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From now on watch your internal vital organs from the outside in and use the following
techniques below to determine your present state of health. You do not need a doctor for self-examination - for the
body is a temple of god - you have everything you need to heal yourself: Facial analysis BOTTOM LINE... Everything experienced on the 'outside' is just a reflection of
what's going on 'inside' of you. Exercise, dieting, popping pills, herbal dietary supplements, drugs, and medications do nothing
to cleanse, nourish, heal, renew and rejuvenate the internal organs. Ascending good health and longevity thereby becomes evasive.
Ascending good health is your legitimate birthright. Reclaim it here. From today start looking
at yourself and your health prospects with a different view. An internal view. Facial self diagnosis Question: Do bags under the eyes come from indulging
in too much Discover the facial-organ correlations below.
Source: M. Kushi
Bags under the eyes indicate a large intestine (colon) problem, or kidney problems.
You can cure and prevent it here. All the above items are lifestyle issues; they are not the cause of the bags under the eyes, they just aggravate it. Facial self diagnosis analysis I
The following general correlations can be made between the internal organs and your face.
Lungs and cheeks. Large intestines (colon) and the upper and more peripheral portion of the forehead, and the outer
section of the lower lip, and below the eyes (directly below the kidney points) Heart and tip of the nose. Small intestine and the lower and more central portion of the forehead, and the inner section
of the lower lip. Kidneys and the ears, and a circular area encompassing the region above and below the eyes. Bladder and the top portion of the forehead along the hair line. Spleen and pancreas and the portion of the nose closest to the head and the left eye. The spleen
also correlates to the temples. Stomach and the central portion of the nose, and the upper lip. Duodenum and the outer corners of the mouth. Liver and the area of the forehead between the eyebrows, also the right eye. Gall bladder and the area between the end of the eyebrows and the sideburns. Sexual organs and the area encircling the mouth." A main feature of visual diagnosis is facial diagnosis. Facial features are observed for clues concerning the internal condition of our physical body. For instance changes in facial skin color or texture; puffiness or tight drawn areas; swollen
or sunken areas; the appearances of broken capillaries on the surface of the skin; lines, pimples, freckles, or other marks;
all reflect changes in the function and structure of the related organs. Note each point on your face and its corresponding
organ. You'll immediately know what to start doing to heal it. You don't need to work on the skin, on the facial skin, but
rather you need to work on the corresponding organ and organ energy system. If you really want to know the state of your health, you don't need a barrage of expensive tests,
nor a doctor. Just start looking at yourself. Start connecting with yourself again. Next time you want to know what's going on inside you, just look in the mirror. It's that simple. Everyday, we look in the mirror. Next time take a completely "Bo-Shin, or diagnosis using the practitioner's sense of sight, is based on the myriad polar
relationships existing within the body, including the internal and external, the left and right sides, the front and the back,
the center and periphery, and the head and trunk. It also includes the relationship between the body and the mind. Simply
stated, this means that the internal is reflected in the external; that we can know the inside by viewing the outside."
Facial self diagnosis analysis II Area A: The conditions of the mouth, lips, tongue, mouth cavity, and area around the mouth
show the digestive functions as a whole. This area also relates partially to the respiratory function, especially at its peripheral
area. Area B: The condition of the forehead and its periphery, including the temples and eyebrows,
represent the conditions of the nervous system as a whole. Area C: The side facial areas, including both eyes, cheeks and ears, represent the conditions
and functions of the circulatory and excretory systems as a whole. Tongue self diagnosis Question: Which aperture of the body reflects the internal
organs related to Answer: Mouth.
Your tongue accurately reflects the state of your digestive system- from rectum to esophagus,
including the stomach, small intestines, colon (large intestine), pancreas, spleen, liver and gall bladder.
Imagine, you don't need a battery of tests to find out what part of your digestive tract is in
stress. You can diagnosis the whole GI tract and corresponding organ integrity all in one easy view- just stick your tongue
out. As a whole the tongue reflects the condition of the digestive system and the organs associated
with blood, nutrient assimilation, and excretion. You can also see how 'hot' or how 'cold' your internal organs are. Therefore
it has a high value as a diagnostic tool. Specific sections of the tongue mirror the condition of particular parts of the digestive system
and the digestion related internal organs. The following correspondences exist in this relationship:
A- the tip area reflects the rectum and the descending colon. B- the peripheral area reflects the large intestine. C- the middle region corresponds to the small intestine. D- the back edge region relates to the liver, gallbladder, duodenum, and pancreas. E- the near back region corresponds to the stomach. F- the back region ('the root of the tongue') reflects the esophagus. G- the underside of the tongue reflects the quality of blood and lymph circulation in
each corresponding area. Structural characteristics Like each particular area of the body, the tongue can be used to evaluate one's overall condition.
Zetsu Shin as it is called in Japanese, is one of the most important forms of diagnosis used in Chinese medicine. Two main
aspects are considered in tongue diagnosis. First is the structure of the tongue. Is it wide or narrow, thick or thin, pointed or rounded?
Such qualities convey information concerning the individual's basic constitution and overall strengths and weaknesses of body
and mind. Width:
a wide tongue reflects an overall balanced physical and psychological disposition. a narrow tongue reflects a lack of physical adaptability with pronounced strengths and weaknesses.
Mentally, thinking may be sharp but tend toward seeing a narrow view. a very wide tongue reflects a generally loose and expanded physical condition and a tendency
toward more psychological concerns. Tip:
a rounded tip reflects a flexible yet firm physical and mental condition. a pointed tip reflects a tight, perhaps even rigid physical condition and an aggressive or even
offensive mentality. a very wide tip reflects an overall weakness of the physical body and a flaccid or even "spaced
out" mental condition. a divided tip reflects a tendency toward physical and mental imbalances with the possibility
of sharp fluctuations in thinking and mood. Thickness:
a flat tongue reflects a balanced condition and the ability to flexibly adapt to circumstances.
a thin tongue reflects a more mental orientation, with a tendency to be more gentle and easy
going. a thick tongue reflects a more physical orientation, with the tendency to be assertive or even
aggressive. Color:
Dark red: indicates inflammation; lesions or ulceration; and sometimes a degeneration of the
related organ. White: indicates stagnation of blood; fat and mucus deposits; or a weakness in the blood leading
to such conditions as anemia. Yellow: indicates a disorder of the liver and gallbladder, resulting in an excess secretion of
bile; deposits of animal fats, especially in the middle organs of the body; and possible inflammation. Blue or Purple: indicates stagnation of blood circulation and a serious weakening of the part
of the digestive system that corresponds to the area of the tongue where the color appears. The color on the underside of the tongue can also be used to determine the internal condition.
In general, the colors and their indications listed above are the same, with the following exceptions:
Blue or Green: In excess, either of these color reflect disorders in the blood vessels and in
blood quality and circulation. Purple: In excess, this color reflects disorders of the lymphatic and circulatory system. It
indicates a weakening of the immune ability and of the blood vessels. Texture:
a swollen or enlarged tongue: indicates a Jitsu, or full state. a shriveled or withered-looking tongue: indicates a Kyo, or empty state. Movement:
the flexibility of the tongue also reflects the condition of the digestive system. Characteristics
to look for include:
a flexible, supple, smoothly moving tongue. a stiff, tense, or inflexible tongue. a loose or lolling tongue. a tongue with a pronounced slant to the left or right when it is extended. Pimples or projections of the tongue's surface indicate the discharge of fat, protein, and sugar. Where in the body this discharge is coming from can be determined by the specific area of the
tongue on which it appears. You can find the correlation between the areas of the tongue and the digestive tract. The second major aspect considered in tongue diagnosis is the coating, or moss, as it is called
in Chinese medicine, on the tongue's surface. Qualities are again divided into antagonistic pairs, and include moist and dry, excessive and
deficient, thick or thin. The color of the coating reveals a precise information concerning specific internal conditions. The guidelines explained above, particularly concerning the aspects of location and color, can
be used for a general understanding of the different qualities of coating found on the tongue. They are especially extremely useful when fasting, cleansing or when one is ill. A precise understanding
of the nature of the problems can be achieved in seconds.
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