hardly concoct a more poorly balanced diet from the point of view of Trophology! 

According to the results of Dr. Pottenger's experiments with cats, the damage from such denatured diets can be transmitted to the next generation.

Let's take a close trophological look at the 'Great American Meal', which is rapidly spreading digestive and metabolic malaise throughout the world via huge corporate fast food chains.

That all-American meal consists of a cheeseburger with French fries, washed down with a milk shake or sweet cola. A cheeseburger contains two different varieties of concentrated protein- meat and cheese. On top of that goes a big, fluffy bun of highly refined white flour- pure starch. Next comes a big bag of deep fried potatoes, thereby adding more concentrated starch, further fattened by deep-frying in stale oil, to the meal. Finally this mess is washed down with a big frozen milk shake, adding pasteurized milk to the meat and starch and the fat, plus several spoons of refined white sugar to thoroughly gum up the works.

Breaking one or two rules of Trophology at any given meal is bad enough, but the 'Great American Meal' breaks at least six! Small wonder that in a recent nationwide health survey in America, reported by an Associated Press bulletin in July 1996, 49 percent of the population reported chronic, daily stomach pain, gastro-intestinal distress, constipation, and other ailments of the digestive tract. This website can bring long term relief to these people, and help the other 51% avoid these sort of problems.

The dietary situation in the Western world is far more serious than any government health authorities care to admit. This is largely because the food industry has become one of the largest, most powerful businesses in the Western world, especially in America, where the processed food industry is represented by one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which decides what foods may be sold in the market, is staffed primarily by professional bureaucrats, not nutritional scientists, and it conducts no scientific tests whatsoever. Instead, it relies on tests and reports submitted by the very corporations which want to get a new food product onto the market! 

Raw certified milk has become illegal in most states, and gone are the days when people could go down to a local open-air market to purchase fresh produce, as is still common in Asia and much of Europe. 

And so Americans continue to suffer among the world's highest incidence of heart disease, cancer, digestive disorders and other deadly ailments.

Facts are facts, so have a look at the following startling facts about diet and malnutrition in America, compiled by American medical scientists and published in March/April 1958 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

A careful comparative examination of the diets and health of beggars in India and apparently healthy young American teenagers revealed that in India the average daily calorie intake of the typical beggar amounted to less that half that of the typical American.

Yet only 6.25 percent of the beggars showed any sign of nutritional deficiency, while a staggering 75 percent of the American teenagers showed signs of severe malnutrition. Only 1.25 percent of the Indian beggars suffered dental cavities, compared with over 90 percent of the young Americans. Conclusion: the typical beggar in India derives greater health from his meager diet than the average American teenager does from his 'rich' diet.

A similar study in Mexico found similar results. The September 1951 issue of Harper's Magazine reports the results of a long-term study of the dietary habits of Mexican peasants, conducted by MIT's Dr. Robert Harris. States the report,

To the surprise of the investigators, these poverty stricken Mexicans showed less evidence of malnutrition than did Michigan school children....

Analysis of all their foods by Dr. Harris' group showed that the Otomis (Indians dwelling in the arid Mesquital Valley north of Mexico City), like the slum dwellers of Mexico City, were obtaining, nearly adequate quantities of all nutrients except riboflavin. In fact, their nutrition was definitely superior to that of the average person living in the Boston and New York areas of the United States.




"Sugar is without question one of the most dangerous substances on the food market today.

What we are talking about here is sucrose, the white crystalline sugar refined from cane or beet juice by stripping away all its vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, water, and other synergists.

White sugar is an industrially processed chemical not found in nature, and it is not fit for human consumption.

Other sugars such as fructose (in fruit and honey), lactose (in milk), and maltose (in grains) are natural substances with nutritional value.

Raw sugar is a coarse, brown, sticky variety made by simply boiling down whole cane juice and it too is a wholesome food, but it is very difficult to find in the Western world.

The so called 'brown sugar' sold in supermarkets is nothing more than refined white sugar with some molasses spun back into it for color and flavor. It is not a 'health food'.

Sugar suppresses the immune system by causing the pancreas to secrete abnormally large quantities of insulin, which is required to break it down.

Insulin remains in circulation in the bloodstream long after sugar has been metabolized, and one of its main side effects is to suppress the release of growth hormone in the pituitary gland.

Growth hormone is a primary regulator of the immune system, so anyone who eats a lot of sugar every day is going to experience critical growth hormone deficiency and consequent immune deficiency caused by the constant presence of insulin in the bloodstream.

Furthermore, refined white sugar is treated as a toxic foreign agent by the immune system, owing to its unnatural chemical structure as well as the industrial contaminants it retains from the refining process.

Sugar thus triggers an unnecessary immune response while simultaneously suppressing immune function, thereby debilitating the immune system with a double edged sword.

Sugar is the chief culprit in many diseases and degenerative conditions.

It can easily cause diabetes and is a major factor in candidacies, both of which are epidemic in the industrialized Western world.

Since sugar is 'nutritionally naked', the body must 'borrow' the missing vitamins, minerals and other synergistic nutrients required to metabolize sugar from its own tissues.

Heavy sugar consumption therefore causes a constant siphoning of nutrients from the body. Recent evidence suggests that sugar causes dental problems not so much by contact with the teeth but rather by leaching the teeth of calcium from within.

Sugar also depletes the body of potassium and magnesium, which are required for proper cardiac function, and is therefore a major factor in heart disease.

The nutritional leaching caused by sugar can give rise to intense food cravings and eating binges, as the body seeks to replenish the nutrients 'stolen' from it by sugar.

Most people consume far more sugar than their bodies can possibly use for energy. When this happens, the liver converts the extra sugar into molecules called triglycerides and stores it as fat, or else produces cholesterol from the by-products of sugar and deposits it in veins and arteries. Sugar is thus a major factor in obesity and arteriosclerosis as well.

Sugar is an addictive substance. In Sugar Blues, William Dufty writes; 'The difference between sugar addiction and narcotic addiction is largely one of degree.'

Abruptly giving up sugar invariably brings on the sort of withdrawal symptoms associated with narcotic drugs- fatigue, lassitude, depression, moodiness, headaches, aching limbs.

Its addictive nature is also reflected in current per capita consumption in the USA- an average of 130 pounds of sugar per person per year, or about 1/3 pound daily. That qualifies as 'substance abuse'. Most people don't even realize how much sugar they're taking every day because much of it is hidden in other foods.

A 12-ounce can of a typical soft drink, for example, contains about nine teaspoons of refined white sugar.

Sugar consumption in the USA is so high that it has also caused a social problem through its deleterious effects on behavior, especially in children, who are displaying increasingly severe behavioral disorders and learning disabilities. 

In a recent study conducted by Dr. C. Keith Connors of the Children's Hospital in Washington, DC, a 'deadly' link was established between the consumption of sugar with carbohydrates (such as breakfast cereal, cake, and biscuits) and violent behavior, hypertension, and learning impediments. 

In other studies, chronic violence in prisons was remarkably reduced simply by eliminating refined sugar and starch from prison diets. Singapore in 1991 banned sugary soft drink sales from all schools and youth centers, citing the danger that sugar poses to the mental and physical health of children.

If you or your children have a sweet tooth, you can easily satisfy it by concocting treats with honey, molasses, and barley malt, which are not only sweet but also nutritious and therapeutically beneficial."


"Medical myths about fats have steered millions of Western people into self-destructive dietary folly in recent years.

Natural unadulterated fats are not only highly nutritious, gram for gram they contain far more energy than any other type of food on earth, which makes them the most efficient fuel for essence-to-energy food alchemy.

Natural fats contain nutrients which are absolutely essential for proper functioning of the brain, heart, and immune system, but despite this fact, the Western medical establishment, along with the media and processed-food industry, have condemned natural fats as killers and suggest instead that we all switch over to 'low fat' or 'no-fat' products in which natural fats have been replaced by hydrogenated vegetable oils.

First, let's discuss why the body requires fats and how it uses them, then take a look at the artificial substitutes.

Natural fats such as butter, nut oils, and fish oils contain important nutrients called 'essential fatty acids, which are required for many metabolic processes and vital functions.

That's why they are called 'essential'- because your body cannot function properly without them. Among other things, fatty acids are required to build and repair cellular membranes, especially in brain, nerve, and white blood cells, and to keep blood vessels clean and well lubricated. Two of them- linoleic and linolenic acid- cannot be synthesized in the body and must therefore be obtained from dietary sources. According to Dr. Cass Igram, one of America's leading nutritional scientists, virtually all Americans are deficient in essential fatty acids.

Fats are about twice as efficient in producing energy as any other type of food, including complex carbohydrates and natural sugars. The essence-to-energy conversion of fats takes place in tiny power plants within each cell, called mitochondria, which prefer fat over all other fuels. But the fat must be natural and unadulterated in order to yield viable cellular energy. That means butter, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, and cold-pressed oils.

The traditional Eskimo diet included mounds of raw fat from whales, seals, and fish, but Eskimos never experienced problems with arteriosclerosis and heart disease until they switched from natural fats to processed American foods made with hydrogenated vegetable oils, sugar and starch.

The Japanese also eat a lot of natural raw fish oils in the form of sashimi and sushi, which contain abundant supplies of essential fatty acids. Cold-pressed olive oil has been a mainstay in Mediterranean diets for thousands of years, and these countries are known for their relatively low incidence of cancer and heart disease. In China, people traditionally used cold-pressed sesame and peanut oil for cooking and making condiments, and in India essential fatty acids are obtained by abundant use of clarified butter called ghee.

During World War II, when butter became scare, American chemists fiddled around with vegetable oils to produce butter substituted and came up with margarine and 'shortening'. They did this by heating various vegetable oils to over 500oF, then pumping hydrogen through it and adding nickel as a catalyst to harden it. The result of this chemical wizardry is a solid fat substitute with a molecule structure very similar to plastic.

When natural fats are eliminated from the diet in favor of hydrogenated-oil substitutes, the body is forced to use these denatured fat molecules in place of the natural fatty acids missing from the diet. White blood cells, which are pillars of the immune system, are particularly dependent on essential fatty acids. Here's how Dr. Igram describes what happens to white cells when hydrogenated oils replace natural fats in the diet, excepted from his book Eat Right or Die Young:

These cells incorporate the hydrogenated fats you eat into their membranes. When this happens, the white cells become sluggish in function, and their membranes actually become stiff.

Such white cells are poor defenders against infection. This leaves the body wide open to all sorts of derangement's of the immune system. Cancer, or infections by yeast's, bacteria and viruses can more easily take a foothold....In fact, one of the quickest ways to paralyze your immune system is to eat, on a daily basis, significant quantities of deep-fried foods, or fats such as margarine...No wonder that a high consumption of margarine, shortening, and other hydrogenated fats is associated with a greater incidence of a variety of cancers.

Besides cancer, regular consumption of hydrogenated-oil products, including non-dairy creamers and toppings and virtually all processed and packaged foods, is closely associated with an increased risk of arteriosclerosis, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, candidasis, and high blood pressure.

The heart is particularly fond of natural fats as fuel, and heart cells specialize in the conversion of fats into energy. In order to do this, however, a nutrient called 'carnitine' is required to deliver fats into the cells for combustion. 'Fats cannot be properly combusted without adequate amounts of carnitine,' writes Dr. Igram.

Carnitine is an amino acid synthesized in the liver from two other amino acides-lysine and methionine- both of which must be obtained from dietary sources. If you have sufficient supplies of carnitine, you can eat all the natural fats you want, because carnitine helps burn fat, especially in the heart, which never rests.

Here we find a very interesting link with the traditional Taoist notion of the Five Elemental Energies and their associated organs, in which the liver is governed by Wood and the heart by Fire. 

According to the generative 'Mother-Son' relationship of Wood to Fire, the liver feeds the heart with energy, just as wood fuels fire. In terms of modern nutritional science, the liver provides the carnitine and the fat which the heart burns to produce energy.

The richest dietary sources of carnitine are lamb (especially the fatty parts), organ meats (especially liver and heart), fish, avocado, and wheat germ.

The best sources of essential fatty acids are deep water ocean fish such as tuna and salmon, as well as wild game, avocados, almonds, pecans, and pumpkin, pine, and sunflower seeds.

The best choices in cooking oils are cold-pressed olive, corn, sunflower, sesame, and safflower oils. Clarified butter (ghee) is better than ordinary butter for cooking because it can withstand higher temperatures without damage.

Avoid all products made with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, including commercial mayonnaise, bottled salad dressings, margarine, shortening, and virtually all processed foods."


"Cow's milk is meant for calves, and babies are meant to drink mother's milk until weaned from it.

Nature has designed both types of milk and digestive systems accordingly. 

It is a scientifically documented fact that calves fed on pasteurized milk from their own mother cow usually die within six weeks, so it stands to reason that pasteurized cow's milk is not a wholesome, life-sustaining food for calves, much less for humans. Yet not only do adult humans feed this denatured animal secretion to their own infants, they also consume it themselves.

Cow's milk has four times the protein and only half the carbohydrate content of human milk. Pasteurization destroys the natural enzyme in cow's milk required to digest its heavy protein content.

This excess milk protein therefore putrefies in the human digestive tract, clogging the intestines with sticky sludge, some of which seeps back into the bloodstream.

As this putrid sludge accumulates from daily consumption of dairy products, the body forces some of it out through the skin (acne, blemishes) and lungs (catarrh), while the rest of it festers inside, forms mucus that breeds infections, causes allergic reactions, and stiffens joints with calcium deposits.

Many cases of chronic asthma, allergies, ear infections, and acne have been totally cured simply by eliminating all dairy products from the diet.

Cow's milk products are particularly harmful to women. 
Milk is supposed to flow out of, not into, women's bodies.

The debilitating effects of pasteurized cow's milk on women is further aggravated by the synthetic hormones cow's are injected with to increase milk production. These chemicals play havoc with the delicately balanced female endocrine system. In Food and Healing, the food therapist Anne Marie Colbin describes the dairy disaster for women as follows:

The consumption of dairy products, including milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, appears to be strongly linked to various disorders of the female reproductive system, including ovarian tumors and cysts, vaginal discharges, and infections. I see this link confirmed time and again by the countless women I know who report these problems diminishing or disappearing altogether after they've stopped consuming dairy food.

I hear of fibroid tumors being passed or dissolved, cervical cancer arrested, menstrual irregularities straightened out...Even infertility appears to have been reversed with this approach in several instances.

Many women, as well as men, consume dairy products because their doctors tell them it's a good source of calcium. This is fallacious advice.

True, cow's milk contains 118 mg of calcium in every 100 grams, compared to 33 mg/100 grams in human milk. But cow's milk also contains 97 mg phosphorus/100 grams, compared to only 18 mg in human milk. Phosphorus combines with calcium in the digestive tract and actually blocks its assimilation. 

Dr. Frank Oski, chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the State University of New York's Medical Centre states: 'Only foods with a calcium-to-phosphorus-ratio of two-to-one or better should be used as a primary source of calcium.' The ratio in human milk is 2.35 to one, in cow's milk only 1.27 to one. Cow's milk also contains 50 mg sodium/100 grams, compared with only 16 mg in human milk, so dairy products are probably one of the most common sources of excess sodium in the modern Western diet.

Besides, cow's milk is not nearly as good a source of calcium as other far more digestible and wholesome foods. Compare the 118 mg calcium/100 grams cow's milk with 100 grams of the following foods: almonds (254 mg), broccoli (130 mg), kale (187 mg), sesame seeds (1,160 mg), kelp (1,093 mg), and sardines (400 mg).

As for osteoporosis, it is caused not so much by calcium deficiency in the diet as it is by dietary factors which leach calcium form bones and teeth, especially sugar.

Sugar, meat, refined starch, and alcohol all cause a constant state of acidosis in the bloodstream, and acid blood is known to dissolve calcium form bones. The best way to correct osteoporosis is to consume the non-dairy calcium-rich foods mentioned above, while simultaneously cutting down or eliminating acidifying calcium robbers from the diet. A daily supplement of 3 mg of the mineral boron also seems to help bones assimilate and retain calcium.

From the traditional Chinese medical point of view, milk is a form of 'sexual essence. For the human species to drink the sexual essence of another species can only lead to trouble, especially for females, because the hormones it contains will upset the sensitive balance of the human endocrine system.

If you insists on consuming dairy product, your best bet is goat's milk, which approximates the nutritional composition and balance of human milk.

The only safe products made from cow's milk are fresh butter, which is a digestible fat, and fresh live-culture yogurt, which is predigested for you by lactobacteria, but even these should be consumed in moderation and preferably prepared from raw un-pasteurized milk.


"Eating too many eggs can cause a highly acidifying and putrefactive excess of protein, especially when the diet already includes meat and seafood.

The traditional Chinese dietary guideline stipulates that one or two eggs per week is sufficient for human nutritional needs.

Women with ovarian cysts and other reproductive organ problems should abstain completely for eggs, because eggs are products of the hen's own sexual reproductive system and can therefore aggravate such problems in women.

Today, most commercially sold eggs come from chickens cooped up in small cages under bright lights and fed on dry feed laced with synthetic hormones and antibiotics. Such eggs do more damage than good to the human system and should be avoided.

Try to buy free-range eggs, and don't eat them every day. The best way to cook eggs is soft-boiled or lightly poached, with the yolks remaining soft and intact for maximum nutritional value and digestibility.

Raw egg yolks, without the whites, are an excellent source of protein such as lecithin, amino acids, and other nutrients."


"Westerners consume a far greater percentage of their calories from meat then Orientals do, and it shows in the complexion, body, fat and body odor.

Meat is highly acidifying and warming (yang qualities), as well as putrefactive.

According to the tenets of traditional Chinese medicine, elderly people require more meat than the young or middle-aged because of its warming yang properties and concentrated nutrients, but only if their digestive systems are in proper order.

The biggest problem with meat in the Standard American Diet (SAD) is the pervasive contamination of US beef with antibiotics and steroid hormones.

About 40% of all the antibiotics produced in the USA are fed to cattle and other livestock, and this is passed on the consumer in every hamburger, steak, and other food products made with US beef. 

This daily dietary intake of antibiotics depresses the human immune system and is an important contributing factor in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AID's).

In addition to antibiotics, US cattle are fed synthetic hormones to accelerate growth, increase fat deposits, bring entire herds of cows into heat at the same time for breeding, increase milk production, and induce abortions in pregnant cows scheduled for slaughter.

These hormones are suspected as a major cause of the high incidence of breast and ovarian cancer in American women, as well as premature puberty in American children.

Since steroid hormone's cause cattle to grow fat fast, it also stands to reason that they cause obesity in humans who consume the meat and milk of such contaminated animals.

This is especially true for growing children, and is confirmed by the fact that whenever big American fast-food chains featuring beef and milk products set up operations in Asian countries, the once healthy children there soon show all the signs of chronic ill health that plague American children: obesity, acne and pimples, respiratory infections, premature puberty, and behavioral abnormalities.

US cattle also absorb all the herbicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers used to grow the feed crops on which they are forced to gorge, and a high percentage of these hapless creatures arrive at the slaughterhouse riddled with cancerous tumors and tuberculosis.

All this poison is passed directly on to the consumer, so if you like to eat beef, be sure it has been organically raised without drugs and hormones, and preferably range-fed than pen-fed.

For different reasons, pork is also a poor choice in meat. Owing to the pig's omnivorous diet, pork is even more acidifying than other meats.

Pork is very hard on the liver, largely because lard is difficult to digest.

Researchers in Canada have established a close link between cirrhosis of the liver and pork consumption in sixteen countries studied. In countries where pork is consumed together with alcohol (beer and sausage, wine and schnitzel, etc.) the likelihood of liver cirrhosis rises by a factor of 1,000.

Commercially raised chickens are also kept confined to cages and fed on denatured feed contaminated with antibiotics, hormones, and pesticides.

Chinese physicians have always recommended 'earth chickens' (tu-jee) as the only safe dietary source of chicken and eggs.

Called 'free-range chickens' in the West, they run free around the farm, eating wild vegetation, insects, and worms and getting plenty of fresh air and exercise.

The best choice in domestic meat is lamb. Sheep generally graze on open ranges, out in the sun and fresh air, and they are usually not contaminated with drugs.

Lamb is the richest source of carnitine, which is required to deliver fat into the cells for metabolism.

Lamb has always been the meat of choice in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and Himalayan regions, where arteriosclerosis and heart disease have never been major problems. Even better than lamb is wild game, such as deer, elk, pheasant, and quail, although these products are hard to find these days.

Red meat should always be consumed as rare as possible, and preferably with horseradish or strong mustard, which stimulates the liver and gall bladder to secrete the juices required to break down the proteins and the fats. Fresh ginger root aids the digestion of meat."


"Deep-water ocean fish such as tuna and salmon are excellent sources of protein as well as fish oils that are rich in essential fatty acids called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosaheyaenoic acid (DHA).

EPA and DHA rank among nature's most effective blood thinners; they prevent sludging of blood platelets, dissolve clots, and dredge blood vessels of excess cholesterol and fatty deposits, thereby improving circulation and preventing heart attacks.

Countries which consume a lot of deep-water fish, such as Japan and Pacific islands, have significantly lower rates of heart disease than non-fish-eating countries.

Like meat, fish is warming and acidifying yang food.

It is most easily digested and yields the most nutrients when eaten raw, such as sashimi in Japan, poissons crux in the South Pacific, or when lightly steamed or poached.

Owing to the pollution of lakes, rivers and streams throughout the world, freshwater fish is no longer such a good choice.

Shellfish and reef fish should also be avoided because the shallow sea beds they inhabit are polluted."


"The cultivation of cereal grains for food marked the transition from nomadic hunting and gathering to a sedentary lifestyle that permitted the rise of permanent cities and civilizations.

Whole grains contain sufficient protein for most sedentary human requirements, plus the complex carbohydrates needed to provide the sort of sustained energy associated with mental rather than physical work.

Meat-eating hunting societies have never been renowned for their intellectual prowess. Note, for example, the carnivorous Mongols, who conquered half the world on horseback, only to be seduced and absorbed by the elegant civilization of the grain-eating Chinese.

Due to their protein and carbohydrate content, grains are warming, acidifying yang foods, and like meat they should be balanced with cooling, alkalizing vegetables.

Whole grains also contain fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which makes them a truly 'whole' food. Most of the world's population depend on either rice or wheat for the bulk of their calories.

But as a result of modern milling methods, which scrape away the nutrient-laden bran and germ and leave only the starchy white pith, most commercial grain foods are nutritionally naked. Only whole-grains provide whole-nutrition.

Grains can caused indigestion and flatulence if they are not thoroughly chewed and salivated in the mouth before swallowing.

That's because all carbohydrates must begin their digestive journey in the mouth, where an alkaline enzyme called ptyalin is secreted from salivary glands to initiate the breakdown of starches.

Another way to make grains more digestible is to roast them until golden brown before cooking. This process is call dextrinization, and it converts much of the hard-to-digest starch into easily digested simple sugars. for the same reason, it's always a good idea to toast bread well before eating it.

A serious problem with many grains on the market today is long-term storage in huge silos, which permits the growth of moulds that produce afaltoxin, one of the most potent carcinogens in the world.

Corn is especially vulnerable to afaltoxin contamination, but so are wheat and other grains. Unless you have access to relatively freshly harvested grains, it's a good idea to take daily antioxidant supplements as a preventative measure against afaltoxin poisoning."


"Beans compliment whole grains as plant sources of essential amino acids, which is why they are often served together in meatless meals.

Chick peas and millet, lentils and barley, rice and dhal, corn bread and black-eyed peas, rice and kidney beans are common example of the grain-and-bean protein team.

Together they provide the full spectrum of essential amino acids required for human nutrition, usually in a proportion of one part beans to two parts grain.

Except for Soya beans, beans are warming, acidifying yang foods, like grains.

Though much touted as a 'whole protein' food, Soya beans and tofu are not very easy to digest, and they can also interfere with the absorption of zinc.

Zinc deficiency is a common problem in vegetarian diets, and using tofu as a meat substitute only aggravates this deficiency.

Furthermore, since zinc is vital for proper function of sexual glands, Soya-bean products such as tofu can cool sexual energy, which is why tofu is a popular staple in Oriental monasteries, where celibacy is the rule. 

Unfortunately, when processed into tofu, Soya beans lose most of their vitamin, mineral and fiber content.

Beans may also be sprouted before consumption, in which case they may be eaten raw. Bean sprouts are rich in vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids, and are far easier to digest than whole beans."


"Vegetables are the earth's most effective alkalizers, especially when consumed raw in salads or as freshly extracted juices.

Cooling and cleansing, they are also high in fiber, which helps sweep post-digestive putrefactive debris from the intestinal tract.

Their chlorophyll content protects the body against cancer, neutralizes toxins, and helps keep vital fluids pure. Easy to digest and non-putrefactive, fresh vegetables go well with meats as well as grains and help counteract the acidifying effects of both.


Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, and cabbage. 

These vegetables seem to have potent protective properties for mucous membranes, especially in the lungs and digestive tract, and they are therefore effective guardians against cancer, ulcers, and infections in these vital organs. 

Rich in antioxidant nutrients such as betacarotene, vitamin C, and selenium, crucifers guard your body against all sorts of toxins absorbed from polluted environments. Crucifers have always played important roles in traditional Asian diets, especially in China.


Root vegetables are rich in minerals and replete with the stabilizing energy of the earth in which they grow. A few roots, such as carrots and turnips, are commonly consumed as ordinary vegetables, but most of them are used as condiments, seasoning, and side dishes. Many, such as ginger, garlic, and burdock, also have potent medicinal properties.

Horseradish, a traditional condiment served with beef in England and with sashimi in Japan (where it is called wasabi), stimulates the live and gall bladder, which are required to process proteins and fats assimilated from animal sources.

Ginger has always been noted for its digestive properties in Chinese cuisine, and it is said that Confucius refused to eat a meal without it. Onions help clear congestion and cut through excess mucus in the digestive tract.

The most protective of all root foods is garlic, which has been used for millennia throughout the world for its well-known healing powers as well as its pungent flavor.

In recent years, garlic has been shown to possess the following properties: inhibits growth of tumors; increases activity of white blood cells and macrophages; raises antibody production; provides a rich dietary source of the rare trace element selenium, which is a potent antioxidant; destroys fungus and yeast such as candida.

Not only is garlic one of nature's most powerful immune-system boosters, it is also prized in the Orient as a potent sexual tonic, which is why it is strictly prohibited in monastic kitchens throughout the Far East. Most practicing Taoists include fresh garlic in their daily diets.


Leafy greens contain abundant supplies of chlorophyll, one of nature's best cleansers and detoxifiers. Eating plenty of fresh leafy greens helps eliminate unpleasant body odour by neutralizing acidity and protein putrefaction. Fresh coriander is a particularly effective dietary deodorant.

Thanks to chlorophyll, green leaves have the capacity to convert the pure energy of sunlight into vegetable matter (E= mc2 again), and when we consume and metabolize green vegetable matter, this solar energy is released into our own systems. 

Leafy greens thus serve as transformers and storehouses of revitalizing solar energy.


Among the most popular vegetables in Western diets today are certain members of the Solanaceae family, known as 'nightshades', which include twenty-two general and over 2,000 species of plants. Among the nightshades are tobacco and many potent medicinal plants, some of them highly poisonous. Common foods from this shady family include potato, tomato, eggplant, and chili peppers.

The distinguishing feature of all nightshades is their rich alkaloid content. Alkaloids are potent plant chemicals, similar in molecular structure to proteins, with powerful physiological effects when consumed and metabolized.

Caffeine, morphine, cocaine, nicotine, and belladonna are all alkaloids with well known psychoactive effects and toxic properties. There is growing evidence that the alkaloids present in nightshade foods may have deleterious effects on human health, at least for some people.

It is interesting to note that, with the sole exception of eggplant, the traditional diet of China did not include nightshades, and that Taoist dietary guidelines have always strongly discourages the consumption of nightshades, including eggplant.

Tomatoes, for example were brought to China from the New World by Spanish traders during the sixteenth century and were named 'foreign eggplants' by Chinese. Potatoes, which the Chinese call 'foreign yams', were also imported from the Western world, as were chili peppers. Before this, the Chinese used nightshades only for medicine, not food, and even in the West tomatoes and potatoes were once regarded as poisonous.

Today nightshades such as tomato and potato have become ubiquitous in Western diets, particularly in fast food in the form of French fries and potato crisps, tomato sauce and ketchup. Potatoes and tomatoes are fast-growing, inexpensive and easy to store.

Recent research has implicated nightshades in the calcification of soft body tissues, a condition known as 'caliphylactic syndrome', which has become one of the most prevalent pathological conditions of all modern industrial societies.

This syndrome, which occurs when nightshades remove calcium from teeth and bones and deposit it in tissues, where it does not belong, is associated with arthritis, arteriosclerosis, cerebral sclerosis, kidney stones, gout, migraine, high blood pressure, bronchitis, osteoporosis, lupus, hypertension, and other common maladies.

May people have reported rapid recovery from these ailments when they completely eliminated nightshades from their diets. That includes smoking, because tobacco is also a nightshade, so smoking tobacco only compounds the severity of tissue calcification.

If you suffer from any of the above conditions, try abstaining entirely from all nightshades, including tobacco, for a period of six months.

This cure works only if eliminate all traces of nightshade alkaloids from your system, including those hidden in processed foods and condiments in the form of potato flour, tomato sauce, paprika, cayenne, Tabasco, and so forth."


"Fruits are alkalizing and cooling, except for certain tropical fruits such as mango and lichee, which are warming.

Fruits are very easy to digest and metabolize, but only when eaten on an empty stomach.

In fact, most fruits go straight through the stomach into the duodenum for digestion, which means if you put fresh fruit on top of a big meal, it has to sit and wait in the top of the stomach until the other food is digested, during which delay bacteria attack the fruit and ferment it, gobbling up all the nutrients and leaving you with gas and metabolic wastes.

The best rule to follow with fruits is; 'Eat them alone, or leave them alone.' This is particularly true for melons and citrus fruits.

Fresh fruits are even more cleansing to the digestive tract than vegetables.

A good way to detoxify and balance the pH of the entire alimentary canal is to eat nothing but fresh fruit for a period of one to seven days.

It is best to select just one variety of fruit for cleansing purposes, top choices being grapefruit, lemon (as juice, diluted with water), watermelon, apple, or black grapes. 

You may eat the fruit whole or as a juice, the latter being somewhat more effective for cleansing purposes."

Processed food

"If you wish to remain healthy and avoid ailments of the digestive organs, particularly cancer, you'd be well advised to eliminate all processed food completely from your diet.

In the age of fast food, precooked frozen diners, packaged snacks, and other 'convenience food', abstaining from processed food may seem difficult, but in fact it's not.

It is just as quick to eat an apple as it is a package of potato crisps, just as convenient to have nuts and seeds and dried fruit for breakfast as packaged cereal with cow's milk, and just as easy to make an avocado sandwich as a hamburger. It's all a matter of habit.

Today, over 6,000 synthetic chemicals are officially condoned for use in the processed-food industry, including some that are known to have carcinogenic properties.

Furthermore, processed foods also contain high levels of the debilitating, denatured ingredients we wish to avoid, such as white sugar, refined starch, pasteurized cow's milk, land mined salt, and hydrogenated vegetable oils.

The human immune system correctly recognizes chemical food additives as toxic foreign agents and fights hard to rid the body of them, causing severe biochemical reactions and putting great stress on the immune system.

After years of daily exposure to such inorganic chemicals, the immune system finally breaks down and burns out, leaving the body vulnerable to attack by microbes, toxins, and cancerous cells.

Although the food industry has duped the public as well as government health agencies into believing that their products are safe for human consumption, there is abundant scientific evidence to the contrary, and this information is in the public domain, openly available to anyone who seeks it.

Ignorance is therefore no longer a valid excuse for poisoning yourself with industrially adulterated foods. 

Only you control what goes into your mouth and down to your stomach."

Nuts and seeds

"Nuts and seeds are rich sources of amino acids and essential fatty acids, but you must eat them raw and as freshly harvested as possible to gain the full spectrum of their nutritional benefits.

In the dry state, nuts and seeds can be quite difficult to digest due to their enzyme inhibitors, which enable them to be stored for a long time without going rancid.

The best way to eat them is to cover them with water and let them soak overnight in the refrigerator. This inactivates their enzyme inhibitors, softens their fibers for easier digestion, and renders their nutrients easier to assimilate.

Vegetarians can easily get all the essential amino and fatty acids which meat eaters get from animal protein, simply by eating a handful or two of raw nuts and seeds everyday.

The best nuts for nutrition are almonds and pecans, and the best seeds are sunflower, pumpkin, and flax seed. 

Flax seed is particularly good for the colon (large intestines) and pumpkin for the prostate."

Fermented foods

"Fermentation is at least as old a method of food preparation as cooking with heat.

Yeast and other 'friendly' bacteria are added to raw ingredients and set aside to ferment, during the process the microbes break down complex carbohydrates and proteins into more easily digestible elements.

Fermentation increases the vitamin and enzyme content of foods, aids digestion, and facilitates assimilation of nutrients.

Fermented foods also colonize the intestinal tract with friendly flora, which control putrefactive bacteria, maintain proper pH balance in the colon, and increase the bulk and frequency of bowel movements.

However, people with chronic yeast infections such as candida and those who are sensitive to salt should abstain from fermented foods.

Almost all culinary traditions include some form of fermented food in the diet. Western cultures make yogurt, houmus, and kefir (a yogurt-type drink) from milk, beer from barley and hops, and wine from grapes.

In the East, Koreans eat fermented cabbage (Kimchee) three times a day, China has various fermented soya-bean products such as tofu and Soya sauce, the Japanese make soups and sauces with fermented miso paste, Thai cuisine is laced with a pungent ferment fish sauce called nam-pla, and Indians drink a delicious beverage called lassi made with yogurt that is freshly fermented every day.

It is a good idea to include a moderate amount of fermented food in meals that are rich in animal protein and fat, in order to aid digestion.

That's one of the reasons why wine and beer are such popular accompaniments to the meat-heavy meals of classical Western cuisine's.

Even the Bible advises one to 'take a little wine for the stomach's sake'."


"Salt is absolutely essential to human health and nutritional balance. Salt alkalizes blood and other vital fluids, helps retain water, and is deeply involved in the biochemistry of metabolism.

It's not salt per se that's so bad for human health, but rather the industrially refined, land-mined,  mineral-deficient table salt sold on the market and hidden in packaged and processed foods.

One to three grams of salt per day is a good measure for human nutritional requirements, but most Americans today consume 12-15 grams of salt daily.

In refining commercial table salt, manufacturers remove virtually all the minerals and trace elements, leaving a white crystal that is 98 per cent sodium chloride.

Among the nutrients removed is magnesium, which is essential for proper immune function. Magnesium supports a process call phagocytosis, which enhances the assimilative power of scavenger cells that are responsible for controlling infectious bacteria and other unwanted microbes.

Magnesium is also essential for proper function of nerve and brain cells, is involved in the metabolism of sugars and fats, and has been shown to lower mortality dramatically in heart-attach patients.

A study in Canada showed a 66 per cent drop in the death rate of heart-attack patients who were given intravenous injections of magnesium, and Dr. Cass Igram reports that magnesium injections resulted in a 90 percent reduction in heart-attack mortality in a similar study in the USA.

Owing to modern farming and food-processing methods, magnesium is deficient in almost all foods today, including fresh vegetables and whole grains. Dr. Igram reports that 76 per cent of all Americans are deficient in this vital mineral.

The only viable dietary source of magnesium these days is whole, unrefined sea salt, especially the coarse grey variety harvested by hand along the Brittany coast of France, known as 'Celtic sea salt'.

The Epsom salts some people take as a magnesium supplement contains magnesium sulfate, which is rapidly excreted through the kidneys and therefore difficult to assimilate. Whole sea salt contains magnesium chloride and magnesium bromide, which are easily assimilated and metabolized in the human body.

The big ballyhoo in Western media and medical circles about avoiding salt to cut down on sodium and thus control high blood pressure is all based on the detrimental effects of industrially refined, land-mined table salt, which is 98 per cent sodium chloride.

The health problems caused by this kind of salt is another typical example of how the processed-food industry has cornered the market on a vital food element, then refined and denatured it for 'convenience' (i.e. higher profits), duping the public into daily consumption of a product that undermines rather than supports health.

By contrast, Celtic sea salt contains only 82 per cent sodium chloride. Furthermore, the magnesium salts it contains naturally drain excess sodium from the body, thereby preventing the edema, kidney malfunction, high blood pressure, and other ailments associated with excess sodium intake."



"Though it requires individual effort, self-discipline and personal responsibility, preventative health care is always a good investment, in time as well as money, because once you fall ill, it takes a lot more time and costs a lot more money to acquire vibrant health again.

Furthermore, every time you lose your health, the road to recovery gets longer and rougher, demanding a growing investment for diminishing returns. By investing in your immunity now, you insure your future health and guard your life at minimum cost.

Most modern maladies are caused by prolonged exposure to a combination of negative lifestyles and toxic environmental factors, including junk food and malnutrition, pesticides, antibiotics, microwaves, chemical pollution of food, water and air, lack of exercise and chronic stress.

These factors are further aggravated by the failure of modern medicine to recognize them as agents of dis-"ease" and death and the consequent failure to take preventative measures against them.

By rebuilding immunity, health is naturally restored and disease disappears. If health and immunity are thereafter conscientiously maintained, the individual is no longer vulnerable to disease.

Dr. Russ Jaffee, who specialized in the treatment of AIDS, categorically states: "I do not believe that healthy people will get AIDS".

This is heresy to the Western medical establishment, but there are significant external factors associated with the groups at high risk of AIDS.

Junkies, who do not usually lead healthy lives, have been dying of AIDS-like symptoms caused by blood poisoning ever since the hypodermic needle was invented.

Gay men often use immuno suppressive drugs such as amyl nitrite and antibiotics for venereal disease; anal sex is also a risk factor, because when semen is introduced into the anus, it triggers a heavy auto-immune response.

In central African countries, many pesticides and toxic pharmaceuticals, which are now banned in the West and many parts of Asia, are sold cheaply over the counter.

In the opinion of many traditional healers, AIDS is caused by a failure to guard the Three Treasures (essence, energy, sprit).

This does not mean that you need not bother with safe sex, because unsafe sex can lead to common VD, which requires heavy antibiotic treatment, which in turn is one of the main destroyers of immune function.

What it does mean is that the sort of health care required to restore immunity and prevent disease begins at home, not in the clinic, by eliminating factors which impair immunity and cultivating habits which boost it.

The allopathic (Western) approach to treating disease is at least partly responsible for the world's health crisis, because many of the chemical drugs widely prescribed have side effects which are cumulative and impair immunity.

The very fact that allopathic doctors dispense antagonistic drugs at the slightest sign of disease or dis-"comfort" indicates a basic lack of faith in the innate power of the human body to heal itself.

That power is what immunity is all about, so lets take a look at how it works and how you can immediately benefit from this.

Immunity: The body's defense department

Immunity is a manifold defense system which protects the body from external threats such as harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxins, as well as from internal hazards such as cancerous cells, arteriosclerotic plaque, cholesterol deposits and free radicals.

This defense complex works on all three levels of essence, energy, sprit.

On the basic physiological level of essence, the body is endowed with numerous glands and tissues that produce immune factors when prompted by proper signals from the brain via the central nervous system.

Primary among these defense installations are the following:

Thymus Gland

Located behind the sternum near the heart, the thymus produces special immune factors cal T-cells, which roam constantly throughout the body in the bloodstream on search-and-destroy missions against foreign invaders.

Bone Marrow

The bone marrow is responsible for producing several varieties of white blood cells that attack, kill and digest foreign invaders as well as malfunctioning pre-cancerous cells. Bone marrow also products red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to all tissues of the body. The white blood cells generated by bone marrow also produce specific antibodies to fight specific bacteria and viruses.

Spleen and Pancreas

These organs are actually large glands which produce and secrete vital enzymes as required by the body. Diets consisting largely of overcooked and processed foods diverts so many enzymes into the stomach and intestines for digestion that immunity is compromised owing to insufficient supplies of enzymes for antioxidant and other immune functions.

Pituitary and Pineal Glands

These two tiny glands are located in the mid-brain and their secretions regulate most of the body's basic functions and biorhythms, including immunity. Especially important for immune functions is the growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.


Located on top of the kidneys, the adrenals secrete a wide range of vital hormones involved in sexual functions, immunity and the fight-or-flight response. The latter response is triggered by stress and severely impairs immune functions. When balanced and undisturbed by stress, adrenals secrete hormones that play important roles in immunity; they also function as "batteries" for storing the primordial energy which feeds the radiant shields of protective wei-chee around the body.


Lymphatic fluids absorb toxins and wastes from tissues and blood, transporting them to the colon, lungs and pores for excretion.

Liver and Kidneys

These two organs are responsible for filtering toxins and metabolic wastes from the blood, thereby purifying it so that it can properly perform its nourishing and cleansing functions throughout the system. The liver is also responsible for manufacturing many enzymes that are essential for optimum immunity.

Cerebrospinal Fluids

The vital fluids of the spinal cord and brain regulate all communication within the human system and trigger either immunisupportive or immunosuppresive responses by mutual biofeedback with hormones, depending on one's state of mind and emotions. These fluids are the messengers through which mind and body communicate and cooperate to guard health in the cerebro-physical defense system knows as psychoneuroimmunology (PNI).

On the level of energy, the body is protected by an aura of radiant energy that envelopes the entire body and shields it from invasion by aberrant environmental energies, including such natural elements as wind, heat and cold, as well as artificial sources such as microwaves, power lines and electrical appliances. The strength and protective power of this shield depends upon nutrition, breathing, purity of blood, regular exercise, supplements, emotional equilibrium, positive mental attitudes and other basic factors of health.

In addition, each of the 60 trillion cells in the human body generates its own electromagnetic field, which protects the cell from invasion by aberrant energies. When a cluster of cells in a particular tissue lose their electromagnetic shields through extreme toxicity, stress, injuries, heavy metal deposits, or other adverse factors, they become vulnerable to invasion not only by aberrant energies, but also by pathogens such as viruses and toxins.

If the cells are not promptly rebalanced by corrective measures, the cumulative harm eventually reaches their nuclei and causes genetic damage, which in turn can cause cancer and other cellular derangement's. While protective energy depends upon nutrition, emotions, mental attitudes and other factors of essence and spirit, the primary mechanism for enhancing it is deep abdominal breathing and internal energy circulation.

On the level of spirit, immunity is strongly influenced by thoughts, emotions and attitudes. These mental factors are mediated by biofeedback between the nervous and endocrine systems, which form the powerful immunological mechanisms of PNI.

Consistently ignored by orthodox allopathic physicians, who try to impose matter over mind with drugs but feel threatened by the innate powers of mind over matter, the mental factors which trigger the PNI system constitute the human body's most effective and most powerful defense mechanism.

By cultivating this innate psychophysiological healing response with meditation, chee-gung, and the power of positive thinking, individuals can learn how to cure and prevent disease at home."

How to maintain optimum immunity?

Maintaining optimum immunity revolves around the following primary factors:

Clean blood and lymph

Blood plays a front line defensive role by delivering nutrients and immune factors to diseased and toxic tissues and carrying away metabolic wastes, toxins and pathogens. Lymph in turn keeps the blood clean and also purifies cellular fluids. The efficiency of their defense functions depends entirely upon their degree of purity, including proper pH balance. Clean blood also depends upon proper maintenance of the liver and kidneys, which filter the blood.

Balanced endocrine function

In order to produce the hormones required for immunity, the entire endocrine system must be maintained in proper balance, for glandular secretions influence once another by biofeedback. Endocrine balance is achieved and maintained by the parasympathetic branch of the autonomous nervous system and excessive stimulation of the sympathetic branch throws the endocrine system off balance.

Active elimination

In order to keep the body clean, the immune system needs a place to dump all the garbage it dredges from the system. Therefore, all the excretory organs, including colon, lungs, kidneys and skin MUST be maintained in proper working order. Whenever excretory functions are impaired, the body dumps its garbage into joints, body fat, lymph nodes, colonic sacculations and other nooks and crannies seemingly isolated from the bloodstream.


Proper nutrition is absolutely essential for maintaining immunity, for nutrients are the building blocks of human defense installations. Nutrients are also required for antioxidant protection against free radical damage, rebuilding injured tissues and metabolic conversion of essence into energy.

Physiologically, the traditional Chinese view of the human immune system is remarkably similar to the modern Western model. In the Chinese system, the first line of defense is provided by the thymus, adrenals and spine, followed in order of priority by the bone marrow, blood, brain (pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus), liver and kidneys, spleen and pancreas.

The Chinese however, also attach great importance to the immunological powers of energy and spirit, which are factors consistently ignored and misunderstood by modern Western medicine, much to the peril of patients.

Traditional Chinese doctors and Taoist healers frequently prescribe chee-gung to boost immunological response and meditation to mobilize the immunological powers of the mind, usually in conjunction with herbal and dietary prescriptions that work synergistically with energy and spirit.

Without sufficient energy, neither drugs, herbs, nor nutrients can be properly utilized in defense of health and negative mental attitudes such as cynicism, doubt, fear, confusion and self-loathing can negate the therapeutic benefits of even the most potent medications.

While modern Western medicine has a firm grasp of the "essence" of immunity, it has much to learn from traditional Chinese medicine about the "energy" and "spirit" of the human immune system and the sooner it does so, the better the health of Western societies will become.

Traditional Chinese immunology attaches particular importance to the role of the adrenal glands in guarding health and recent Western research on the immunosuppressive effects of stress scientifically validated the Chinese view. The Chinese refer to the adrenals as the "Root of Life" and cite them as the primary source of pure primordial energy, sexual vitality and immunological resilience. Since they are attached to the kidneys, the technical Chinese term for the adrenals is "kidney glands" and their functions are directly influenced by kidney organ energy.

Fear, for example, is an aberrant emotional energy associated with the kidneys in the Chinese system and chronic fear is thus regarded as a major suppressant of immune functions. This view is confirmed by Western medical science, which cites fear as a form of stress that triggers adrenal secretions of adrenaline and cortisone, two hormones known to suppress immunity severely. When fear of any other source of stress becomes chronic, adrenal burnout soon follows and the victim acquires a chronic immune deficiency that renders the body easy prey to formerly harmless microbes in the environment.

Adrenal burnout and elevated levels of cortisone in the blood are major contribution factors in chronic fatigue syndrome, AIDS, cancer, sexual impotence and infertility, allergies, migraine and other debilitating conditions.

According to the Chinese system, weak adrenals not only impair immunity on the level of essence, they also weaken resistance by cutting the main source of energy which maintains the radiant shell of protective wei-chee round the body. And since kidney organ energy governs bone marrow and brain tissue, deficient kidney/adrenal function also impairs production of white blood cells, hormones and other immune factors in these vital tissue.

Therefore, the traditional Chinese view of the kidney/adrenal complex as a primary regulator of immunity functions on all three levels of essence, energy and spirit has been confirmed by modern medical science and provides adepts of Taoist alchemy with a powerful protective mechanism that can be cultivated with physical, energetic and spiritual practices.

Traditional Chinese medicine cites four major forms of immune deficiency, or "immune emptiness": blood, energy, yin and yang. The term "empty" refers to a condition of energy deficiency that impairs the vital functions of the organ, gland or tissue which that particular energy governs. In Western medicine, which does not recognize the roles of bio-energies, various forms of immune burn out, bone marrow impairment, cerebral insufficiency and so forth.

In order to gain a proper perspective on the rapidly growing problem of immune deficiency, we will now discuss some of the primary causes and most effective remedies in terms of essence, energy and spirit.

Immunity and Essence

"Until about 1960, the biggest killer of children under the age of fifteen in America was accidents, but now it is cancer.

Most cases of immune deficiency begin during childhood with the first glass of pasteurized cow's milk and the first bowl of processed cereal sprinkled with white sugar. The overall physical and mental health of American children has been declining at an alarming rate and the primary reason for this is their diet.

In adulthood, the debilitating effects are compounded by alcohol, drugs (medicinal as well as recreational), contaminated beef, artificial fats and other factors. Let's take a quick look at some of the most immunosuppressive elements that people routinely allow to enter the inner sanctum of their bodies.


Refined white sugar triggers the release of insulin from the pancreas. With daily consumption of sugar, the bloodstream is always laced with insulin, which suppresses secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary. Growth hormone is a prime regulator of the immune system.

Hydrogenated vegetable oils

An ingredient in virtually all processed foods, baby formulas, non-dairy creamers, salad dressings etc., these artificial fasts rapidly oxidize in the human system, releasing a deadly barrage of free radicals which destroy cells and cause genetic damage. They impair the immune activity of white blood cells and have been conclusively linked to increased risks of cancer.

Beef and cow's milk

Steroid hormones, antibiotics and other drugs routinely fed to cattle are absorbed by the people who consume the meat and milk of such contaminated animals, throwing the endocrine system off balance and impairing immunity.


Malnutrition is a primary cause of immune deficiency throughout the world, not only where people are starving. The most glaring deficiencies in modern diets are essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, both of which are required in the production of immune factors such as white blood cells and antibodies. The thymus gland and lymph tissues for example, immediately begin to shrink an atrophy when these nutrients are absent from the diet.

Heavy metals

Toxic heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, mercury and aluminum suppress all branches of the immune system, inhibiting T-cells, B-cells and antibodies and depressing bone-marrow function. Cadmium also blocks assimilation of zinc, which is an essential element required by the body to manufacture the potent antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase, one of the body's most important immune factors. Heavy metals enter our bodies in tap water, contaminated fish, polluted air, fresh produce grown with synthetic fertilizers and cigarette smoke.


These commonly prescribed drugs are powerful immunosuppressors and also destroy the friendly lactobacteria in our intestinal tracts, thereby permitting candida and other harmful yeast's to proliferate throughout the system, where they further inhibit immune functions.

Recreational drugs

Coffee, alcohol, tobacco, opiates, barbiturates, amphetamines and other popular drugs, when used to excess, severely inhibit immunity by releasing toxic by-products into the bloodstream and suppressing liver function. Coffee has been specifically linked to increased risk of pancreas cancer; the offending agent is not caffeine, but other elements contained in coffee beans. When coffee is consumed with refined sugar and no-dairy creamer, the immune system gets battered with a triple blow.

Immune deficiency can be prevented and cured by first eliminating as many immunosuppressant elements as possible from your diet and lifestyle, then taking some or all of the following immunity-boosting foods and supplements daily."

Food and supplements


Many common foods have potent immunity-boosting properties when consumed regularly in sufficient quantities, including the following:

Cruciferous vegetables

The members of this family of vegetable, including broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and turnips, are rich in betacarotene and protect mucous membranes, especially in the lungs and intestinal tract, from cancer and free-radical damage.


Garlic is probably the foremost immune-enchanting food on Mother Nature's menu. It has a wider spectrum of antibiotic activity than penicillin, inhibits many viruses and helps prevent cancer.

It is also one of the richest natural sources of selenium, which is required to produce the potent antioxidant enzyme gluthione peroxidase.

It is most effective when consumed raw.

Raw fish

Deep-water fish such as salmon and tuna are rice sources of omega-3 fish oils, which contain the essential fatty acids required to produce immune factors such as white blood cells in the body.

They also prevent heart attacks by keeping the arteries clear of cholesterol deposits.

These elements are most abundant and easy to assimilate when the fish is consumed raw, but if you prefer it cooked, then lightly steam or poach it.


Seaweed's are known to lower blood cholesterol, neutralize radiation toxicity and enhance overall immunity.

Raw almonds

Raw almonds are one of the best natural sources of essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, both of which are required for optimum immunity.

For vegetarians, who often become deficient in these vital nutrients, raw almonds are an excellent substitute for meat and other animal products.

Bee pollen

Another good source of essential fatty acids, be pollen is also loaded with enzymes and other potent nutritional elements which boost immunity. Pollen also helps eliminate many food allergies.



Because of environmental pollution and denatured diets, food alone is no longer sufficient to sustain optimum immunity today.

Without supplements, the body simply does not get the full range and quantity of vital nutrients and other elements it requires to maintain health and vitality, regardless how much food you eat.

Judicious use of the following supplements will supply the elements the body needs most to fight disease, neutralize toxins and free radicals and guard against premature degeneration of bodily tissues.


Many vitamins function not only as nutrients, but also as potent antioxidants.

When the body is dis-eased or di-stressed, it utilizes vitamins at a far greater rate than under normal conditions, a fact that shows how important these nutrients are to immune functions.

Most important is vitamin C, which helps prevent cancer, counteracts the immunosuppresive effects of cortisone, protects the heart and boosts overall immunity. The optimum maintenance dose is 2-6 grams per day and double that amount when ill.

Other immunity-boosting vitamins include, in order of potency, vitamins A (preferably as betacarotene), vitamin E and vitamin B1, B5, B6, and B12.


The minerals selenium and zinc are indispensable to the human immune system, because they are required to manufacture antioxidant enzymes, which protect the body from free-radical damage.

Zinc, for example, is used to synthesize eighty different enzymes, including the body's most potent anti-aging enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

Other minerals essential for immune function include magnesium, potassium, maganese, sodium, copper and chromium.

Amino acids

Argine, when taken with synergistic cofactors such as vitamin B, stimulates the pituitary to secrete growth hormone, a vital immune regulator. Argine also enlarges the thymus gland (which produced T-cells), greatly enhances the body's healing powers and helps prevent cancer.

Other immune-boosting amino acids include ornithine, cysteine, taurine, methionine and glutathione.

Essential fatty acids

These nutrients, including omega-3 fish oils, oleic acid and caprylic acid, provide the best protection against arteriosclerosis and other forms of heart disease.

Since few Americans get adequate levels of these essential nutrients from their food (as clearly evidenced by the fact that heart disease now accounts for 53 per cent of all deaths in the USA), supplemental sources are required.

Fatty acids are also essential elements in white blood cells, antibodies and brain cells.


Since modern diets consist primarily of cooked and processed foods, the body must divert much of its enzyme power to the stomach and duodenum for digestive duty, thereby sharply reducing the availability of enzymes for antioxidant activity and other immune functions.

When taken on an empty stomach, enzyme supplements go to work digesting microbes, pre-cancerous cells, toxins, pus, mucus and other disease causing agents.


Supplemental sources of lactobacteria such as acidolpholis, bifidus and fermented cabbage juice replenish the colonies of "friendly" bacteria in the intestinal tract. Lactobacteria are the body's only natural defense against candida and other yeast infections, which have powerful immunosuppresive properties.

They also facilitate rapid elimination of toxic digestive wastes and improve assimilation of essential nutrients from food.


Many herbs have potent immune-boosting properties.

In Chinese medicine the most widely used herbs for enhancing immunity are ginseng, ginkgo, astralaglus, gotu kola, ligustrum and codonopsis.

The North American herb Echinacea (purple Kansas cornflower) is also a highly effective immune-system tonic and was widely used by the Plains Indians to cure and prevent many ailments. Other North American herbs that boost immunity are chaparral (Larrea divaricata), yerba mansa (Anemopsis californica) and osha (Ligusticum porteri).

The South American herb pau d'arco (Tabebuia pentaphylla) enhances the body's ability to resist pathogens and also directly attacks outside invaders. Shiitake mushrooms and a rare Chinese mushroom call ling-jir also have strong immunity-enhancing properties and are frequently included in herbal formula's that boost immunity. Many of these herbs are currently being used to treat AIDS patients.

Growth hormone

As the human body ages, secretions of growth hormone naturally decline. A synthetic growth hormone that costs about US$20,000 per year has recently been shown dramatically to reverse the symptoms of aging in several studies in America.

At less cost, you can take other supplements, such as argnine, which stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete elevated levels of natural growth hormone.

Another effective growth-hormone-releasing supplement is the drug bromocryptine (sold as Parlodel), which is conventionally used to treat senility, infertility, and other symptoms of growth-hormone deficiency. By taking this supplement, which has no adverse side effects, for a month or two once or twice a year, you can help prevent growth-hormone deficiency and its related symptoms.

Women who have gone through menopause should note that bromocryptine can reverse menopause and restore menstrual cycles and fertility, even in 60-70 year-old women, so if you use it in this stage of life, you should take appropriate precautions against unwanted pregnancy.


One of the most effective of all immune-system boosters turns out to be fasting, which all animals do naturally whenever they are ill.

When properly conducted, fasting can cure virtually all diseases, including cancer and completely rebuild the immune system.

Fasting is the most effective of all methods for stimulating elevated secretions of growth hormone, detoxifying the blood and all other bodily fluids and tissues, excreting accumulated wastes from the colon and other organs, dissolving tumors and cysts, repairing tissues and healing internal and external injuries.


"Correctly combining foods makes all the difference in the world to proper digestion, cholesterol and metabolism. Without complete digestion, the nutrients in even the most wholesome food cannot be fully extracted and assimilated by the body.

Moreover, incomplete digestion and inefficient metabolism are the prime causes of fat and cholesterol accumulation in the body. A low calorie diet of overcooked, processed and improperly combined foods will still make you fat and leave sticky deposits in your arteries, just as the wrong mix of fuels will leave carbon deposits on the spark plugs of an engine, clog the pistons, and create foul gaseous exhaust."


"It is an established scientific fact in Western medicine that in order to initiate efficient digestion of any concentrated animal protein, the stomach must secrete pepsin. But it is also a well-known fact that pepsin can function only in a highly acidic medium, which must be maintained for several hours for complete digestion of proteins.

It is an equally well established fact of science that when we chew a piece of bread or potato or any other carbohydrate/starch, ptyalin and other alkaline juices are immediately secreted into the food by the saliva in the mouth. When swallowed, the alkalized starches require an alkaline medium in the stomach in order to complete digestion.

Anyone should be able to figure out what therefore happens when you ingest protein and starch together. Acid and alkaline juices are secreted simultaneously in response to the incoming protein and starch, promptly neutralizing one another and leaving a weak, watery solution in the stomach that digests neither protein or starch properly. Instead proteins putrefy and starches ferment owing to the constant presence of bacteria in the digestive tract.

This putrefaction and fermentation are the primary cause of all sorts of digestive stress, including gas, heartburn, cramps, bloating, constipation, foul stools, bleeding piles, colitis, and so forth.

Many so called 'allergies' are also the direct result of improper food combinations; the bloodstream picks up toxins from the putrefied, fermented mess as it passes slowly through the intestines, and these toxins in turn cause rashes, hives, headaches, nausea and other symptoms commonly branded as allergies. The same foods that cause allergic reactions when improperly combines often have no ill side-effects whatsoever when consumed according to the rules of trophology. The final fact of the matter is this: when you immobilize your stomach and impair digestive functions by consuming foods in indiscriminate combination, the bacteria in your alimentary canal have a field day. They get all the nutrients and thrive, while you get all the wastes and suffer.

According to a recent survey in America, the average American male today carries about 5 pounds of undigested, putrefied red meat in his gut. Leave 5 pounds of meat in a dark, warm, moist place for a few days and see for yourself the results of putrefaction. The severely septic condition of the human intestinal tract is unique in nature, yet Western physicians take it for granted and even insist that it is harmless to the rest of the system.

In fact, in order to protect itself from the chronic toxic irritation of improperly combined meals, the colon secretes large quantities of mucus to entrap toxic particles before they damage the colon's sensitive lining. When this occurs at every meal, everyday, every week, throughout the year- as is quite typical in modern Western diets- the colon ends up secreting a constant stream of mucus, which accumulates and gets impacted in the folds of the colon. This results in a narrowing of the passage through the colon and a constant seeping of toxins into the bloodstream by osmosis. When the impacting of toxic mucus in the colon reaches critical pressure, it causes a pocket to balloon outward through the colon lining, causing a condition called diverticulosis. Colitis, IBS, and colon cancer are the next stages of colon deterioration caused by these conditions."

When it comes to health care, the best way is self care.

Your internal organs tell you almost everything about the state of your health. 

Without them your body is simply just a shell. It's not the muscles, flab, or aches and pains you need to look at, but rather the internal organs. They will tell you a lot.

From now on watch your internal vital organs from the outside in:

Facial analysis
Tongue analysis
Body Odor and sound analysis
Nail analysis

BOTTOM LINE... Everything experienced on the 'outside' is just a reflection of what's going on 'inside' of you.

Exercise, dieting, popping pills, herbal dietary supplements, drugs, and medications do nothing to cleanse, nourish, heal, renew and rejuvenate the internal organs. Ascending good health and longevity thereby becomes evasive. 

Ascending good health is your legitimate birthright. Reclaim it here. From today start looking at yourself and your health prospects with a different view. An internal view.

Facial self diagnosis

Question:  Do bags under the eyes come from indulging in too much
alcohol, from smoking, stress, aging, too much work, or lack of sleep? Which one?

Answer: None of the above

Discover the facial-organ correlations below.

Thank you M. Kushi for the pictures.

Source: M. Kushi

Bags under the eyes indicate a large intestine (colon) problem, or kidney problems.

You can cure and prevent it here. All the above items are lifestyle issues; they are not the cause of the bags under the eyes, they just aggravate it.

Facial self diagnosis analysis I

The following general correlations can be made between the internal organs and your face.

  • Lungs and cheeks.

  • Large intestines (colon) and the upper and more peripheral portion of the forehead, and the outer section of the lower lip, and below the eyes (directly below the kidney points)

  • Heart and tip of the nose.

  • Small intestine and the lower and more central portion of the forehead, and the inner section of the lower lip.

  • Kidneys and the ears, and a circular area encompassing the region above and below the eyes.

  • Bladder and the top portion of the forehead along the hair line.

  • Spleen and pancreas and the portion of the nose closest to the head and the left eye. The spleen also correlates to the temples.

  • Stomach and the central portion of the nose, and the upper lip.

  • Duodenum and the outer corners of the mouth.

  • Liver and the area of the forehead between the eyebrows, also the right eye.

  • Gall bladder and the area between the end of the eyebrows and the sideburns.

  • Sexual organs and the area encircling the mouth."

A main feature of visual diagnosis is facial diagnosis.

Facial features are observed for clues concerning the internal condition of our physical body.

For instance changes in facial skin color or texture; puffiness or tight drawn areas; swollen or sunken areas; the appearances of broken capillaries on the surface of the skin; lines, pimples, freckles, or other marks; all reflect changes in the function and structure of the related organs. Note each point on your face and its corresponding organ. You'll immediately know what to start doing to heal it. You don't need to work on the skin, on the facial skin, but rather you need to work on the corresponding organ and organ energy system.

If you really want to know the state of your health, you don't need a barrage of expensive tests, nor a doctor. Just start looking at yourself. Start connecting with yourself again.

Next time you want to know what's going on inside you, just look in the mirror.

It's that simple.

Everyday, we look in the mirror.

Next time take a completely 
different view of yourself.

"Bo-Shin, or diagnosis using the practitioner's sense of sight, is based on the myriad polar relationships existing within the body, including the internal and external, the left and right sides, the front and the back, the center and periphery, and the head and trunk. It also includes the relationship between the body and the mind. Simply stated, this means that the internal is reflected in the external; that we can know the inside by viewing the outside."

What's really  lurking behind that mask of yours???  (NON CLICKABLE
                  IMAGE) .

Facial self diagnosis analysis II

Area A: The conditions of the mouth, lips, tongue, mouth cavity, and area around the mouth show the digestive functions as a whole. This area also relates partially to the respiratory function, especially at its peripheral area.

Area B: The condition of the forehead and its periphery, including the temples and eyebrows, represent the conditions of the nervous system as a whole.

Area C: The side facial areas, including both eyes, cheeks and ears, represent the conditions and functions of the circulatory and excretory systems as a whole.

Tongue self diagnosis

Question:  Which aperture of the body reflects the internal organs related to 
excretion and assimilation? Anus, urinary tract, ears, nose, or mouth?

Answer: Mouth.

Start looking at your tongue seriously.

Your tongue accurately reflects the state of your digestive system- from rectum to esophagus, including the stomach, small intestines, colon (large intestine), pancreas, spleen, liver and gall bladder. 

Imagine, you don't need a battery of tests to find out what part of your digestive tract is in stress. You can diagnosis the whole GI tract and corresponding organ integrity all in one easy view- just stick your tongue out.

As a whole the tongue reflects the condition of the digestive system and the organs associated with blood, nutrient assimilation, and excretion. You can also see how 'hot' or how 'cold' your internal organs are. Therefore it has a high value as a diagnostic tool.  

Specific sections of the tongue mirror the condition of particular parts of the digestive system and the digestion related internal organs.

The following correspondences exist in this relationship:

Start looking at your tongue seriously.






Tell A Friend!  

A- the tip area reflects the rectum and the descending colon.

B- the peripheral area reflects the large intestine.

C- the middle region corresponds to the small intestine.

D- the back edge region relates to the liver, gallbladder, duodenum, and pancreas.

E- the near back region corresponds to the stomach.

F- the back region ('the root of the tongue') reflects the esophagus.

G- the underside of the tongue reflects the quality of blood and lymph circulation in each corresponding area.

Structural characteristics

Like each particular area of the body, the tongue can be used to evaluate one's overall condition. Zetsu Shin as it is called in Japanese, is one of the most important forms of diagnosis used in Chinese medicine. Two main aspects are considered in tongue diagnosis.

First is the structure of the tongue. Is it wide or narrow, thick or thin, pointed or rounded? Such qualities convey information concerning the individual's basic constitution and overall strengths and weaknesses of body and mind.


a wide tongue reflects an overall balanced physical and psychological disposition.

a narrow tongue reflects a lack of physical adaptability with pronounced strengths and weaknesses. Mentally, thinking may be sharp but tend toward seeing a narrow view.

a very wide tongue reflects a generally loose and expanded physical condition and a tendency toward more psychological concerns.


a rounded tip reflects a flexible yet firm physical and mental condition.

a pointed tip reflects a tight, perhaps even rigid physical condition and an aggressive or even offensive mentality.

a very wide tip reflects an overall weakness of the physical body and a flaccid or even "spaced out" mental condition.

a divided tip reflects a tendency toward physical and mental imbalances with the possibility of sharp fluctuations in thinking and mood.


a flat tongue reflects a balanced condition and the ability to flexibly adapt to circumstances.

a thin tongue reflects a more mental orientation, with a tendency to be more gentle and easy going.

a thick tongue reflects a more physical orientation, with the tendency to be assertive or even aggressive.

In comparison to structure, the condition of the tongue is influenced more by daily lifestyle and provides information about an individual's current state of health. Qualities to look for include:


Dark red: indicates inflammation; lesions or ulceration; and sometimes a degeneration of the related organ.

White: indicates stagnation of blood; fat and mucus deposits; or a weakness in the blood leading to such conditions as anemia.

Yellow: indicates a disorder of the liver and gallbladder, resulting in an excess secretion of bile; deposits of animal fats, especially in the middle organs of the body; and possible inflammation.

Blue or Purple: indicates stagnation of blood circulation and a serious weakening of the part of the digestive system that corresponds to the area of the tongue where the color appears.

The color on the underside of the tongue can also be used to determine the internal condition. In general, the colors and their indications listed above are the same, with the following exceptions:

Blue or Green: In excess, either of these color reflect disorders in the blood vessels and in blood quality and circulation.

Purple: In excess, this color reflects disorders of the lymphatic and circulatory system. It indicates a weakening of the immune ability and of the blood vessels.


a swollen or enlarged tongue: indicates a Jitsu, or full state.

a shriveled or withered-looking tongue: indicates a Kyo, or empty state.


the flexibility of the tongue also reflects the condition of the digestive system. Characteristics to look for include:

a flexible, supple, smoothly moving tongue.

a stiff, tense, or inflexible tongue.

a loose or lolling tongue.

a tongue with a pronounced slant to the left or right when it is extended.

Pimples or projections of the tongue's surface indicate the discharge of fat, protein, and sugar.

Where in the body this discharge is coming from can be determined by the specific area of the tongue on which it appears. You can find the correlation between the areas of the tongue and the digestive tract.

The second major aspect considered in tongue diagnosis is the coating, or moss, as it is called in Chinese medicine, on the tongue's surface.

Qualities are again divided into antagonistic pairs, and include moist and dry, excessive and deficient, thick or thin. The color of the coating reveals a precise information concerning specific internal conditions.

The guidelines explained above, particularly concerning the aspects of location and color, can be used for a general understanding of the different qualities of coating found on the tongue.

They are especially extremely useful when fasting, cleansing or when one is ill. A precise understanding of the nature of the problems can be achieved in seconds.

Cleansing. The elixir of youth. 
Don't postpone or shut down good health.  

Sound and Odor self diagnosis 

Has your voice ever fluctuated between fast and slow, or maybe 
between a high pitch and a low pitch for a few weeks/months, totally out of the blue?

Question:  Which of your internal organs does that fluctuation give you clues about?

Another clue:  Body odor with a sweet tinge to it? 
What internal organ does that indicate needs attention?

Answer: Spleen/stomach

Diagnosis by sound and odor. Learn more below.

Diagnosis by Odor

Within the category of listening diagnosis Oriental practitioners included the diagnostic technique that uses the sense of smell.

A disorder with either member of an organ pair will often generate a particular telltale odor. the solid, physically yang organs are considered to be the source of these specific smells.

However, the hollow, structurally yin, partner organ will be affected whenever imbalances develop within its complementary partner. The correlation between the organs and their related odors is listed in the following table:

"Odors" and the Five Transformations



Organ Pair

Oily, Fatty





Heart/Small Intestine

Fragrant, Sweet





Lung/Large Intestine

Rotten, Putrefying



Maybe the above chart means nothing to you... incomprehensible gibberish.

If that is the case let us give you an example. Do you eat a lot of sweets or drinks lots of coke-cola? Take note of your b'o. It has a sweet smell to it.

Alternatively when your excretory system is blocked and dysfunctional, then your other elimination systems take up the slack... and you'll see those blockages in your body odor.

If you have b/o then look for a solution to your problem not in deodorant, but first of all in your colon. Once your colon is cleaned out then dietary adjustments will bring about changes to your body odor. Eat a lot sugar for weeks on end and your b/o will be sweeter. Eat a lot of animal protein your b/o will have a fishy smell to it. Eat a lot of fruit, salads, brown rich and avoid processed foods, foods with chemicals and preservatives, sugar and dairy- no b/o at all.

Using deodorant does one thing only- it masks your health disorders and allows the deterioration in your health to continue. Those people who have good health and good eliminations daily, don't have a problem with body odor. Why? Because the toxic morbid waste from their body is eliminated daily in their BM's, not through their armpits.

I talk from personal experience...  When your colon is thoroughly cleaned-out the HPS-ONLINE way and you follow the rules of food combining, all your other internal organs and eliminations systems will function better. I had to use deodorant for over 20 years. Since cleansing it's ten years that I have no need for it.

Using deodorant is like shooting the messenger.

Instead of dealing directly with the problem, deodorant and all the other fragrant alternatives mask the bad body odor problem, thereby further complicating the real present and future dangers! Bad body odor is a clear sign that internally you need to get your health in order.

Diagnosis by Listening

Diagnosing an individual through the sense of sound includes two complementary aspects.

The first more yang method is by direct questioning to gain information about the symptoms and general condition. As the same time, one needs to pay attention to the patient's manner of speaking. Is the individual bright and cheerful, confident and optimistic, depressed, fearful, hesitant. These and similar characteristics provides clues to the individual's strengths and weaknesses, and to the nature of the particular problem that prompted him to seek help.

The second, more yin method involves assessing the quality of the patient's voice. From this alone, a skilled practitioner can determine not only the cause of a problem but an individual's overall state of mental and physical health.

Listening diagnosis is based on the same principles as visual diagnosis. The difference being that listening deals with a different set of vibrations, or a different type of chee. Visual diagnosis uses light, while listening diagnosis uses the vibration of sound.

The application of this technique is based on the polar relationship between the paired complementary internal organs, which tells us that if there is a problem with one organ in the pair, the other organ will also be affected:

Heart/Small Intestine: Problems with either of these organs are reflected in irregular speech patterns. Speech does not flow smoothly, continuously, or rhythmically. It is punctuated by inappropriate breaks. The individual may often make mistakes in wording as well. If the heart is expanded, a yin condition, the pitch will be high, and interrupted with frequent pauses.

Lungs/Large Intestine: If the energy of the lungs or large intestine is stagnated, the voice will be heavy and stuffy, especially when mucus deposits exist in either organ. In the case of a more yin condition, the voice will be thin or weak, as it is in the case of tuberculosis.

Kidneys/Bladder: Problems in these organs are generally caused by imbalances of liquid or salt. This produces a watery voice, and a low vibration.

Spleen/Pancreas: Troubles with these organs produce a whining, complaining voice. It fluctuates between fast and slow, high pitch and low pitch.

Liver/Gallbladder: Troubles with these organs produce an impatient, often blunt speech pattern. the pitch is heavy, and the pattern is short and often brusque.

We can also list distinct "voices" each of which relates to one of the five organ pairs. If one of these voices is characteristic of an individual's speech we can suspect an imbalance in the energy of the related organ pair and meridians. By way of review these correlation's are as follows:

"Voices" and the Five Transformations

Voice Energy Organ Pair
Shouting Rising Liver/Gallbladder
Talking (excessive) Active Heart/Small Intestine
Singing Downward Spleen/Stomach
Crying Gathering Lung/Large Intestine
Groaning Floating Kidney/Bladder

Nail self diagnosis 

Nail changes may signify a number of disorders elsewhere in the body. These changes may indicate illness long before any other symptoms appear. 

Unusually wide, square nails can suggest a hormonal disorder.

Brittle nails signify possible iron deficiency, thyroid problems, impaired kidney function, and circulation problems.

Brittle soft, shiny nails with a moon may indicate an overactive thyroid.

Dark nails and/or thin, flat, spoon-shaped nails are a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency or anemia. Nails can also turn gray or dark if the hands are placed in chemicals (most often bleach) or a substance to which one is allergic.

Deep blue nail beds show a pulmonary obstructive disorder such as asthma or emphysema.

Greenish nails, if not a result of a localized fungal infection, may indicate an internal bacterial infection.

Black, splinterlike bits under the nails can be a sign of infectious endocarditits, a serious heart infection; other heart disease; or a bleeding disorder.

A half-white nail with dark spots at the tip points to possible kidney disease.

An isolated dark-blue bank in the nail bed, especially in light-skinned people, can be a sign of skin cancer.

Nail beading (the development of bumps on the surface of the nail) is a sign of rheumatoid arthritis.

Nails that chip, peel, crack, or break easily show a general nutritional deficiency and insufficient hydrochloric acid and protein. Minerals are also needed.

Ridges can appear in the nails either vertically or horizontally. Vertical ridges indicate poor general health, poor nutrient absorption, and/or iron deficiency; they may also indicate a kidney disorder. Horizontal ridges can occur as a result of severe stress, either psychological or physical, such as from infection and/or disease.

White lines across the nail may indicate a liver disease.

If the white moon area of the nail turns red, it may indicate heart problems, if it turns slate blue, then it can indicate either heavy metal poisoning (such as silver poisoning) or lung trouble.

White nails indicate possible liver or kidney disorders or/and anemia.

White nails with pink near the tips are a sign of cirrhosis.

Yellow nails or an elevation of the nail tips can indicate internal disorders long before other symptoms appear. Some of these are problems with the lymphatic system, respiratory disorders, diabetes, and liver disorders.

Downward-curved nail ends may denote heart, liver or respiratory disease.

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Lifestyle quiz

The Ultimate Resource for Healing, Rejuvenation, Colon Care, Fasting, & Dieting  Online

Question: Does your present lifestyle contribute to ascending good health & longevity? The higher you score on the BELOW quiz, NO. The lower you score. YES.

Please do the below quiz.

It shouldn't take more then 4 minutes to complete.

Check your score below, and follow the hyperlinks.
Mark your score down in a safe place, on a piece of paper. 
Compare it next time you come back here.

Good luck!

1. Are you a current or former smoker?

2. Do you work or socialize around smokers?

3. Do you eat much meat?

4. Do you eat many dairy products?

5. Do you have less than one bowel movement per day?

6. Are you presently on heavy medications or drugs (legal or illegal)?

7. Do you not exercise regularly?

8. Are you more than 20 pounds overweight?

9. Do you drive in congested traffic, or live near air pollution?

10. Do you drink less than three glasses of water daily?

11. Do you eat less than one serving of fresh fruit and one serving of fresh vegetables (salad, steamed vegetables, sprouts, etc.) daily?

12. Do you work in an industrial environment with a lot of chemicals?

13. Do you take laxatives?

14. Does your family have a history of short life span?

15. Do you have mucus problems?
(stuffy nose, sinus congestion, etc..)

16. Do you have bad body odor when not using deodorant?

17. Do you have "bad breath"?

18. Do you get sick easily.

19. Do you have any major illness?

20. Do you have any chronic illnesses.

Score =


Most people find that once they see how easy it is to cleanse and detoxify, they are prepared to continue cleansing on their own. We can provide you with comprehensive support during your first few cleanses.

25%-40%score: means that you're doing fine, but there is still lots of work to do.

We all have issues to deal with.  Check the food combining information, the cleansing programs available for you to join, and the longevity guidelines sections to understand what we mean by "lifestyle that does not contribute to vibrant health.

What does your score mean?

60-100% score: means toxins are accumulating in your body at an excessive and accelerated pace. You must obviously be experiencing the negative effects of this both in your physical, mental and emotional performance. Your sexual performance might also be declining dramatically these last few years. Isn't is so?

This is a wake up call. Click here friend to fix your score. You could be doing a lot more to take control of your health, and your life. You have many different options available. Please utilize at the least just a few of them. Hopefully you will find inspiration to do so from this HPS-ONLINE website.

40%-60% score: means that you are leading a lifestyle that does not contribute to ascending long-term health. You can benefit immediately by changing some of your old habits and patterns.


Quite a few of the seemingly 'minor' health problems you are experiencing are clearly avoidable.

Cleansing your body would be most beneficial to you before these minor problems transform themselves from the acute state into a chronic state of bad health. Learn how to improve you immunity, that will serve you well in the especially in the next few years.

Cleansing program information here-  a 7 Day Wonder program. Watch your minor ailments disappear the completely natural way!

in this lifetime, you do too.

You'll probably come to the conclusion after reading this website that you could be doing a lot more to easily and quickly improve your health. Bring your score down to the 5-20% range!

Learn more about squatting, Tao sexual yoga, and liver cleansing here. You can benefit immediately from all three sections.

Fasting and colon cleansing should be a 'natch' for you.

You saw already from the samples what's lurking in your colon, let's work together on removing it.

Don't be fooled, just because it hasn't crippled you yet, doesn't mean that we shouldn't deal with it now.

Your reasonable low toxicity rating at this quiz shows that you understand the concept of preventative medicine, holistic health care, healing and taking responsibility for your own health. If you didn't it would be difficult to achieve a 25%- 40%. Build on that fact. Invest further in your health already today.

Click here  for more body purification and cleansing information. How about strengthening and renewing your already good connections with yourself and your surroundings, already today?

A rating of 25% or below: means that you are aware, conscious and mindful of the fact that your health is your own responsibility. You are a Wholistic person.

You have positive intent, you take action and you are making continuous efforts to help yourself, and to help others. I congratulate your intent. May you be blessed in all your activities, and may you continue to find happiness and to enlighten other sentient beings too.

Immunity and energy

Aberrant energies always exert an immunosuppressive influence on the human system by upsetting the delicate balance of internal bioenergies upon which immunity depends.

Aberrant energies can invade the human energy system from external sources such as exposure to microwaves, radiation, fluorescent lights and other forms of electromagnetic pollution, or they can be generated internally by emotional turmoil, toxins, ailing organs, or obstructed energy channels.

Either way, the first casualty of aberrant energy is immunity and the first aid to repairing immune deficiency caused by energy imbalance is the internal alchemy of Taoist energy exercises.

Energy factors that impair immunity

Abnormal electromagnetic fields

We have already discussed in detail the hazards to human health generated by power lines, electrical appliances and a growing array of electronic gadgets.

By suppressing the pineal and pituitary glands and impeding cerebral functions, abnormal electromagnetic fields impair immunity at its central headquarters in the brain.


Not only do microwaves suppress the same glands and tissues as abnormal electromagnetic fields, they also constitute a primary stimulant of the human stress response today.

You don't have to be uptight, paranoid or stuck in a stressful job or marriage in order to suffer chronic stress.

Passive exposure to microwave radiation triggers stress response in even the calmest most balanced individuals.

In laboratory tests conducted on rats, exposure to microwaves at levels twenty times below the current safety standards set in the USA provoked sufficient stress to exhaust and cause a complete breakdown of their immune system.

Air pollution

Air pollutants such as motor-vehicle exhaust, smoke and industrial emissions fill the air with heavy positive ions that negate the activity of negative ions, the tiny charged particles which hold atmospheric energy and carry it into the human system via breath.

Air conditioning and central heating have the same effect, robbing the air in closed buildings of vital negative-ion energy.

Atmospheric negative-ion energy, along with the energy extracted from food by digestion, constitutes a primary ingredient in TRUE HUMAN ENERGY.

Unless you compensate for such "dead" air with internal energy practices such as chee-gung and deep breathing, or alternatively you purchase an ionizer, your immune system will gradually wind down like a clock, leaving you chronically fatigued and vulnerable to the mildest pathogens.

Deficient light

Light is the primary source of energy for the pituitary gland, which receives the energy through the retina and optic nerve.

Light also influences the pineal gland. Light is required by the body to produce vitamin D, which is why this nutrient is called the "sunshine vitamin".

Light also regulates many human biorhythms, particularly sleep.

The sort of wholesome light that nourishes the body is called "full-spectrum light", which means that it contains all the wavelengths of natural sunlight.

Ordinary light bulbs are deficient in many vital frequencies; the light from fluorescent tubes and television screen is not only deficient, it also vibrates erratically and thereby irritates the pituitary gland and the central nervous system via the optic nerve.

Numerous studies conducted in American schools have shown that many of the abnormal behavior patterns and learning impediments which increasingly impair classroom discipline and education in the USA are quickly corrected when fluorescent lights are replaced with full-spectrum lights.

Shallow breathing and physical stagnation

Lack of sufficient exercise and shallow breathing create conditions of chronic fatigue and physical stagnation in the human body, lowering resistance and impairing immunity.

Such habits deprive the body of sufficient oxygen, impede circulation and blood, restrict distribution of nutrients, shrink the protective shield of radiant energy around the body and inhibit internal alchemy.

Emotional turmoil

Frequent outbursts of extreme emotions are regarded as the primary internal source of disease in traditional Chinese medicine and the new Western science of psychoneuroimmunology has confirmed this ancient Taoist premise.

It is well known that grief, for example, such as that experienced after the death of a spouse, renders a person highly vulnerable to disease and degeneration.

Emotional equilibrium is a precondition for maintaining strong immunity and nothing throws human energy off balance more quickly and extremely than sudden outbursts and prolonged bouts of uncontrolled "energies in motion".

Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to remedy and prevent assaults on the immune system by aberrant energies. When practiced in conjunction with methods that boost immunity on the level of essence, these "energy supplements" become even more effective by virtue of synergy.

Energy boosters for immunity


Chee-gung counteracts the immunosuppressive effects of stress by switching the body over to the parasympathetic branch of the autonomous nervous system.

This gives the adrenals a chance to rest and recuperate and stops their secretion of adrenaline, cortisone and other immunosuppressive hormones.

Chee-gung also strengthens the radiant shield of energy that protects the body from invasion by aberrant environmental energies, balances yin and yang, Water an Fire and other polar energies, harmonized the Five Elemental Energies of the vital organs and recharges every cell in the body with fresh energy.

It greatly enhances circulation, thereby enabling blood to deliver immune factors to all tissues and carry away accumulated metabolic wastes.

Chee-gung also establishes immune-enhancing biofeedback between the nervous and endocrine systems.

Deep breathing

Deep breathing is an essential part of chee-gung, but it also has therapeutic benefits of its own and should be practiced at all times.

By practicing chee-gung daily, one gradually learns how to breath correctly at all times.

Deep breathing causes the diaphragm to massage and stimulate the adrenals with each breath, providing rejuvenating physical therapy to these much-abused glands. It enhances cerebral circulation of oxygen and nutrients, thereby boosting cerebral functions, which in turn maintain immunity.

It maximizes assimilation of negative ion energy from the atmosphere and keeps the autonomous nervous system from constantly driving the body into the high gears of the sympathetic branch, which enervates immunity.

The great Tang-dynasty physician and Taoist adept Sun Ssu-mo extolled the benefits of deep breathing as follows in his medical masterpiece entitled Precious Recipes: "When correct breathing is practices, the myriad ailments will not occur. When breathing is depressed or strained, all sorts of diseases will arise. Those who wish to nurture their lives must first learn the correct methods of controlling breath and balancing energy. These breathing methods can cure all ailments, great and small".

Energy supplements

Just as there are ways to supplement essence with vitamins, herbs, enzymes and so forth, so there are ways to supplement energy.

Traditionally, quartz crystals and various gems have been used to attract positive cosmic energies from the planets and stars and channel them into the human energy system. This is the mechanism by which talismans work. Gold also helps the body to collect and store beneficial environmental energies.

In addition to these traditional methods, modern electronic technology has devised a wide range of pulsed audiovisual aids and many others.


The ancient Taoist science of geomancy (feng-shui) calculates the flow of celestial and terrestrial energies in a designated area in order to determine the best locations for homes, temples, offices and other buildings, so that these natural environmental energies harmonize favorably with human energies in order to promote the health and longevity of the occupants and users.

Though little understood and often debunked in the West, geomancy definitely works, as anyone who has lived in the Far East for a while can readily attest.

Even such common problems as insomnia can often be completely remedied simply by relocating a bed or sleeping in a different room and thousands of business firms in the Far East have gone from the brink of bankruptcy to the pinnacle of profit overnight by calling in a qualified geomancer to rearrange their offices, seal off doors that leak energy out, turn the boss's desk to a more favorable angle and make other adjustments in the flow of the invisible but highly influential energies of sky and earth.

If you've tried everything else to no avail, you might give geomancy a chance to improve your fortunes and boost your energies. Wherever you find a sizable overseas Chinese community, you are bound to find a practicing geomancer.

Immunity and spirit

Chronic stress is probably the primary cause of immune deficiency in the modern world, especially in the crowded urban centers of industrially developed societies.

The human body is equipped to deal with the sort of stress people faced in the pre-industrial world, such as crossing paths with a saber-toothed tiger, tribal warfare, avalanches, floods and other situations that provoke the fight-or-flight response.

In such situations, the adrenal glands spurt adrenaline into the bloodstream and switch the nervous system over to the action mode of the sympathetic branch.

The body then responds by fighting, running or some other high-energy physical reaction, burning off the simulative hormones and extra glucose pumped into the bloodstream for the purpose, then returning to normal.

Such situations occurred occasionally, not chronically and when they passed, the body naturally recovered its energy and endocrine balance.

Today, the same biochemical responses are triggered, hundred of times throughout the day and night by frustration in the office, marital strife, repressed rage, bad news on television, exposure to microwaves and abnormal electromagnetic fields, fear alienation, peer pressures and other hazards of modern life.

However, instead of making high-energy physical responses, people repress their rage, fear and other negative emotions provoked by stress, thereby failing to utilize the powerful hormones and aneurochemicals released into the blood.

These potent biochemicals quickly break down into various toxic by-products that poison the system, suppress immunity and impede other vital functions.

Under chronic stress, the body never has a chance to excrete these toxins thoroughly and restore proper balance in essence, energy and spirit.

Stress is basically a sudden demand on the body to adapt quickly to a new situation and therefore it depends largely upon perception and sensory input, which belongs to the realm of spirit.

However, the effects of stress instantly reverberate down through the realms of energy and essence via biofeedback and the nervous system. Stress thus preoccupies the entire human system whenever it strikes, engaging body, mind and energy in a vicious circle of tension and turmoil that has no outlet.

In recent years, stress has finally become recognized as a major immunosuppressant and a primary cause of dis-ease.

Unfortunately, the tendency of modern Western medicine is to treat stress with tranquilizers, which temporarily relieve the overt symptoms but compound the physiological damage.

Stress causes the adrenals to secrete adrenaline and cortisone, the latter being a particularly powerful immunosuppressant, especially in the thymus, lymph nodes and spleen.

Cortisone also impairs production of interferon, one of the body's most potent immune agents. Disease associated with high cortisone levels include cancer, hypertension, arthritis, stroke, chronic infections, skin diseases, Parkinson disease and ulcers.

Elevated cortisone is also associated with an increased tendency towards suicide. In Maximum Immunity, Dr. Michael Weiner states: "Psychological stress releases powerful hormones that suppress our immune defenses". In Eat Right or Die Young, Dr. Cass Igram states the case against stress even more bluntly.

The role played by stress in the causation of cancer is so great that it would not be an exaggeration to say that 80% or more cancer cases have their immediate origin in some form of mental pressure or strain.

Grief, distress, fear, worry and anger are emotions which have horrible effects on the body's functions. Researchers have discovered that these emotions cause the release of chemicals from the brain call neuropeptides.

These potent compounds have a profound immune-suppressive action.

Scientists have traced a pathway from the brain to the immune cells proving that negative emotions can stop the immune cells dead in their tracks. This results in part from the release of chemicals from nerve endings. Once this happens, harmful microbes or cancer cells can invade any tissue in the body.

Dr. Igram's analysis is virtually identical to the traditional Chinese medical view of negative emotions as potent causes of disease.

Since the central nervous system has branches with nerve endings that terminate in the glands which regulate the immune system, there is constant biofeedback between hormones and neurochemicals. The immune system functions much like a sensory organ, responding to external stimuli based on sensory input mediated by the nervous system.

A fight-or-flight response from the brain immediately triggers a similar response in the adrenals and other glands and those glandular secretions in turn sustain continued activity of the neurochemicals that triggered the original stress response.

Similarly, calming, soothing, neurochemicals stimulate secretion of calming, soothing hormones, which in turn sustain the activity of those neurochemicals through biofeedback.

Recall the statement of Master Luo Teh-hsiou of Taiwan that the primary mechanism by which chee-gung generated vital energy and rejuvenates the body is by establishing soothing biofeedback between the nervous and endocrine systems.

Dr. Weiner states in Maximum Immunity: "By learning how to control our mind, subtle hormonal changes emerge that then control our biochemical reality". Yale university's cancer surgeon Dr. Bernie Siegel agrees: "Psychological and spiritual development are capable of reversing the disease process". This is virtually a paraphrase of a statement in the chapter entitled "The Oldest Truth" in the 2,000 year-old Internal Medicine Classic; "If one maintains an undisturbed spirit  within, no disease will occur".

The PNI system can be stimulated into a mode of positive biofeedback, which heals the body and restores immunity simply by adopting the right mental attitude. PNI explains, for example, the placebo effect. If the mind can be made to believe that a sugar pill or a capsule of vitamin C is actually a miraculous new drug, it promptly mobilizes the immune system, triggers the healing response, and orchestrates a cure. The "Power of Positive Thinking" is thus rooted in the physiological and biochemical effects it triggers in the body via the nervous system. As Norman Cousins writes; "The will to love is not a theoretical abstraction, but a physiologic reality with therapeutic characteristics.

There are many aspects to positive thinking, foremost among which is will, which the Chinese call yi and equate with primordial spirit. But mental factors, such as enthusiasm, are also important in maintaining health.

If you are bored or frustrated by your job, hobby, marriage or other activities, your mind lacks enthusiasm for life, which in turn saps the will to live.

Simply by changing your habits or creatively solving the problems that frustrate you, you recover enthusiasm, which in turn stimulates vitality and boosts immunity.

A good example of this is the investment banker who late in life contracted "incurable" leukemia. As it turned out, he had always wanted to be a concert violinist rather than a banker, but he repressed his dream in order to please his father and went reluctantly to Wall Street. Condemned to death by his doctor's diagnosis, he decided to shuck his pinstriped suit, retired and learned to play the violin with such enthusiasm that he actually performed on stage before an audience, realizing the dream of a lifetime. Before long, his leukemia went into what his perplexed doctor called "spontaneous remission"; his renewed enthusiasm for life triggered his psychoneuroimmunological defence system to attach the mutant cells causing his leukemia.

Visualization is another effective way to restore immunity and heal the body.

Carl and Stephnie Simonton of the Cancer Counseling and Research Center in Dallas, Texas, reported a case of a young boy with cancer to whom they taught a therapeutic method of visualization. Day after day, the boy vividly imagined jet fighters zooming into his body to strafe and bomb his tumors and sure enough, the tumors soon began to shrink and finally disappeared altogether, without chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Using this technique, the Simonton's have managed to double the survival times of terminal cancer patients under their care.

Despite this impressive achievement, however, conventional medicine continues to rely on radical chemical-mechanistic therapies which destroy the human immune system and make the remaining days of terminal-cancer patients utterly miserable.

Visualization is also a key technique in triggering the healing response during the practice of the Six-Syllable Secret healing chee-gung exercise introduced in an earlier chapter.

The breath mobilizes energy, the lips, tongue and throat establish the required frequency and the movements of limbs stimulate the associated energy channels; at the same time visualization directs the stream of energy into and out of the target organ.

Similarly, in order to activate "palm breathing" during chee-gung or meditation, all you need to do is visualize energy streaming in and out of the points in the center of your palms while performing deep abdominal breathing and soon you can feel it happening.

If you can't it means that you're not concentrating fully on the visualization, that you have serious doubts it will work, or that you're simply not paying sufficient attention to the resulting sensations, any of which factors will negate the effects of the visualization. Mind over matter works both ways; while faith in the method delivers the desired results to the body, doubt obstructs it.

Meditation is a very effective method for boosting immunity and cultivating the power of positive thinking, visualization and mind over matter.

Simply by "sitting still, doing nothing" for a while each day, you give your mind a chance to retire from the stresses of daily life and explore its own innate powers. Even in the beginning stages of practice, when the "monkey mind" hops from one trivial thought to another, meditation still boosts immunity on the physiological level by switching the nervous system over to the restful, restorative, immune - enhancing parasympathetic mode.

Later when you've developed a feel for internal energy and learned how to transport it wherever you wish within your system, you can apply that power to heal injuries, balance energies, stimulate glandular secretions, enhance cerebral energy, exchange energy with your sexual partner, dissolve tumors and other useful purposes.

Though it may sound like a cliché, as so many truths do, love also has great healing powers. Dr. Siegel says: "If I told patients to raise their blood levels of immune globulin's or killer T-cells, no one would know how. But if I can teach them to love themselves and other fully, the same changes happen automatically. The truth is "love heals".

Love energizes the entire immune system and specifically stimulates the production of antibodies.

Lack of love for oneself and others gives rise to negative thoughts and emotions, which as we've already seen, releases immunosuppressive hormones and neurochemicals into the system via the PNI mechanism.

Many people, especially in crowded cities, find themselves stuck in situations they hate, but cannot do anything to change, so they end up hating themselves and others. This results in a state of chronic immune deficiency.

Many of the Chinese medical texts dating from 2,000 years ago lament the ills of "modern times" and allude to the traditional "good old days" another 3,000 years before that. A common theme in these texts is the decline in human health due to careless lifestyles and the deterioration in human relations due to lack of love: degenerative conditions that Taoist alchemy as well as psychoneuroimmunology would link as symptoms of the same syndrome.

In his essay entitled "Loving People" Chang San-fen, the thirteenth-century master, summed it up by saying: "Therefore to those who want to know the way to deal with the world, I suggest, "Love People". This is a potent prescription for health and longevity that generates positive healing energy throughout the human system by stimulating the internal alchemy of psychoneuroimmunology.

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